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Water (4571 Occurrences)
... Easton's Bible Dictionary Water of jealousy. A phrase employed (not, however,
in ... cases of "jealousy.". Water of purification. Used in cases ...
/w/water.htm - 23k

Water-spring (16 Occurrences)
Water-spring. Water-spouts, Water-spring. Watersprings . Multi-Version
Concordance Water-spring (16 Occurrences). Genesis ...
/w/water-spring.htm - 11k

Water-vessel (14 Occurrences)
Water-vessel. Water-town, Water-vessel. Water-vessels . Multi-Version
Concordance Water-vessel (14 Occurrences). Genesis 24:15 And ...
/w/water-vessel.htm - 10k

Water-springs (12 Occurrences)
Water-springs. Watersprings, Water-springs. Water-streams .
Multi-Version Concordance Water-springs (12 Occurrences). ...
/w/water-springs.htm - 10k

Water-hole (25 Occurrences)
Water-hole. Water-hen, Water-hole. Water-holes . Multi-Version Concordance
Water-hole (25 Occurrences). Luke 14:5 And he said to ...
/w/water-hole.htm - 14k

Water-courses (9 Occurrences)
Water-courses. Watercourses, Water-courses. Water-door . Multi-Version
Concordance Water-courses (9 Occurrences). Isaiah ...
/w/water-courses.htm - 9k

Water-holes (8 Occurrences)
Water-holes. Water-hole, Water-holes. Watering . Multi-Version
Concordance Water-holes (8 Occurrences). Genesis 26:15 ...
/w/water-holes.htm - 8k

Water-plants (7 Occurrences)
Water-plants. Water-pipe, Water-plants. Waterpot . Multi-Version
Concordance Water-plants (7 Occurrences). Exodus 2:3 ...
/w/water-plants.htm - 8k

Water-gate (5 Occurrences)
Water-gate. Water-flood, Water-gate. Water-hen . Multi-Version Concordance
Water-gate (5 Occurrences). Nehemiah 3:26 (Now the Nethinim ...
/w/water-gate.htm - 8k

Water-brooks (6 Occurrences)
Water-brooks. Water, Water-brooks. Watercourse . Multi-Version
Concordance Water-brooks (6 Occurrences). Deuteronomy ...
/w/water-brooks.htm - 8k

Bible Concordance
Water (4571 Occurrences)

Water is used 4571 times in 12 translations.

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ATS Bible Dictionary


In Isaiah 35:7, the Hebrew word for "parched ground" that shall become a pool of water, is the same with the Arabic term for the mirage, a peculiar optical illusion by which travelers in hot and dry deserts think they see broad lakes and flowing waters; they seem to discern the very ripple of the waves, and the swaying of tail trees on the margin in the cool breeze; green hills and houses and city ramparts rise before the astonished sight, recede as the traveler advances, and at length melt away in the hot haze. Not so the blessings of the gospel; they are no alluring mockery, but real waters of everlasting life, Isaiah 55:1 John 4:14 Revelation 22:1. Compare Isaiah 29:8 Jeremiah 15:18.

Easton's Bible Dictionary
Water of jealousy

A phrase employed (not, however, in Scripture) to denote the water used in the solemn ordeal prescribed by the law of Moses (Numbers 5:11-31) in cases of "jealousy."

Water of purification

Used in cases of ceremonial cleansings at the consecration of the Levites (Numbers 8:7). It signified, figuratively, that purifying of the heart which must characterize the servants of God.

Water of separation

Used along with the ashes of a red heifer for the ceremonial cleansing of persons defiled by contact with a dead body (Numbers 19).

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
1. (n.) The fluid which descends from the clouds in rain, and which forms rivers, lakes, seas, etc.

2. (n.) A body of water, standing or flowing; a lake, river, or other collection of water.

3. (n.) Any liquid secretion, humor, or the like, resembling water; esp., the urine.

4. (n.) A solution in water of a gaseous or readily volatile substance; as, ammonia water.

