Prayer of an Afflicted Man for Mercy on Himself and on Zion. A Prayer of the afflicted when he is weak and [a]pours out his complaint before the LORD. 1Hear And let my cry 2Do not hide Incline On the day 3For my days And my bones 4My heart Indeed 5Because My bones 6I resemble I have become 7I lie I have become 8My enemies Those who [e]deride 9For I have eaten And mixed 10Because For You have lifted 11My days And [h]I wither 12But You, LORD And Your [k]name 13You will arise For it is time For the appointed 14Surely And feel 15[m]So the [n]nations And all 16For the LORD He has appeared 17He has turned And has not despised 18[p]This [q]That a people 19For He looked From heaven 20To hear To set 21So that people may tell And His praise 22When the peoples And the kingdoms 23He has broken He has shortened 24I say Your years 25“In time And the heavens 26“[w]Even they will perish All Like clothing And Your years 28“The children And their [y]descendants [a] [b] 4 Lit herbage [c] 5 Lit voice [d] 5 Lit have cleaved [e] 8 Or made a fool of [f] 8 Lit have sworn by me [g] 11 Lit stretched out [h] 11 Or as for me, I [i] 11 Lit herbage [j] 12 Or sit enthroned [k] 12 Lit memorial [l] 14 Or have found [m] 15 Or And [n] 15 Or Gentiles, heathen [o] 17 Or naked [p] 18 Or Let this be written [q] 18 Or And [r] 18 Or will [s] 18 Heb YAH [t] 19 Lit toward [u] 20 Lit the sons of death [v] 24 Lit in generation of generations [w] 26 Lit They themselves [x] 27 Lit He [y] 28 Lit seed New American Standard Bible Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit Bible Hub |