Title Page
HYMN I. Holy, Holy, Holy! All
HYMN II. The Creation and Dissolution of all Things.
HYMN III. God the Creator.
HYMN IV. The Glory of God in Creation.
HYMN V. God all in all.
HYMN VI. The Guilt and Folly of denying God.
HYMN VII. The Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace.
HYMN VIII. The Soul.
HYMN IX. The Temple of the Soul.
HYMN X. The Earth full of the Goodness of God.
HYMN XI. The Sabbath.
HYMN XII. Universal Worship.--Ps. cxlviii.
HYMN XIII. The various Lots of Man in Life.
HYMN XIV. Man's Fall and Restoration.
HYMN XV. The Heavens declare the Glory of God.--Ps. xix.
HYMN XVI. The Curse and the Blessing.
HYMN XVII. The Names and Offices of Christ.
HYMN XVIII. The Spirit creating all Things New.
HYMN XIX. The Flood.
HYMN XX. Escape from the Deluge of Old.
HYMN XXI. The Building of another Tower than Babel.
HYMN XXII. God in Creation, Providence, and Grace.
HYMN XXIII. Rest for the Soul--Psalm cxvi. 7.
HYMN XXIV. The Bible.
HYMN XXV. The Holy Scriptures.
HYMN XXVI. The Bible a Light to the Christian's Feet
HYMN XXVII. The Law and the Testimonies.--Ps. xix.
HYMN XXVIII. The Word of God in all its power.
HYMN XXIX. The invitation of Wisdom.--Prov. viii.
HYMN XXX. "Thou, God, seest me."--Gen. xvi. 13.
HYMN XXXI. The Almightiness of God.--Mark, x. 27.
HYMN XXXII. All have sinned; all may be saved.
HYMN XXXIII. Christ the Messiah manifested in his Advent and Offices.
HYMN XXXIV. The Name above every Name.
HYMN XXXV. Angels and Men.
HYMN XXXVI. Vain Confidence and Self-deception.
HYMN XXXVII. To Thee in whom we live and move,
HYMN XXXVIII. Covenanting to serve the Lord.
HYMN XXXIX. I will bless thee,--and thou shalt be a blessing."--Gen. xii. 2.
HYMN XL. The Lord the Good Shepherd.--Ps. xxiii.
HYMN XLI. The Majesty of God.--Ps. xcii.
HYMN XLII. God Omnipresent and Omniscient--Ps. cxxxix.
HYMN XLIII. The Christian Soldier.
HYMN XLIV. The peaceful Summons of Salvation opposed to the Sounds of War.--(Anniversary.)
HYMN XLV. God's great Deliverance of His People.--Ps. cvii.
HYMN XLVI. Time past, Time Passing, Time to come.--Ps xc.
HYMN XLVII. The Long-suffering, Loving-kindness, and Tender-mercies of God.--Ps. ciii.
HYMN XLVIII. Moses in the Desert.
HYMN XLIX. The Death of Moses.
HYMN L. The Three Mountains.
HYMN LI. Choosing the Heritage of God's People.
HYMN LII. A Visit to Bethlehem in Spirit.
HYMN LIII. The Three Marys.
HYMN LIV. The Good Shepherd and His Flock.
HYMN LV. The Christian Israel.
HYMN LVI. The Waters of Life.--Numbers xxi.
HYMN LVII. A Fountain opened for Sin and Uncleanness.
HYMN LVIII. Christ's Mission.
HYMN LIX. The Prince of Peace.
HYMN LX. Christ our Example in Suffering.
HYMN LXI. Christ's Passion.
HYMN LXII. What is Prayer?
HYMN LXIII. The Lord's Prayer.--I.
HYMN LXIV. Wants and Wishes in Prayer.
HYMN LXV. The Preparation of the Heart.
HYMN LXVI. Remembrance and Resolution.--Ps. lxii.
HYMN LXVII. Asking, Seeking, Finding.--Matt. vii. 7, 8.
HYMN LXVIII. "O Thou, that hearest Prayer!"--Ps. lxv. 2.
HYMN LXIX. Scriptural Prayers.
HYMN LXX. Solomon's Prayer for Wisdom.
HYMN LXXI. Our Saviour's Prayers.
HYMN LXXII. Prayer for Increase of Holy Wisdom.
HYMN LXXIII. Pleading in Prayer.