5. (n.) The limpidity and luster of a precious stone, especially a diamond; as, a diamond of the first water, that is, perfectly pure and transparent. Hence, of the first water, that is, of the first excellence.

6. (n.) A wavy, lustrous pattern or decoration such as is imparted to linen, silk, metals, etc. See Water, v. t., 3, Damask, v. t., and Damaskeen.

7. (n.) An addition to the shares representing the capital of a stock company so that the aggregate par value of the shares is increased while their value for investment is diminished, or diluted.

8. (v. t.) To wet or supply with water; to moisten; to overflow with water; to irrigate; as, to water land; to water flowers.

9. (v. t.) To supply with water for drink; to cause or allow to drink; as, to water cattle and horses.

10. (v. t.) To wet and calender, as cloth, so as to impart to it a lustrous appearance in wavy lines; to diversify with wavelike lines; as, to water silk. Cf. Water, n., 6.

11. (n.) To add water to (anything), thereby extending the quantity or bulk while reducing the strength or quality; to extend; to dilute; to weaken.

12. (v. i.) To shed, secrete, or fill with, water or liquid matter; as, his eyes began to water.

13. (v. i.) To get or take in water; as, the ship put into port to water.

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

(haima kai hudor): The remarkable passage (John 19:34) from which this expression is taken refers to the piercing of the Savior's side by the soldier. The evangelist notes here what he, as an eyewitness of the crucifixion, had seen as a surprising fact. Whereon this surprise was founded cannot now be more than guessed at. Nor is it necessary here to discuss the reason or reasons why the apostle mentions the fact at all in his report, whether merely for historical accuracy and completeness, or as a possible proof of the actual death of Christ, which at an early date became a subject of doubt among certain Christian sects, or whether by it he wished to refer to the mystical relation of baptismal cleansing ("water") and the atonement ("blood") as signified thereby. Let it suffice to state that a reference often made to 1 John 5:6, 8 is here quite out of place. This passage, though used by certain Fathers of the church as a proof of the last-named doctrine, does not indeed refer to this wonderful incident of the crucifixion story. The argument of 1 John 5:8 concerns the Messiahship of Jesus, which is proved by a threefold witness, for He is the one whom at the baptism of John ("water") God attested as the Messiah by the heavenly voice, "This is my beloved Son," who at the crucifixion ("blood") had the testimony that the Father had accepted His atoning sacrifice, and whose promise of sending the Comforter fulfilled on Pentecost ("spirit") presented us with the final proof of the completed Messianic task. The same expression in 1 John 5:6 refers probably to the same argument with the implied meaning that Jesus came not only by the merely ceremonial water of baptism, but also by the more important, because vivifying, blood of atonement.

The physiological aspect of this incident of the crucifixion has been first discussed by Gruner (Commentatio de morte Jesu Christi vera, Halle, 1805), who has shown that the blood released by the spear-thrust of the soldier must have been extravasated before the opening of the side took place, for only so could it have been poured forth in the described manner. While a number of commentators have opposed this view as a fanciful explanation, and have preferred to give the statement of the evangelist a symbolical meaning in the sense of the doctrines of baptism and eucharist (so Baur, Strauss, Reuss and others), some modern physiologists are convinced that in this passage a wonderful phenomenon is reported to us, which, inexplicable to the sacred historian, contains for us an almost certain clue to the real cause of the Savior's death. Dr. Stroud (On the Physiological Cause of the Death of Christ, London, 1847) basing his remarks on numerous postmortems, pronounced the opinion that here we had a proof of the death of Christ being due not to the effects of crucifixion but to "laceration or rupture of the heart" as a consequence of supreme mental agony and sorrow. It is well attested that usually the suffering on the cross was very prolonged. It often lasted two or three days, when death would supervene from exhaustion. There were no physical reasons why Christ should not have lived very much longer on the cross than He did. On the other hand, death caused by laceration of the heart in consequence of great mental suffering would be almost instantaneous. In such a case the phrase "of a broken heart," becomes literally true. The life blood flowing through the aperture or laceration into the pericardium or caul of the heart, being extravasated, soon coagulates into the red clot (blood) and the limpid serum (water). This accumulation in the heart-sac was released by the spear-thrust of the soldier (which here takes providentially the place of a postmorten without which it would have been impossible to determine the real cause of death), and from the gaping wound there flow the two component parts of blood distinctly visible.

