Psalm 78
[an error occurred while processing this directive] Parallel ISV [BSB CSB ESV HCS KJV ISV NAS NET NIV NLT HEB]
[an error occurred while processing this directive]International Standard Version
1[an error occurred while processing this directive]1Listen, my people, to my instruction. Hear the words of my mouth.
2[an error occurred while processing this directive]2I will tell a parable, speaking riddles from long ago—
3[an error occurred while processing this directive]3things that we have heard and known and that our ancestors related to us.
4[an error occurred while processing this directive]4We will not withhold them from their descendants; we'll declare to the next generation the praises of the LORD— his might and awesome deeds that he has performed.
5[an error occurred while processing this directive]5He established a decree in Jacob, and established the Law in Israel, that he commanded our ancestors to reveal to their children
6[an error occurred while processing this directive]6in order that the next generation— children yet to be born— will know them and in turn teach them to their children.
7[an error occurred while processing this directive]7Then they will put their trust in God and they will not forget his awesome deeds. Instead, they will keep his commandments.
8[an error occurred while processing this directive]8They will not be like the rebellious generation of their ancestors, a rebellious generation, whose heart was not steadfast, and whose spirits were unfaithful to God.
9[an error occurred while processing this directive]9The descendants of Ephraim were sharp shooters with the bow, but they retreated in the day of battle.
10[an error occurred while processing this directive]10They did not keep God's covenant, and refused to live by his Law.
11[an error occurred while processing this directive]11They have forgotten what he has done, his awesome deeds that they witnessed.
12[an error occurred while processing this directive]12He performed marvelous things in the presence of their ancestors in the land of Egypt— in the fields of Zoan.
13[an error occurred while processing this directive]13He divided the sea so that they were able to cross; he caused the water to stand in a single location.
14[an error occurred while processing this directive]14He led them with a cloud during the day, and during the night with light from the fire.
15[an error occurred while processing this directive]15He caused the rocks to split in the wilderness, and gave them water as from an abundant sea.
16[an error occurred while processing this directive]16He brought streams from rock, causing water to flow like a river.
17[an error occurred while processing this directive]17But time and again, they sinned against him, rebelling against the Most High in the desert.
18[an error occurred while processing this directive]18To test God was in their minds, when they demanded food to satisfy their cravings.
19[an error occurred while processing this directive]19They spoke against God by asking, "Is God able to prepare a feast in the desert?
20[an error occurred while processing this directive]20It's true that Moses struck the rock so that water flowed forth and torrents of water gushed out, but is he also able to give bread or to supply meat for his people?"
21[an error occurred while processing this directive]21Therefore, when the LORD heard this, he was angry, and fire broke out against Jacob. Moreover, his anger flared against Israel,
22[an error occurred while processing this directive]22because they didn't believe in God and didn't trust in his deliverance.
23[an error occurred while processing this directive]23Yet he commanded the skies above and the doors of the heavens to open,
24[an error occurred while processing this directive]24so that manna rained down on them for food and he sent them the grain of heaven.
25[an error occurred while processing this directive]25Mortal men ate the food of angels; he sent provision to them in abundance.
26[an error occurred while processing this directive]26He stirred up the east wind in the heavens and drove the south wind by his might.
27[an error occurred while processing this directive]27He caused meat to rain on them like dust and winged birds as the sand of the sea.
28[an error occurred while processing this directive]28He caused these to fall in the middle of the camp and all around their tents.
29[an error occurred while processing this directive]29So they ate and were very satisfied, because he granted their desire.
30[an error occurred while processing this directive]30However, before they had fulfilled their desire, while their food was still in their mouths,
31[an error occurred while processing this directive]31the anger of God flared against them, and he killed the strongest men and humbled Israel's young men.
32[an error occurred while processing this directive]32In spite of all of this, they kept on sinning and didn't believe in his marvelous deeds.
33[an error occurred while processing this directive]33So he made their days end in futility, and their years with sudden terror.
34[an error occurred while processing this directive]34When he struck them, they sought him; they repented, and eagerly sought God.
35[an error occurred while processing this directive]35Then they remembered that God was their rock, and the Most High God was their deliverer.
