3129. manthanó
Strong's Concordance
manthanó: to learn
Original Word: μανθάνω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: manthanó
Phonetic Spelling: (man-than'-o)
Definition: to learn
Usage: I learn; with adj. or nouns: I learn to be so and so; with acc. of person who is the object of knowledge; aor. sometimes: to ascertain.
HELPS Word-studies

3129 manthánō (akin to 3101 /mathētḗs, "a disciple") – properly, learning key facts; gaining "fact-knowledge as someone learns from experience, often with the implication of reflection – 'come to realize' " (L & N, 1, 27.15).

NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from the root math-
to learn
NASB Translation
educated (1), find (1), learn (12), learned (9), learning (1), receive instruction (1).

Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 3129: μανθάνω

μανθάνω; 2 aorist ἔμαθον; perfect participle μεμαθηκώς; the Sept. for לָמַד; (from Homer down); to learn, be apprised;

a. universally: absolutely, to increase one's knowledge, 1 Timothy 2:11; 2 Timothy 3:7; to be increased in knowledge, 1 Corinthians 14:31; τί, Romans 16:17; 1 Corinthians 14:35; Philippians 4:9; 2 Timothy 3:14; Revelation 14:3; in John 7:15 supply αὐτά; followed by an indirect question, Matthew 9:13; Χριστόν, to be imbued with the knowledge of Christ, Ephesians 4:20; τί followed by ἀπό with the genitive of the thing furnishing the instruction, Matthew 24:32; Mark 13:28; ἀπό with the genitive of the person teaching, Matthew 11:29; Colossians 1:7; as in classical Greek (cf. Krüger, § 68, 34, 1; Buttmann, § 147, 5 (cf. 167 (146) and ἀπό, II. 1 d.)); followed by παρά with the genitive of person teaching, 2 Timothy 3:14 cf. John 6:45; followed by ἐν with the dative of person, in one i. e. by his example (see ἐν, I. 3 b.), 1 Corinthians 4:6 (cf. Winers Grammar, 590 (548f); Buttmann, 394f (338)).

b. equivalent to to hear, be informed: followed by ὅτι, Acts 23:27; τί ἀπό τίνος (genitive of person), Galatians 3:2 (see ἀπό, as above).

c. to learn by use and practice; (in the preterite) to be in the habit of, accustomed to: followed by an infinitive, 1 Timothy 5:; Titus 3:14; Philippians 4:11 (Aeschylus Prom. 1068; Xenophon, an. 3, 2, 25); ἔμαθεν ἀφ' ὧν ἔπαθε τήν ὑπακοήν, Hebrews 5:8 (cf. Winer's Grammar, § 68, 1 and ἀπό, as above). In the difficult passage 1 Timothy 5:13, neither ἀργαί depends upon the verb μανθάνουσι (which would mean they learn to be idle, or learn idleness; so Bretschneider (Lexicon, under the word 2 b.), and Winers Grammar, 347 (325f); (cf. Stallbaum's note and references on Plato's Euthydemus, p. 276 b.)), nor περιερχόμενοι (they learn to go about from house to house, — so the majority of interpreters; for, according to uniform Greek usage, a participle joined to the verb μανθάνειν and belonging to the subject denotes what sort of a person one learns or perceives himself to be, as ἔμαθεν ἔγκυος οὖσα, she perceived herself to be with child, Herodotus 1, 5); but μανθάνειν must be taken absolutely (see a. above) and emphatically, of what they learn by going about from house to house and what it is unseemly for them to know; cf. Bengel ad loc, and Buttmann, § 144, 17; (so Wordsworth, in the place cited). (Compare: καταμανθάνω.)

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
learn, understand.

Prolongation from a primary verb, another form of which, matheo, is used as an alternate in certain tenses; to learn (in any way) -- learn, understand.