HYMN LXXIV. Perseverance in Prayer.
HYMN LXXV. The Name above every Name.
HYMN LXXVI. The Confidence of Prayer.--Matt. xiv. 22.
HYMN LXXVII. For Acceptance in Prayer, and daily Guidance.--Ps. cxli.
HYMN LXXVIII. Closet Prayer.--Matt. vi. 6.
HYMN LXXIX. Daily Prayer.--Luke xviii. 1.
HYMN LXXX. A prayer for every Day and all Day long.
HYMN LXXXI. An Evening Thought.--Ps. iv.
HYMN LXXXII. Fervent Supplication.--Ps. cxxx.
HYMN LXXXIII. For Grace to surrender all to Christ.
HYMN LXXXIV. For the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
HYMN LXXXV. Resignation.
HYMN LXXXVI. Exhortation to Praise and Thanksgiving.
HYMN LXXXVII. Exhortation to universal Praise and Thanksgiving.--Ps. cxvii.
HYMN LXXXVIII. The Lord of Hosts.--Ps. xlvi.
HYMN LXXXIX. The Song of Songs.
HYMN XC. Glory to God in the Highest.--Luke ii. 13.
HYMN XCI. Angels with Men, rejoicing in God.
HYMN XCII. God universally worshipped.
HYMN XCIII. Te Deum laudamus.
HYMN XCIV. Hallelujah.
HYMN XCV. The Lord's Day.
HYMN XCVI. Longing for the Courts of the Lord's House.--Ps. xlii.
HYMN XCVII. Preparation for Public Worship.
HYMN XCVIII. For Divine Blessing on the Ministry of the Word.
HYMN XCIX. For a solemn Assembly.
HYMN C. For the Peace and Prosperity of the Church.--Ps. cxxii.
HYMN CI. Ps. cxxii. 7-9.
HYMN CII. Sabbath worship in the Sanctuary.
HYMN CIII. Public Worship.
HYMN CIV. Spiritual Worship.
HYMN CV. The Courts of the Lord's House.
HYMN CVI. Waiting upon God in His House.
HYMN CVII. For the great Congregation.
HYMN CVIII. For Grace to know ourselves.
HYMN CIX. The Communion of Saints.--Heb. xii. 18-26.
HYMN CX. The Covenant of Peace renewed between Christians.
HYMN CXI. For Christ-likeness.
HYMN CXII. Assurance and Encouragement.--Matt. vii. 7, 8.
HYMN CXIII. The House of Prayer.--Isaiah lvi. 7.
HYMN CXIV. Efficacy of united and faithful Prayer.
HYMN CXV. A Day in the Lord's Courts.
HYMN CXVI. Waiting on the Lord.
HYMN CXVII. Ps. cxxxix. 23, 24.
HYMN CXVIII. The Day of Grace.
HYMN CXIX. Invitation to seek the better Country.
HYMN CXX. Evening Song for the Sabbath-day.
HYMN CXXI. Seeking the Lord's Face.--Psalm xxvii.
HYMN CXXII. The Image of Christ.
HYMN CXXIII. Gratitude for Redemption.--Ps. cxvi.
HYMN CXXIV. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
HYMN CXXV. "Himself He could not save."--Mark xv. 31.
HYMN CXXVI. Christ Jesus our Pattern in doing and suffering.
HYMN CXXVII. The power of Christ's Resurrection.
HYMN CXXVIII. The Resurrection.
HYMN CXXIX. "This do in remembrance of Me."--Luke xxii. 19.
HYMN CXXX. The Lord's Supper.
HYMN CXXXI. Christ in the Midst of His People.
HYMN CXXXII. "And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh."--Genesis xxxii. 26.
HYMN CXXXIII. For Ascension Day.--Ps. xxiv.
HYMN CXXXIV. For Ascension Day.
HYMN CXXXV. The parting of Christian Friends.
HYMN CXXXVI. The Descent of the Spirit.--Acts, ii. 1-4.
HYMN CXXXVII. Could I command with voice or pen
HYMN CXXXVIII. Barnabas.--Acts, xi. 22-26.
HYMN CXXXIX. The universal Church.--Isa. lxvi. 12, 23.
HYMN CXL. The Lord's Prayer.--II.
HYMN CXLI. The good Providence of the Lord.--Is. cxlvi.
HYMN CXLII. Providence and Grace.
HYMN CXLIII. The Lighthouse.
