Acts 8:31
"How can I," he said, "unless someone guides me?" And he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.
Chapter Outline
1. By occasion of the persecution in Jerusalem, the church being planted in Samaria,
4. by Philip the deacon, who preached, did miracles, and baptized many;
9. among the rest Simon the sorcerer, a great seducer of the people;
14. Peter and John come to confirm and enlarge the church;
15. where, by prayer and imposition of hands giving the Holy Spirit;
18. when Simon would have bought the like power of them,
20. Peter sharply reproving his hypocrisy and covetousness,
22. and exhorting him to repentance,
25. together with John preaching the word of the Lord, return to Jerusalem;
26. but the angel sends Philip to teach and baptize the Ethiopian Eunuch.
30 ADThe AscensionActs 1
30 ADMatthias Chosen by LotActs 1:12
30 ADThe Holy Spirit Comes at PentecostActs 2
30 ADPeter Heals and PreachesActs 3
30 ADPeter and John Arrested and Released; Acts 4
30 ADBelievers Share AllActs 4:32
30 ADDeaths of Ananias and SapphiraActs 5
30 ADApostles Preach and HealActs 5:11
31 ADStephen's Speech, Stoning and DeathActs 6, 7
31 ADSaul Persecutes the ChurchActs 8
31 ADPhilip in SamariaActs 8:3
31 ADSimon the SorcererActs 8:9
31 ADPhilip and the EthiopianActs 8:26
34 ADSaul's ConversionActs 9
37 ADPeter Preaches to the GentilesActs 10, 11
42 ADBarnabas Sent to AntiochActs 11:22
42 ADPeter Led from Prison by the AngelActs 12
44 ADHerod Agrippa DiesActs 12:20
48 ADPaul's First Missionary JourneyActs 13
48 ADPaul preaches in Pisidian AntiochActs 13:14
48 ADPaul and Barnabas in IconiumActs 14
48 ADPaul and Barnabas in Lystra and DerbeActs 14:8
48 ADPaul and Barnabas Return to Syrian AntiochActs 14:21
48 ADReturn to Syrian AntiochActs 14:24
48 ADThe Council at JerusalemActs 15
49 ADPaul's Second Missionary JourneyActs 15:36
49 ADPaul in PhilippiActs 16
49 ADPaul in Thessalonica, Berea, AthensActs 17
51 ADPaul in CorinthActs 18
54 ADPaul in EphesusActs 19
57 ADPaul in Macedonia and GreeceActs 20
59 ADPaul Returns to JerusalemActs 21 - 23
60 ADPaul imprisoned in CaesareaActs 24
62 ADPaul Before FestusActs 25
62 ADPaul Before AgrippaActs 26
62 ADPaul Sails for RomeActs 27
62 ADThe ShipwreckActs 27:13
62 ADPaul Ashore at MaltaActs 28
62 ADPaul Preaches at RomeActs 28:11
Acts 8:30
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