36[an error occurred while processing this directive]36But they deceived him with their mouths; they lied to him with their tongues.
37[an error occurred while processing this directive]37For their hearts weren't committed to him, and they weren't faithful to his covenant.
38[an error occurred while processing this directive]38But he, being merciful, forgave their iniquity and didn't destroy them; He restrained his anger and didn't vent all his wrath.
39[an error occurred while processing this directive]39For he remembered that they were only flesh, a passing wind that doesn't return.
40[an error occurred while processing this directive]40How they rebelled against him in the desert, grieving him in the wilderness!
41[an error occurred while processing this directive]41They tested God again and again, provoking the Holy One of Israel.
42[an error occurred while processing this directive]42They did not remember his power— the day he delivered them from their adversary,
43[an error occurred while processing this directive]43when he set his signs in Egypt and his wonders in the plain of Zoan.
44[an error occurred while processing this directive]44He turned their rivers into blood and made their streams undrinkable.
45[an error occurred while processing this directive]45He sent swarms of insects to bite them and frogs to destroy them.
46[an error occurred while processing this directive]46He gave their crops to caterpillars and what they worked for to locusts.
47[an error occurred while processing this directive]47He destroyed their vines with hail and their sycamore trees with frost.
48[an error occurred while processing this directive]48He delivered their beasts to hail and their livestock to lightning bolts.
49[an error occurred while processing this directive]49He inflicted his burning anger, wrath, indignation, and distress, sending destroying angels among them.
50[an error occurred while processing this directive]50He blazed a path for his anger; he did not stop short from killing them, but handed them over to pestilence.
51[an error occurred while processing this directive]51He struck every firstborn in Egypt, the first fruits of their manhood in the tents of Ham.
52[an error occurred while processing this directive]52Yet he led out his people like sheep, guiding them like a flock in the desert.
53[an error occurred while processing this directive]53He led them to safety so they would not fear. As for their enemies, the sea covered them.
54[an error occurred while processing this directive]54He brought the people to the border of his holy mountain, which he acquired by his might.
55[an error occurred while processing this directive]55He drove out nations before them and allotted their tribal inheritance, settling the tribes of Israel in their tents.
56[an error occurred while processing this directive]56But they tested the Most High God by rebelling against him, and they did not obey his statutes.
57[an error occurred while processing this directive]57They fell away and were as disloyal as their ancestors. They became unreliable, like a defective bow;
58[an error occurred while processing this directive]58they angered him with their high places and with their carved images they made him jealous.
59[an error occurred while processing this directive]59God heard and became furious, and he completely rejected Israel.
60[an error occurred while processing this directive]60He abandoned the tent at Shiloh, the tent that he established among mankind.
61[an error occurred while processing this directive]61Then he sent his might into captivity and his glory into the control of the adversary.
62[an error occurred while processing this directive]62He delivered his people over to the sword and was angry with his possession.
63[an error occurred while processing this directive]63The young men were consumed by fire, and the virgins had no marriage celebrations.
64[an error occurred while processing this directive]64The priests fell by the sword, yet their widows couldn't weep.
65[an error occurred while processing this directive]65The LORD awoke as though from sleep, like a mighty warrior stimulated by wine.
66[an error occurred while processing this directive]66He beat back his adversaries, permanently disgracing them.
67[an error occurred while processing this directive]67He rejected the clan of Joseph; and the tribe of Ephraim he did not choose.
68[an error occurred while processing this directive]68But he chose the tribe of Judah, the mountain of Zion, which he loves.
69[an error occurred while processing this directive]69He built his sanctuary, high as the heavens, like the earth that he established forever.
70[an error occurred while processing this directive]70Then he chose his servant David, whom he took from the sheepfold.
71[an error occurred while processing this directive]71He brought him from birthing sheep to care for Jacob, his people, Israel, his possession.
72[an error occurred while processing this directive]72David shepherded them with a devoted heart, and led them with skillful hands.
[an error occurred while processing this directive]The Holy Bible: International Standard Version® Release 2.1 Copyright © 1996-2012 The ISV Foundation
Psalm 77
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