Several distinguished physicians have accepted Dr. Stroud's argument, and some have strengthened it by the observation of additional symptoms. We may mention Dr. James Begbie, fellow and late president of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, Sir J. Y. Simpson, professor at the University of Edinburgh, and others (see Dr. Hanna, Our Lord's Life on Earth, Appendix I). The latter refers to the loud cry, mentioned by the Synoptists (Matthew 27:50 Mark 15:37 Luke 23:46), which preceded the actual death of Jesus, as a symptom characteristic of cases of "broken heart." He adds that Dr. Walshe, professor of medicine in University College, London, one of the greatest authorities on the diseases of the heart, says that a "piercing shriek" is always uttered in such cases immediately before the end.

While we may never reach a state of absolute certainty on this subject, there is no valid reason to deny the probability of this view of the death of Christ. It certainly gives a more solemn insight into Christ's spiritual anguish, "the travail of his soul" on our behalf, which weighed upon Him so heavily that long before the usual term of bodily and therefore endurable suffering of crucified persons Christ's loving heart broke, achieving the great atoning sacrifice for all mankind.

H. L. E. Luering


dro'-er, (sho'ebh mayim, from sha'abh, "to bale up" water): In Syria and Palestine, outside of Mt. Lebanon and the Anti-Lebanon, the springs of water are scarce and the inhabitants of these less favored places have always depended upon wells and cisterns for their water supply. This necessitates some device for drawing the water. In the case of a cistern or shallow well, an earthenware water jar or a bucket made of tanned goats' skin is lowered into the water by a rope and then raised by pulling up the rope hand over hand (probably the ancient method), or by running the rope over a crude pulley fixed directly over the cistern or well. In the case of deep wells, the rope, attached to a larger bucket, is run over a pulley so that the water may be raised by the drawers walking away from the well as they pull the rope. Frequently animals are hitched to the rope to do the pulling.

In some districts where the water level is not too deep, a flight of steps leading down to the water's edge is constructed in addition to the opening vertically above the water. Such a well is pointed out near Haran in Mesopotamia as the one from which Rebekah drew water for Abraham's servant. In Genesis 24:16 we read that Rebekah "went down to the fountain, and filled her pitcher, and came up."

The deep grooves in their curbs, worn by the ropes as the water was being raised, attest to the antiquity of many of the wells of Palestine and Syria. Any one of the hundreds of grooves around a single well was many years in being formed. The fact that the present method of drawing water from these wells is not making these grooves, shows that they are the work of former times.

The drawing of water was considered the work of women or of men unfit for other service (Genesis 24:11, 13, 13 1 Samuel 9:11 John 4:7). In Syria, today, a girl servant willingly goes to draw the daily supply of water, but seldom is it possible to persuade a boy or man to perform this service. When the well or fountain is at a distance, or much water is needed, tanned skins or earthen jars are filled and transported on the backs of men or donkeys.

Water drawing was usually done at evening time (Genesis 24:11), and this custom has remained unchanged. There is no sight more interesting than the daily concourse at a Syrian water source. It is bound to remind one of the Bible stories where the setting is a wellside (Genesis 24 John 4).

The service of water drawing was associated, in early times, with that of hewer of wood (Deuteronomy 29:11). Joshua made the Gibeonites hewers of wood and drawers of water in exchange for their lives (Joshua 9:21, 23, 17). The inhabitants of Nineveh were exhorted to draw water and fill the cisterns of their fortresses in preparation for a siege (Nahum 3:14).

Figurative: Water drawing is mentioned in the metaphor of Isaiah 12:3, "Ye draw water out of the wells of salvation."

James A. Patch


wo'-ter (mayim; hudor):

(1) The Greek philosophers believed water to be the original substance and that all things were made from it. The Koran states, "From water we have made all things." In the story of the creation (Genesis 1:2) water plays an elemental part.

