7565 Sanhedrin
Dictionary of Bible Themes

Dictionary of Bible Themes  »  7000 God's people  »  7500 Jews and Gentiles  »  7565 Sanhedrin

The Hebrew form of the Greek word “synedrion”, a council. The high court of the Jews, presided over by the high priest. Its 71 members included chief priests, elders and teachers of the law.

Jesus Christ and the Sanhedrin

Herod called together the Sanhedrin on hearing of the birth of Jesus Christ

Matthew 2:4 This is probably a reference to the entire Sanhedrin.

Jesus Christ acknowledged the authority of the Sanhedrin

Matthew 5:22

Jesus Christ foretold that he would suffer at the hands of the Sanhedrin

Matthew 16:21 pp Mark 8:31 pp Luke 9:22 See also Matthew 20:18 pp Mark 10:33

These prophecies were fulfilled

Matthew 26:57-68 pp Mark 14:58-65

The Sanhedrin plotted to kill Jesus Christ after he had raised Lazarus

John 11:47-53

The Sanhedrin, powerless to execute anyone, brought Jesus Christ to Pilate

John 18:28-31

Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea were members of the Sanhedrin

See also

John 3:1; Mark 15:43 pp Luke 23:50-52

The term Sanhedrin could also apply to local councils

Matthew 10:17 pp Mark 13:9

Peter and John were brought before the Sanhedrin

Acts 4:5-21 See also Acts 5:21,27,34,41

Stephen appeared before the Sanhedrin

Acts 6:12,15

Stephen angered the Sanhedrin by his defence

Acts 7:54,57-58

Paul and the Sanhedrin

Paul was commissioned by the chief priests to persecute the church

Acts 9:14 Ac 22:5 makes it clear that the entire Sanhedrin was involved. See also Acts 9:1-2,21; Acts 26:10-12

Paul was brought before the Sanhedrin

Acts 22:30-23:1 See also Acts 23:6,28; Acts 24:20

Conspirators plotted to bring Paul before the Sanhedrin again, but he escaped

Acts 23:12-15,20

The Sanhedrin brought Paul to the Roman governor, Festus

Acts 25:1-2,15

See also

2585  Christ, trial
5107  Paul
5313  flogging
5514  scribes
5817  conspiracies
5875  hatred
7330  chief priests
7464  teachers of the law
7550  Pharisees
7555  Sadducees
8794  persecution

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