Forms and Transliterations
έμαθε εμαθεν έμαθεν ἔμαθεν εμαθες έμαθες ἔμαθες εμαθετε εμάθετε ἐμάθετε εμαθον έμαθον ἔμαθον εμάνθανες μάθε μαθείν μαθεῖν μαθετε μάθετε μάθη μάθης μαθήσεσθε μαθήση μαθήσομαι μαθήσονται μαθητε μάθητε μαθόντες μάθω μαθων μαθών μαθὼν μάθωσι μάθωσιν μανθανειν μανθάνειν μανθάνετε μανθανετω μανθανέτω μανθανετωσαν μανθανέτωσαν μανθανοντα μανθάνοντα μανθάνοντος μανθάνουσι μανθανουσιν μανθάνουσιν μανθανωσιν μανθάνωσιν μεμάθηκεν μεμαθηκέναι μεμαθηκότες μεμαθηκως μεμαθηκώς emathen émathen emathes émathes emathete emáthete emathon émathon manthaneto manthanetō manthanéto manthanétō manthanetosan manthanetōsan manthanétosan manthanétōsan manthanonta manthánonta manthanosin manthanōsin manthánosin manthánōsin manthanousin manthánousin mathein matheîn mathete mathēte máthete máthēte mathon mathōn mathṑn memathekos memathekṓs memathēkōs memathēkṓs
Interlinear GreekInterlinear HebrewStrong's NumbersEnglishman's Greek ConcordanceEnglishman's Hebrew ConcordanceParallel Texts
Englishman's Concordance
Matthew 9:13 V-AMA-2P
GRK: πορευθέντες δὲ μάθετε τί ἐστιν
NAS: But go and learn what this means:
KJV: go ye and learn what
INT: having gone moreover learn what is

Matthew 11:29 V-AMA-2P
GRK: ὑμᾶς καὶ μάθετε ἀπ' ἐμοῦ
NAS: My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am
KJV: you, and learn of me;
INT: you and learn from me

Matthew 24:32 V-AMA-2P
GRK: τῆς συκῆς μάθετε τὴν παραβολήν
NAS: Now learn the parable
KJV: Now learn a parable of
INT: the fig tree learn the parable

Mark 13:28 V-AMA-2P
GRK: τῆς συκῆς μάθετε τὴν παραβολήν
NAS: Now learn the parable
KJV: Now learn a parable of
INT: the fig tree learn the parable

John 6:45 V-APA-NMS
GRK: πατρὸς καὶ μαθὼν ἔρχεται πρὸς
NAS: who has heard and learned from the Father,
KJV: and hath learned of
INT: Father and having learned comes to

John 7:15 V-RPA-NMS
GRK: οἶδεν μὴ μεμαθηκώς
NAS: having never been educated?
KJV: having never learned?
INT: knows not having studied

Acts 23:27 V-APA-NMS
GRK: στρατεύματι ἐξειλάμην μαθὼν ὅτι Ῥωμαῖός
NAS: and rescued him, having learned that he was a Roman.
KJV: him, having understood that
INT: troop I rescued having learned that a Roman

Romans 16:17 V-AIA-2P
GRK: ἣν ὑμεῖς ἐμάθετε ποιοῦντας καὶ
NAS: which you learned, and turn away
KJV: which ye have learned; and avoid
INT: which you learned make and

1 Corinthians 4:6 V-ASA-2P
GRK: ἐν ἡμῖν μάθητε τό Μὴ
NAS: so that in us you may learn not to exceed
KJV: your sakes; that ye might learn in us
INT: in us you might learn not

1 Corinthians 14:31 V-PSA-3P
GRK: ἵνα πάντες μανθάνωσιν καὶ πάντες
NAS: that all may learn and all
KJV: that all may learn, and all
INT: that all might learn and all

1 Corinthians 14:35 V-PNA
GRK: δέ τι μαθεῖν θέλουσιν ἐν
NAS: they desire to learn anything,
KJV: they will learn any thing,
INT: moreover anything to learn they wish at