(2) Because of the scarcity of water in Palestine it is especially appreciated by the people there. They love to go and sit by a stream of running water. Men long for a taste of the water of their native village (1 Chronicles 11:17). A town or village is known throughout the country for the quality of its water, which is described by many adjectives, such as "light," "heavy," etc.

(3) The rainfall is the only source of supply of water for Palestine. The moisture is carried up from the sea in clouds and falls on the hills as rain or snow. This supplies the springs and fountains. The rivers are mostly small and have little or no water in summer. For the most part springs supply the villages, but in case this is not sufficient, cisterns are used. Most of the rain falls on the western slopes of the mountains, and most of the springs are found there. The limestone in many places does not hold the water, so wells are not very common, though there are many references to them in the Bible.

(4) Cisterns are usually on the surface of the ground and vary greatly in size. Jerusalem has always had to depend for the most part on water stored in this way, and carried to the city in aqueducts. A large number of cisterns have been found and partially explored under the temple-area itself. The water stored in the cisterns is surface water, and is a great menace to the health of the people. During the long, dry summer the water gets less and less, and becomes so stagnant and filthy that it is not fit to drink. In a few instances the cisterns or pools are sufficiently large to supply water for limited irrigation.


(5) During the summer when there is no rain, vegetation is greatly helped by the heavy dews. A considerable amount of irrigation is carried on in the country where there is sufficient water in the fountains and springs for the purpose. There was doubtless much more of it in the Roman period. Most of the fruit trees require water during the summer.

(6) Many particular wells or pools are mentioned in the Bible, as: Beersheba (Genesis 21:19), Isaac's well (Genesis 24:11), Jacob's well (John 4:6), Pool of Siloam (John 9:7), "waters of Nephtoah" (Joshua 15:9).

(7) Washing with water held a considerable place in the Jewish temple-ceremony (Leviticus 11:32; Leviticus 16:4; Leviticus 17:15; Leviticus 22:6 Numbers 19:7 Exodus 30:18; Exodus 40:7). Sacrifices were washed (Exodus 29:4 Leviticus 1:9; Leviticus 6:28; Leviticus 14:5).

(8) The lack of water caused great suffering (Exodus 15:22 Deuteronomy 8:15 2 Kings 3:9 Psalm 63:1 Proverbs 9:17 Ezekiel 4:11 Lamentations 5:4).


Alfred H. Joy








See ADULTERY, (2).


See ADULTERY, (2).

5204. hudor -- water
... 5203, 5204. hudor. 5205 . water. Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter Transliteration:
hudor Phonetic Spelling: (hoo'-dore) Short Definition: water Definition: water ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/5204.htm - 6k

5202. hudropoteo -- to drink water
... to drink water. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: hudropoteo Phonetic Spelling:
(hoo-drop-ot-eh'-o) Short Definition: I am a water drinker Definition: I am ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/5202.htm - 6k

501. antleo -- to bail out, draw water
... to bail out, draw water. Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: antleo Phonetic Spelling:
(ant-leh-o) Short Definition: I draw, draw out Definition: I draw ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/501.htm - 6k

5201. hudria -- a water pot, a pot or jar
... a water pot, a pot or jar. Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: hudria
Phonetic Spelling: (hoo-dree-ah') Short Definition: a water pot Definition: a ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/5201.htm - 6k

2830. kludon -- a billow (of water)
... a billow (of water). Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine Transliteration: kludon Phonetic
Spelling: (kloo'-dohn) Short Definition: rough water Definition: rough ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/2830.htm - 6k

4077. pege -- a spring (of water)
... a spring (of water). Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: pege Phonetic
Spelling: (pay-gay') Short Definition: a fountain, spring, well Definition: a ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4077.htm - 6k

4722. stego -- to cover closely (so as to keep water out) ...
... to cover closely (so as to keep water out), generally to bear up under. Part of
Speech: Verb Transliteration: stego Phonetic Spelling: (steg'-o) Short Definition ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4722.htm - 7k

