Bishops' Bible of 1568 | Par ▾ |
BOOK V Psalms 107–150 Thanksgiving for Deliverance (Matthew 8:23–27; Mark 4:35–41; Luke 8:22–25) 1Confesse you it vnto God: for he is gratious, and his mercy endureth for euer.
2Let such as God did redeme speake: whom he hath redeemed from the hande of the enemie.
3And whom he gathered out of the landes: from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south.
4They went astray out of the way in solitarines and in wildernes, and found no citie to dwell in:
5(107:4) they were hungry and thirstie, their soule fainted in them.
6(107:5) And they cry vnto god in their trouble: who deliuereth them from their distresse.
7(107:6) And he leadeth them foorth by the right way: that they might go to the citie inhabited.
8(107:7) O that men would confesse vnto God his louyng kindnesse: and his marueylous actes done to the chyldren of men.
9(107:8) For he satisfieth the greedie soule: and filleth the hungry soule with goodnes.
10(107:9) Suche as sit in darknesse and in the shadowe of death: beyng fast bounde in miserie and iron.
11(107:10) Because they went from the wordes of the Lorde: and lightly regarded the counsayle of the most highest.
12(107:11) Therfore he humbled their heart thorowe heauines: they fall downe, and there is none to helpe them.
13(107:12) And they cry vnto god in their trouble: who deliuereth the out of their distresse.
14(107:13) For he bringeth them out of darknesse and out of the shadowe of death: and breaketh their bondes in sunder.
15(107:14) O that men would confesse vnto God: his louing kindnes and his marueylous actes done to the chyldren of men.
16(107:15) For he breaketh the gates of brasse: & smyteth the barres of iron in sunder.
17(107:16) Foolish men are plagued for their mischeuous wayes: & for their wickednes.
18(107:17) Their soule abhorreth all maner of meate: and they be euen harde at deathes doore.
19(107:18) And they crye vnto God in their trouble: who deliuereth them out of their distresse.
20(107:19) he sendeth his worde & healeth them: and he maketh them to scape safe from their corruptnes.
21(107:20) O that men would confesse vnto God: his louing kindnes and his marueylous actes done to the chyldren of men.
22(107:21) And that they would offer vnto him sacrifices of thankes geuing: and set foorth in wordes his workes with a ioyfull noyse.
23(107:22) Such as go downe to the sea in ships and folowe their busines in great waters:
24(107:22) they see the workes of God, and his wonders in the deepe.
25(107:23) For he commaundeth and causeth a stormie winde to arise: and he lifteth vp on high his waues.
26(107:24) Then they ascende vp to heauen, and come downe agayne to the deepe: so that their soule melteth away through trouble.
27(107:25) They reele to and fro, and they do stacker like a drunken man: and their wysdome fayleth them.
28(107:26) And they cry vnto god in their trouble: who deliuereth the out of their distresse.
29(107:27) For he maketh the storme to ceasse: so that the waues therof are still.
30(107:28) Then be they glad because they are at rest: and he bringeth them to the hauen where they woulde be.
31(107:29) O that men would confesse vnto god: his louyng kyndnes and meruaylous actes done to the chyldren of men.
32(107:30) And that they would exalt him in the congregation of the people: and prayse him in the consistorie of the aged.
33(107:31) He turneth fluddes into a wildernes: and waterspringes into a drye grounde.
34(107:32) He maketh a fruitfull grounde barren: for the wickednes of them that dwell therein.
35(107:33) Contrary he reduceth a wyldernes into a standing water: and a drye ground into water springes.
36(107:34) And he setteth there the hungry: and they buylde them a citie to dwell in.
37(107:35) And they sowe their lande and plant vineyardes: and they yelde vnto them aboundant store of fruites.
38(107:36) He blesseth them, so that they multiplie exceedingly: and he suffereth not their cattle to decrease.
39(107:37) But when they do fall from God, they are diminished & brought low: through oppression, calamitie, & griefe of minde.
40(107:38) He bringeth princes into contempt: & he maketh them to wander in a wildernesse where there is no way at all.
41(107:39) Yet he exalteth the poore out of miserie: and geueth him housholdes equall to flockes of cattell.
42(107:40) The righteous will marke this and reioyce: and the mouth of all wickednesse shalbe stopped.
43(107:41) Whosoeuer is wyse, he wyll both obserue these thinges: and also well consider the louing kindnesse of God.
Bishops' Bible of 1568 Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible