Psalm 108
Bishops' Bible of 1568 Par ▾ 

Israel’s Kingdom Blessing
(Psalm 57:1–11; Psalm 60:1–12)

1A song, the psalme of Dauid. My heart is redye O Lorde: I wyll sing & prayse thee in singing of psalmes, yea my glory also is redie.

2Bestirre thee O lute and harpe: I my selfe wil bestirre me right early in the morning.

3I wyll prayse thee O God among the people: I wyll sing psalmes vnto thee among the nations.

4For the greatnes of thy mercy reacheth vnto the heauens: and thy trueth vnto the cloudes.

5Exalt thy selfe O Lord aboue the heauens: and let thy glory be aboue all the earth.

6That thy beloued may be deliuered: saue me with thy right hande, and heare thou me.

7The Lorde hath spoken this in his holynes (whereof I wyll reioyce:) I wyll deuide Sichem, and measure the valley of Sucoth.

8Gilead shalbe myne, and Manasses shalbe mine: Ephraim also shalbe the strength of my head, and Iuda my law geuer.

9Moab shalbe my washpot: ouer Edome I wyll cast my shoe, vpon Philistea I wyll triumph.

10Who wyll leade me into the strong citie? who wyll bring me into Edom?

11Hast not thou remoued vs from thence? and wylt not thou O Lorde go out with our hoastes?

12Geue vs ayde against trouble: for the sauing helpe of man is but vayne.

13Through the Lorde wyll we do valiaunt actes: for he him selfe will treade downe our enemies.

Bishops' Bible of 1568

Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible

Psalm 107
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