504. anudros -- waterless
... waterless. Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: anudros Phonetic Spelling:
(an'-oo-dros) Short Definition: without water, dry Definition: without water ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/504.htm - 6k

4222. potizo -- to give to drink
... potizo Phonetic Spelling: (pot-id'-zo) Short Definition: I cause to drink, give
to drink Definition: I cause to drink, give to drink; irrigate, water. ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4222.htm - 7k

4215. potamos -- a river
... river (6), rivers (4), riverside* (1), torrent (2). flood, river, stream,
water. Probably from a derivative of the alternate of ...
//strongsnumbers.com/greek2/4215.htm - 7k

Strong's Hebrew
4325. mayim -- waters, water
... 4324, 4325. mayim. 4326 . waters, water. Transliteration: mayim Phonetic Spelling:
(mah'-yim) Short Definition: water. Word Origin a prim. ...
/hebrew/4325.htm - 6k

7579. shaab -- to draw (water)
... 7578, 7579. shaab. 7580 . to draw (water). Transliteration: shaab Phonetic
Spelling: (sahw-ab') Short Definition: draw. Word Origin a prim. ... to bale up water ...
/hebrew/7579.htm - 5k

8248. shaqah -- cause to drink water, give to drink
... shaqah. 8249 . cause to drink water, give to drink. Transliteration: shaqah Phonetic
Spelling: (shaw-kaw') Short Definition: drink. Word Origin a prim. ...
/hebrew/8248.htm - 6k

4857. mashab -- probably place of drawing (water)
... mashab. 4858 . probably place of drawing (water). Transliteration: mashab Phonetic
Spelling: (mash-awb') Short Definition: places. ... place of drawing water. ...
/hebrew/4857.htm - 6k

4833. marpes -- (water) befouled
... 4832, 4833. marpes. 4834 . (water) befouled. Transliteration: marpes Phonetic
Spelling: (meer-paws') Short Definition: foul. ... muddled water. ...
/hebrew/4833.htm - 6k

1802a. dalah -- to draw (water)
... 1802, 1802a. dalah. 1802b . to draw (water). Transliteration: dalah
Short Definition: draw. Word Origin a prim. root Definition ...
/hebrew/1802a.htm - 5k

66. Abel Mayim -- "meadow of water"
Abel Mayim. 65, 66. Abel Mayim. 67 . "meadow of water". Transliteration: Abel
Mayim Phonetic Spelling: (aw-bale' mah'-yim) Short Definition: Abel-maim. ...
/hebrew/66.htm - 6k

4956. Misrephoth Mayim -- "burning of water," a place in Isr. ...
... 4955, 4956. Misrephoth Mayim. 4957 . "burning of water," a place in Isr. ... Word
Origin from misraphah and mayim Definition "burning of water," a place in Isr. ...
/hebrew/4956.htm - 6k

88. Oboth -- "water-skins," a place in Edom
... 87, 88. Oboth. 89 . "water-skins," a place in Edom. Transliteration: Oboth
Phonetic Spelling: (o-both') Short Definition: Oboth. Word Origin pl. ...
/hebrew/88.htm - 6k

2573. chemeth -- a water skin
... 2572, 2573. chemeth. 2574 . a water skin. Transliteration: chemeth Phonetic
Spelling: (klay'-meth) Short Definition: skin. Word ...
/hebrew/2573.htm - 6k


The Water of Life and Other Sermons
The Water of Life and Other Sermons. <. The Water of Life and Other Sermons
Charles Kingsley. Transcribed from the 1890 Macmillan and Co. ...
//christianbookshelf.org/kingsley/the water of life and other sermons/

... FOR THE CHILDREN WATER-LILIES. tr., Emma Frances Bevan, 1899. Who are like the lilies
white,. With their crowns all golden bright,. Resting on the waters still, ...
/.../bevan/hymns of ter steegen and others second series/water-lilies.htm

A Water Haul.
... (Luke v:1-11.) A Water Haul. ... He was standing with His back to the water likely,
and the people seemed likely to crowd Him over into the water. ...
//christianbookshelf.org/gordon/quiet talks on service/a water haul.htm