HYMN CXLIV. Choosing the Better Part.
HYMN CXLV. God's merciful Guardianship of his People.--Ps. xci.
HYMN CXLVI. Acknowledgment that Divine Providence chooses our Lot.
HYMN CXLVII. Change and Progress in Nature and Grace.
HYMN CXLVIII. Prayer for Power to give our Hearts to God.
HYMN CXLIX. The fellowship of those who fear the Lord.--Malachi iii. 16-18; iv. 1.
HYMN CL. Reception into Church Fellowship.--I.
HYMN CLI. Reception into Church Fellowship.--II.
HYMN CLII. Symbols of Christian Fellowship.
HYMN CLIII. Fellow Travellers on Heaven's Highway.
HYMN CLIV. Christian Union symbolized by Natural Objects.
HYMN CLV. The Bond of the Communion of Saints.
HYMN CLVI. Working the Works of God.
HYMN CLVII. Heaven in Prospect.
HYMN CLVIII. "Valiant for the Truth."
HYMN CLIX. For Spiritual Help and Health.
HYMN CLX. The Change of Heart.
HYMN CLXI. The Good Shepherd and His Flock.
HYMN CLXII. Watch and Pray.--Mark. xiv. 38.
HYMN CLXIII. Grace and Glory.
HYMN CLXIV. The Christian Graces.--1 Cor. xiii. 13.
HYMN CLXV. Christ in various Characters.
HYMN CLXVI. Renewal in the Image of Christ.
HYMN CLXVII. The Walk of Faith.
HYMN CLXVIII. The Surrender of the Heart.
HYMN CLXIX. Self-Knowledge.
HYMN CLXX. Self-discoveries.
HYMN CLXXI. "I have sinned against the Lord."--
HYMN CLXXII. In great Tribulation.
HYMN CLXXIII. "O save me for thy mercies' sake."--Ps. vi. 4.
HYMN CLXXIV. The Assurance of Hope.--Isaiah, liv. 10.
HYMN CLXXV. The first of all the Commandments.--Mark, xii. 30.
HYMN CLXXVI. Earnest Supplication, under Trials of Faith.--Ps. cxliii.
HYMN CLXXVII. For Peace of Mind.--Job, xxiii. 3, 4, 10, 16.
HYMN CLXXVIII. In Bereavement.
HYMN CLXXIX. In Affliction.
HYMN CLXXX. Surrender of all to God.
HYMN CLXXXI. A Complaint.
HYMN CLXXXII. An After-Thought.
HYMN CLXXXIII. The Prisoner of the Lord.
HYMN CLXXXIV. Despondency.
HYMN CLXXXV. Despondency Self-Corrected.--Ps. lxxvii.
HYMN CLXXXVI. The Image of God.
HYMN CLXXXVII. Prayer for Humility.--Ps. cxxxi.
HYMN CLXXXVIII. Psalm. cix. 21.; Micah, vi. 9.
HYMN CLXXXIX. Trust in the Lord.
HYMN CXC. Thanksgiving for Deliverance from Trouble.--Ps. xxx.
HYMN CXCI. "Lovest thou Me?--John, xxi. 15-17.
HYMN CXCII. For Divine Protection on a Day's Journey.
HYMN CXCIII. Prayers on Pilgrimage.
HYMN CXCIV. Prayers on Pilgrimage.--"Lord help me."--Matt. xv. 25.
HYMN CXCV. The Heritage of the Lord's People.--Rev. xxi. 5-7.
HYMN CXCVI. For Divine Manifestations.
HYMN CXCVII. The Believer's sure Trust.--Hab. iii. 17, 18.
HYMN CXCVIII. The still small Voice.--2 Kings, xix. 11, 12.
HYMN CXCIX. Let Brotherly Love continue.--Ps. cxxxiii.
HYMN CC. The Church Militant learning the Church Triumphant's Song.
HYMN CCI. Psalm xcvi. 1, 2.
HYMN CCII. For the Centenary Jubilee of a Christian Church.
HYMN CCIII. The Lapse of Time.
HYMN CCIV. Mercies acknowledged.
HYMN CCV. Providence.
HYMN CCVI. The Family Altar.
HYMN CCVII. The Family Table.
HYMN CCIX. Morning.
HYMN CCX. Morning.
HYMN CCXII. Midnight.
HYMN CCXIII. A Night Thought.
