Numbers 15
Tyndale Bible of 1526 Par ▾ 

Laws about Offerings

1And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayege: 2speake vnto the childern of Israel and saye vnto them: when ye be come into ye londe of youre habitacion which I geue vnto you 3and will offre an offerynge apon the fyre vnto the Lorde whether it be a burntofferynge or a speciall vowe or frewill offerynge or yf it be in youre principall festes to make a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde of the oxen or of the flocke. 4Then let him that offereth his offerynge vnto the Lorde brynge also a meatofferynge of a tenth deale of floure myngled with the fourth parte of an hin of oyle 5and the fourth parte of an hin of wine for a drynkofferynge and offer with ye burntofferynge or any other offerynge when it is a lambe. 6And vnto a ra thou shalt offer a meatofferynge of .ij. tenth deales of floure myngled with ye thyrde parte of an hin of oyle 7and to a drynkofferynge thou shalt offer the thyrde parte of an hin of wyne to be a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde. 8When thou offerist an oxe to a burntofferynge or in any speciall vowe or peaseofferinge vnto the Lorde 9then thou shalt brynge vnto an oxe a meateofferynge of .iij. tenth deales of floure myngled with halfe an hin of oyle. 10And thou shalt brynge for a drynkofferynge halfe an hin of wyne that is an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde.

11This is the maner that shalbe done vnto one oxe one ram a lambe or a kyd. 12And acordynge to the numbre of soche offerynges thou shalt encrease ye meateofferynges and the drynkofferynges 13All that are of youre selues sha ll do these thinges after this maner when he offereth an offerynge of swete sauoure vnto the Lorde

14And yf there be a straunger with you or be amonge you in youre generacions and will offer an offerynge of a swete sauoure vnto ye Lorde: euen as ye do so he shall doo. 15One ordynaunce shall serue both for you of the congregacion and also for the straunger. And it shalbe an ordynaunce for euer amonge youre childern after you that the straunger and ye shalbe lyke before the Lorde. 16One lawe and one maner shall serue both for you and for ye straunger that dwelleth with you.

17And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge: 18speake vnto the childern of Israel ad saye vnto them: When ye be come into the londe whether I will brynge you 19then whe ye will eate of the bred of the londe ye shall geue an heue offerynge vnto the Lorde. 20Ye shall geue a cake of the first of youre dowe vnto an heueofferynge: as ye do the heue offerynge of the barne euen so ye shall heue it. 21Of the first of youre dowe ye must geue vnto the Lorde an heue offerynge thorow out youre generacions.

Offerings for Unintentional Sins

22Yf ye ouerse youre selues and obserue not all these commaundmetes which the Lorde hath spoken vnto Moses 23and all that the Lorde hath commaunded you by ye hade of Moses from the first daye forwarde that the Lorde commaunded amonge youre generacion: 24when oughte is commytted ignorantly before the eyes of the congregacion then all the multitude shall offer a calfe for a burntofferynge to be a swete sauoure vnto the Lorde and the meatofferynge and the drynkofferynge there to acordynge to the maner: and an he goote for a synofferynge. 25And the preast shall make an atonement for all the multitude of ye childern of Israel ad it shalbe forgeuen the for it was ignoraunce. And they shall brynge their giftes vnto the offerynge of the Lorde and their synofferynge before the Lorde for their ignoraunce. 26And it shalbe forgeuen vnto all the multitude of the childern of Israel and vnto the straunger that dwelleth amoge you: for the ignoraunc ye perteyneth vnto all the people.

27Yf any one soule synne thorow ignoraunce he shall brynge a she goote of a yere olde for a synofferynge. 28And the preast shall make an atonement for the soule that synned ignorauntly with the synofferynge before the Lorde and reconsyle him and it shalbe forgeuen him. 29And both thou that art borne one of the childern of Israel and the straunger that dwelleth amonge you shall haue both one lawe yf ye synne thorow ignorauncye. 30And the soule that doth ought presumptuously whether he be an Israelite or a strauger the same hath despysed the Lorde. And that soule shalbe destroyed from amonge his people 31because he hath despised the worde of the Lorde and hath broke his comaudmentes yt soule therfore shall perysh ad his synne shalbe apon him.

A Sabbath-Breaker Stoned
(Exodus 31:12–17)

32And whyle the childern of Ysrael were in the wildernesse they founde a man gatherynge stickes vppon the Sabath daye. 33And they yt founde him gatherynge stickes broughte him vnto Moses and Aaron and vnto all ye congregacion: 34ad they put him in warde for it was not declared what shulde be done vnto him. 35And the Lorde sayed vnto Moses: ye ma shall dye. let all the multitude stone him with stones without the hoste. 36And all ye multitude broughte him without the hoste ad stoned him with stones and he dyed as the Lorde commaunded Moses.

The Law of Tassels

37And the Lorde spake vnto Moses sayenge: 38speake vnto the childern of Ysrael and byd them that they make them gardes apon the quarters of their garmetes thorow out their generacions ad let them make the gardes of ribandes of Iacyncte 39And the garde shall be vnto you to loke apon it that ye remembre all the commaundmentes of the Lorde and doo them that ye seke not a maye after youre awne hertes and after youre awne eyes for to god a whooringe after them: 40but that ye remembre and doo all my commaundmentes and be holy vnto youre God for 41I am ye Lorde youre God which broughte you out of ye londe of Egipte to be youre God. I am the Lorde God.

Tyndale Bible of 1526

Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible

Numbers 14
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