Israel’s Rebelliousness and the LORD’S Help. Oh give For His mercy 2Who Or can proclaim 3How blessed [d]Who practice 4Remember Visit 5So that I may see That I may rejoice That I may boast 6We have sinned We have gone 7Our fathers They did not remember But rebelled 8Nevertheless He saved So that He might make 9So He rebuked And He led 10So He saved And redeemed 11The waters Not one 12Then they believed They sang 13They quickly They did not wait 14But became And put 15So He gave But sent 16When they became And of Aaron 17The earth And engulfed 18And a fire The flame 19They made And worshiped 20So they exchanged For the image 21They forgot Who had done 22[q]Wonders And awesome 23Therefore He said If Moses To turn 24Then they rejected They did not believe 25But grumbled They did not listen 26Therefore He [s]swore That He would have them fall 27And that He would bring And scatter 28They also followed And ate 29So they provoked And a plague 30Then Phinehas And so the plague 31And it was credited To all 32They also provoked So that it went 33Because He spoke 34They did not destroy As the LORD 35But they got And learned 36And served Which became 37They even sacrificed 38And shed The blood Whom And the land 39So they became And [aa]were 40Therefore the anger And He loathed 41So He handed And those 42Their enemies And they were subdued 43Many They, however, were rebellious And they sank 44Nevertheless He looked When He heard 45And He remembered And [ae]relented 46He also made In the presence 47Save And gather To give And glory 48Blessed From everlasting And all [a] 1 Or Hallelujah! [b] 1 Heb YAH [c] 3 Or judgment [d] 3 Many Heb mss The one who performs [e] 4 Lit of [f] 5 I.e., people [g] 6 Lit with [h] 7 I.e., wonderful acts [i] 7 Lit the multitude of Your kindnesses [j] 7 Lit Sea of Reeds [k] 9 Lit Sea of Reeds [l] 10 Or power [m] 10 Or power [n] 15 Or leanness into their soul [o] 17 Or assembly, band [p] 18 Or assembly, band [q] 22 I.e., Wonderful acts [r] 22 Lit Sea of Reeds [s] 26 Lit lifted up His hand [t] 27 Lit seed [u] 28 Or Baal of Peor [v] 30 Or pronounced judgment [w] 32 Lit strife [x] 33 Or his spirit [y] 35 Lit works [z] 39 Lit works [aa] 39 Or prostituted themselves [ab] 40 I.e., people [ac] 41 Or Gentiles [ad] 42 Lit hand [ae] 45 Lit was sorry [af] 48 Or Hallelujah! [ag] 48 Heb YAH New American Standard Bible Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit Bible Hub |