Galatians 3:2 V-ANA
GRK: μόνον θέλω μαθεῖν ἀφ' ὑμῶν
NAS: I want to find out from you: did you receive
KJV: only would I learn of you,
INT: only I wish to learn from you

Ephesians 4:20 V-AIA-2P
GRK: οὐχ οὕτως ἐμάθετε τὸν χριστόν
NAS: But you did not learn Christ
KJV: not so learned Christ;
INT: not thus learned Christ

Philippians 4:9 V-AIA-2P
GRK: ἃ καὶ ἐμάθετε καὶ παρελάβετε
NAS: The things you have learned and received
KJV: ye have both learned, and received,
INT: What also you learned and received

Philippians 4:11 V-AIA-1S
GRK: ἐγὼ γὰρ ἔμαθον ἐν οἷς
NAS: from want, for I have learned to be content
KJV: I have learned, in
INT: I indeed learned in whatever [circumstances]

Colossians 1:7 V-AIA-2P
GRK: καθὼς ἐμάθετε ἀπὸ Ἐπαφρᾶ
NAS: just as you learned [it] from Epaphras,
KJV: ye also learned of Epaphras
INT: even as you learned from Epaphras

1 Timothy 2:11 V-PMA-3S
GRK: ἐν ἡσυχίᾳ μανθανέτω ἐν πάσῃ
NAS: must quietly receive instruction with entire
KJV: Let the woman learn in silence
INT: in quietness let learn in all

1 Timothy 5:4 V-PMA-3P
GRK: ἔκγονα ἔχει μανθανέτωσαν πρῶτον τὸν
NAS: they must first learn to practice piety
KJV: nephews, let them learn first
INT: descendants have let them learn first [as to] the

1 Timothy 5:13 V-PIA-3P
GRK: καὶ ἀργαὶ μανθάνουσιν περιερχόμεναι τὰς
NAS: they also learn [to be] idle,
KJV: withal they learn [to be] idle,
INT: also [to be] idle they learn going about to the

2 Timothy 3:7 V-PPA-ANP
GRK: πάντοτε μανθάνοντα καὶ μηδέποτε
NAS: always learning and never able
KJV: Ever learning, and never
INT: always learning and never

2 Timothy 3:14 V-AIA-2S
GRK: ἐν οἷς ἔμαθες καὶ ἐπιστώθης
NAS: in the things you have learned and become convinced
KJV: the things which thou hast learned and
INT: in the things you did learn and were assured of

2 Timothy 3:14 V-AIA-2S
GRK: παρὰ τίνων ἔμαθες
NAS: from whom you have learned [them],
KJV: of whom thou hast learned [them];
INT: from whom you did learn [them]

Titus 3:14 V-PMA-3P
GRK: Μανθανέτωσαν δὲ καὶ
NAS: must also learn to engage
KJV: ours also learn to maintain good
INT: let learn and also

Hebrews 5:8 V-AIA-3S
GRK: ὢν υἱός ἔμαθεν ἀφ' ὧν
NAS: He was a Son, He learned obedience
KJV: a Son, yet learned he obedience
INT: being a son he learned from the things which

Revelation 14:3 V-ANA
GRK: οὐδεὶς ἐδύνατο μαθεῖν τὴν ᾠδὴν
NAS: and no one could learn the song except
KJV: no man could learn that song but
INT: no one was able to learn the song

Strong's Greek 3129
25 Occurrences

ἔμαθεν — 1 Occ.
ἔμαθες — 2 Occ.
ἐμάθετε — 4 Occ.
ἔμαθον — 1 Occ.
μανθανέτω — 1 Occ.
μανθανέτωσαν — 2 Occ.
μανθάνωσιν — 1 Occ.
μανθάνοντα — 1 Occ.
μανθάνουσιν — 1 Occ.
μάθητε — 1 Occ.
μαθεῖν — 3 Occ.
μάθετε — 4 Occ.
μαθὼν — 2 Occ.
μεμαθηκώς — 1 Occ.

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