HYMN CCXIV. The Issues of Life and Death.
HYMN CCXV. Life, Death, and Judgment.--Job xiv. 1-3. 11-13.
HYMN CCXVI. Past, Present, Future.
HYMN CCXVII. The Measures of Time.
HYMN CCXVIII. Man's Birth, Death, and Judgment.
HYMN CCXIX. Life with its infinite Alternatives.
HYMN CCXX. For Old Age.--Ps. lxxi.
HYMN CCXXI. Preparation through Life unto Death.
HYMN CCXXII. The Flight of Time an incentive to Religious Diligence.
HYMN CCXXIII. The Body dies; the Soul suffers no Decay.
HYMN CCXXIV. The Value of a Moment.
HYMN CCXXV. Translation of a paraphrase of part of chap. xxxi. of Jeremiah, by the late Felix Neff, Pastor of the High Alps: sung at his bedside, a little before his death, by some of his friends.
HYMN CCXXVI. The Living and the Dead.
HYMN CCXXVII. Preparation for Heaven.
HYMN CCXXVIII. Heaven on Earth.
HYMN CCXXIX. An Antepast of Heaven.--Psalm xlvi.
HYMN CCXXX. The Valley of the Shadow of Death.--Psalm xxiii. 4.
HYMN CCXXXI. Mercies remembered and anticipated.--Ps. xxiii. 4-6.
HYMN CCXXXII. Sin and Death conquered.--Romans, x. 4.
HYMN CCXXXIII. The Day of Judgment.
HYMN CCXXXIV. At Home in Heaven--1 Thess. iv. 17.
HYMN CCXXXV. The Security of Saints amidst the Destruction of Sinners.
HYMN CCXXXVI. The Day after Judgment.
HYMN CCXXXVII. The Song of the Hundred and forty and four thousand.
HYMN CCXXXVIII. For ever with the Lord.
HYMN CCXXXIX. Good Tidings of Great Joy to all People.
HYMN CCXL. Invitation to the Jews to acknowledge Christ.
HYMN CCXLI. The Restoration of Israel.
HYMN CCXLII. The Christians' Call to the Gypies.--Isa. xviii. 7.
HYMN CCXLIII. For a Deaf Man.
HYMN CCXLIV. For Mariners.
HYMN CCXLV. Invocation to Peace.--Phil. iv. 7.
HYMN CCXLVI. For a Birthday.
HYMN CCXLVII. For a Friend's Birthday.
HYMN CCXLVIII. For the renewal of Anniversary Blessings.
HYMN CCXLIX. On a special Christian Festival Occasion.
HYMN CCL. For Christmas.
HYMN CCLI. For a Religious Anniversary.
HYMN CCLII. An Hundred Years ago.
HYMN CCLIII. Thy Kingdom come.
HYMN CCLIV. Farewell to a Missionary.
HYMN CCLV. The Field of the World.
HYMN CCLVI. The Gathering of the Gentiles.
HYMN CCLVII. The Spirit accompanying the Word of God.
HYMN CCLVIII. For a Juvenile Missionary Meeting.
HYMN CCLIX. Garden thoughts.
HYMN CCLX. The success of the Gospel in our days.
HYMN CCLXI. On the Jubilee of the London Missionary Society.
HYMN CCLXII. For a Congregation of Negroes.
HYMN CCLXIII. The Year of Jubilee.
HYMN CCLXIV. On the Decease of an eminent Christian Missionary in the West Indies.
HYMN CCLXV. China Evangelized.
HYMN CCLXVI. All nations shall serve Him.--Ps. lxxii. 11.
HYMN CCLXVII. The Reign of Christ on Earth.--Ps. lxxii.
HYMN CCLXVIII. An universal Sabbath Day anticipated.
HYMN CCLXIX. Jubilee Anniversary of the Baptist Missionary Society.
HYMN CCLXX. On the Jubilee of the Church Missionary Society.
HYMN CCLXXI. For the Centenary Jubilee of the Moravian, or United Brethren's Church, June 17, 1822.
HYMN CCLXXII. For the Centenary Celebration
HYMN CCLXXIII. For the Centenary Anniversaries of the Brethren's Eldership, and the beginning of the Society for the furtherance of the Gospel in the Moravian Church, November 13 and 19, 1841.
HYMN CCLXXIV. For the Jubilee Celebration of the Religious Tra
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