The Rock and the Water
... THE ROCK AND THE WATER. ... He that believeth on Me, as the Scripture hath said, out
of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.'"John 7:37,38. ...
/.../maclaren/expositions of holy scripture i/the rock and the water.htm

Whether the Mixing with Water is Essential to this Sacrament?
water is essential to this sacrament? Objection 1: It seems ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether the mixing with water.htm

Commentaries and Standards on the Birth of Water and Spirit.
... Commentaries and Standards on the Birth of Water and Spirit. Inasmuch as
there is some tendency, in the interest of a modern view ...
/.../the new testament commentary vol iii john/commentaries and standards on the.htm

Living Water
... Living Water. The fountain in its source, No drought of summer fears; The farther
it pursues its course,. The nobler it appears. But shallow cisterns yield. ...
/.../translations from the french of madame de la mothe guion/living water.htm

A Talk About the Water of Life.
by the well a woman came down the path from the town to draw water. ...
/.../lathbury/childs story of the bible/chapter xii a talk about.htm

The Water of Life;
/.../bunyan/the works of john bunyan volumes 1-3/the water of life.htm

The Genesis Water-Mark.
... The Master Passion The Genesis Water-mark. ... You know the way publishers have of putting
an imprint in a book by means of what is called a water-mark. ...
/.../gordon/quiet talks with world winners/the genesis water-mark.htm




