7430 Sabbath, in NT
Dictionary of Bible Themes

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The NT develops the OT teaching on the Sabbath in three important directions. It declares that the Sabbath should not be observed in a legalistic manner; the Sabbath-rest is treated as an important symbol of the Christian doctrine of salvation; and finally, the NT itself indicates how Sunday, rather than Saturday, came to be seen as the Christian Sabbath.

Gospel incidents connected with the Sabbath


Mark 1:21-25 pp Luke 4:31-35


Matthew 12:9-14 pp Mark 3:1-6 pp Luke 6:6-11; Mark 1:30-31 pp Luke 4:38-40; Luke 13:10-17; Luke 14:1-6; John 5:5-18; John 9:1-16


Mark 6:2 pp Matthew 13:54; Luke 4:16

Other references

Matthew 28:1 pp Mark 16:1; Luke 23:55-56; John 12:2

Jesus Christ's teaching regarding the Sabbath

Jesus Christ observes the Sabbath regulation

Luke 4:16 See also Matthew 24:20; Acts 1:12

Human well-being is more important than rigid observance of the Law

Mark 2:27-28 See also Matthew 12:3

Ceremonial observance must give way before any higher, or more spiritual, motive

Matthew 12:5-6 See also Luke 6:5

Sabbath reading of Scripture provided an opportunity for reaching the Jews

Acts 17:2 See also Acts 13:14,27,42,44; Acts 15:21; Acts 16:13; Acts 18:4

Sabbath observance was optional for Gentile Christians

Colossians 2:16

The Lord's Day

Revelation 1:10 At an early stage the Sabbath was replaced by Sunday (the first day of the week) as the day for rest and worship. See also John 20:19,26; Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2

The Sabbath-rest is seen as a symbol of the salvation of the people of God

Hebrews 4:1 The OT promise of rest was unfulfilled, on account of Israel's disobedience ; Hebrews 3:18-19; 4:09 The OT promise of rest remains open.

See also

1610  Scripture
2333  Christ, attitude to OT
2545  Christ, opposition to
7930  Lord's Day, the
8774  legalism

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