2 Kings 4
The Widow’s Oil
Miracles, Devotion and Faith: The Mighty Works of Elisha in 2 Kings 4

2 Kings 4 demonstrates the compassionate and miraculous power of God working through Elisha. It challenges us to live a life of faith and to always trust God's providence, especially during adversities. When we extend love and hospitality, God will reward us in ways beyond our comprehension. Let's emulate the Shunammite woman's hospitality, the widow's faith, and Elisha's unwavering belief in God's power.

The Widow's Olive Oil (Verses 1-7)

A widow, who is the wife of a man from the company of the prophets, cries out to Elisha about her dire circumstances, including a looming debt and the threat of her sons being taken as slaves. Elisha instructs her to gather empty jars from her neighbors and then to start pouring her small jar of oil into them. The oil does not run out until all jars are filled, providing the means for her to pay her debt and live on what remains.

The Shunammite Woman's Hospitality (Verses 8-17)

Elisha and his servant Gehazi regularly receive hospitality from a Shunammite woman. Acknowledging her kindness, Elisha wants to repay her. After finding out from Gehazi that she has no son and her husband is old, Elisha promises her a son. Despite her disbelief, she conceives and gives birth to a son, just as Elisha had said.

The Shunammite's Son Restored to Life (Verses 18-37)

The Shunammite woman's son grows but suddenly dies one day. She places him on Elisha's bed and seeks the prophet without informing her husband about their son's death. Elisha, seeing her coming, sends Gehazi to meet her. She insists on seeing Elisha who then sends Gehazi ahead to lay Elisha's staff on the boy's face. When Gehazi's attempt fails, Elisha arrives, prays to God, and lays on the boy. The boy sneezes seven times and comes back to life.

Death in the Pot and the Multiplication of Loaves (Verses 38-44)

At Gilgal, during a famine, Elisha instructs his servant to prepare a stew for the prophets. Unknowingly, a poisonous ingredient is included, causing a panic when discovered. Elisha miraculously purifies the stew. Afterwards, a man from Baal-Shalishah brings Elisha twenty loaves of barley bread and freshly ripened grain. Elisha instructs that it be given to the people. His servant doubts, but Elisha reassures him that the Lord says there will be leftovers, and indeed there are.

2 Kings 4 brings to light the compassionate and miraculous ministry of the prophet Elisha. Amidst adversity, faithfulness is rewarded, prayers are answered, and the impossible becomes possible, illuminating God's boundless love and power.

1. Miraculous Provision
2. Power of Prayer
3. Resurrection
4. Faithfulness
5. Compassion
6. God's Sovereignty
1. Miracles
2. Prophet's Ministry
3. Faith
4. Hospitality
5. Death and Life
6. Sustenance
1. Elisha
2. The Widow and her two sons
3. The Shunammite woman
4. Gehazi, Elisha's servant
5. The Shunammite’s son
6. A man from Baal-Shalishah
1. Elisha's House
2. Shunem
3. Gilgal
Bible Study Questions

1. How does the widow's story in verses 1-7 encourage us to trust in God's provision during desperate times?

2. What lessons can we learn from the Shunammite woman's hospitality towards Elisha?

3. How does the restoration of the Shunammite's son reflect God's power over life and death?

4. Discuss the significance of faith and patience in seeing God's miracles, as seen in the chapter.

5. How can we apply the lessons learned from the miracle of the poisonous stew in our everyday lives?

6. What does Elisha's response to the poisonous stew teach us about dealing with unexpected crises?

7. How does the multiplication of loaves illustrate God's ability to provide abundantly?

8. How does Elisha's life encourage you in your walk of faith?

9. What role does prayer play in the miracles performed by Elisha?

10. How would you respond if you were in the widow's situation today?

11. How does the Shunammite woman's response to her son's death reflect her faith in God's power?

12. If you were Gehazi, how would you react to Elisha's instructions and the miracles you witnessed?

13. How does this chapter challenge our perception of what is possible with God?

14. How can we cultivate the same kind of faith and trust in God demonstrated by Elisha?

15. What does this chapter teach us about God's timing in answering our prayers?

16. How can we demonstrate the same level of hospitality shown by the Shunammite woman in our modern society?

17. How does Elisha's response to the Shunammite woman's kindness reflect God's desire to bless those who bless others?

18. What strategies can we apply today to ensure we don't run out of faith during times of uncertainty, much like the widow's jar of oil?

19. Discuss the importance of obedience as exemplified by Elisha's instructions in the various miracles.

20. How can we apply the principles we've learned from this chapter in dealing with personal crises, setbacks or financial difficulties today?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

2 Kings 3
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