Water Baptism

Water in Times of Scarcity, Sold at an Enormous Price

Water of Bitterness or of Jealousy

Water of Hostile Armies

Water of Jealousy

Water of Persecutions

Water of Persecutors

Water of Separation

Water of Separation or of Uncleanness

Water of the Gifts and Graces of the Holy Spirit

Water of the Support of God

Water was Used by Jews for Culinary Purposes

Water was Used by Jews for Legal Purification

Water was Used by Jews for Washing the Person

Water was Used by Jews: As Their Principal Beverage

Water: (Covering the Sea) of the General Diffusion of The

Water: (Deep) of Counsel in the Heart

Water: (Deep) of Severe Affliction

Water: (Deep) of the Words of the Wise

Water: (Difficulty of Stopping) of Strife and Contention

Water: (Its Instability) of a Wavering Disposition

Water: (Its Weakness) of Faintness and Cowardice

Water: (Many) of a Variety of Afflictions

Water: (Many) of Different Nations and People

Water: (Noise of Many) of the Word of Christ

Water: (Poured Out) Faintness by Terror

Water: (Poured Out) the Wrath of God

Water: (Pouring, out of Buckets) a Numerous Progeny

Water: (Rapidly Flowing Away) the Career of the Wicked

Water: (Spilled on the Ground) Death

Water: (Still) the Ordinances of the Gospel

Water: Artificial Mode of Conveying, Into Large Cities

Water: Carried in Vessels

Water: Changed to Wine

Water: City Waterworks

Water: Cleansing

Water: Collected in Brooks

Water: Collected in Fountains

Water: Collected in Ponds

Water: Collected in Pools

Water: Collected in Rivers

Water: Collected in Springs

Water: Collected in Streams

Water: Collected in The Clouds

Water: Collected in The Sea

Water: Collected in Wells

Water: Congealed by Cold

Water: Covered the Whole Earth

Water: Creation of

Water: Daily Allowance of

Water: Domestic Love

Water: Drops from the Clouds in Rain

Water: Fluid

Water: Frequently Brackish and Unfit for Use

Water: God Originally: Collected Into One Place

Water: God Originally: Created Fowls and Fishes From

Water: God Originally: Created the Firmament to Divide

Water: Jesus Walks Upon

Water: Kept for Purification in Large Waterpots

Water: Libation of

Water: Miracles Connected With: Brought from the Jaw-Bone of an Ass

Water: Miracles Connected With: Brought from the Rock

Water: Miracles Connected With: Consumed by Fire from Heaven

Water: Miracles Connected With: Divided and Made to Stand on Heap

Water: Miracles Connected With: Healing Powers Communicated To

Water: Miracles Connected With: Iron Made to Swim In

Water: Miracles Connected With: Our Lord Walking On

Water: Miracles Connected With: Trenches Filled With

Water: Miracles Connected With: Turned Into Blood

Water: Miracles Connected With: Turned Into Wine

Water: Miraculously Supplied: To Jehoshaphat's Army

Water: Miraculously Supplied: To Samson

Water: Miraculously Supplied: To the Israelites

Water: Necessary to the Comfort and Happiness of Man

Water: Necessary to Vegetation

Water: One of the Elements of the World

Water: Penetrating

Water: Purified by Elisha

Water: Red Sea Divided

Water: Reflecting Images

Water: Refreshing

Water: Rises in Vapour to the Clouds

Water: some Plants Particularly Require

Water: Symbolical

Water: The Jordan River

Water: The Want of, Considered a Great Calamity

Water: The World and Its Inhabitants Once Destroyed By

Water: The World not to be Again Destroyed By

Water: Turned Into Blood

Water: Unstable

Water: Vision of, by Ezekiel

Water: Water of Affliction

Water: Water of Life

Water: Water of Salvation

Water: Wearing the Hardest Substances

Related Terms

Water-spring (16 Occurrences)

Water-vessel (14 Occurrences)

Water-springs (12 Occurrences)

Water-hole (25 Occurrences)

Water-courses (9 Occurrences)

Water-holes (8 Occurrences)

Water-plants (7 Occurrences)

Water-gate (5 Occurrences)

Water-brooks (6 Occurrences)

Water-doorway (4 Occurrences)

Water-streams (4 Occurrences)

Drinking-water (4 Occurrences)

Water-vessels (2 Occurrences)

Water-jugs (2 Occurrences)

Water-town (2 Occurrences)

Water-hen (2 Occurrences)

Water-jug (1 Occurrence)

Water-pipe (1 Occurrence)

Water-door (1 Occurrence)

Water-spouts (1 Occurrence)

Water-flood (1 Occurrence)

Water-skins (1 Occurrence)

Water-pot (1 Occurrence)

Water's (2 Occurrences)

Water-skin (1 Occurrence)

Snow-water (1 Occurrence)

Sail (32 Occurrences)

Springing (16 Occurrences)

Springs (59 Occurrences)


Cleansing (37 Occurrences)

Snow (25 Occurrences)

Streaming (16 Occurrences)

Shepherd (76 Occurrences)

Causeth (209 Occurrences)

Swell (9 Occurrences)

Knee-deep (1 Occurrence)

Compacted (3 Occurrences)

Soak (1 Occurrence)

Shoal (2 Occurrences)

Swim (8 Occurrences)

Sooner (21 Occurrences)

Storing (10 Occurrences)

Swamp (1 Occurrence)

Shiloah (1 Occurrence)

Valleys (38 Occurrences)

Siloah (1 Occurrence)

Shelah (18 Occurrences)

Aqueduct (4 Occurrences)

Siloam (4 Occurrences)

Separation (50 Occurrences)

Streams (80 Occurrences)

Kneel (10 Occurrences)

Sprinkling (48 Occurrences)

Crystal (7 Occurrences)

Agitated (9 Occurrences)

Stank (6 Occurrences)

Shihor (5 Occurrences)

Sink (16 Occurrences)

Soap (4 Occurrences)


Shrink (10 Occurrences)

Scant (4 Occurrences)

Adultery (49 Occurrences)

Hyssop (12 Occurrences)

Augury (5 Occurrences)

Cistern (21 Occurrences)

Arabah (32 Occurrences)

Sprinkle (37 Occurrences)

Camest (27 Occurrences)

Salim (1 Occurrence)

Siddim (3 Occurrences)

Adullam (10 Occurrences)

Slope (29 Occurrences)

Camped (100 Occurrences)

Ceremonially (38 Occurrences)

Vast (54 Occurrences)

Yields (21 Occurrences)

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