2 Corinthians 1
The God of All Comfort
God of All Comfort: Paul's Affliction and Assurance

2 Corinthians 1 speaks to the intimate connection between suffering and comfort, affliction and consolation. We are reminded that God is our ultimate source of comfort and that He can use our trials to draw us closer to Him. Moreover, the passage inspires us to rely on God's faithfulness in the midst of life's trials, while encouraging transparency, sincerity, and integrity in our dealings with others.

Verses 1-2: Greetings to the Corinthians

Paul and Timothy greet the church of Corinth and all the saints in Achaia, wishing them grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Verses 3-7: God as the Comforter in Afflictions

Paul praises God, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort. He shares how they are comforted in their afflictions so that they may also comfort those who are suffering. Paul also reveals the severe affliction they experienced in Asia which burdened them beyond their strength, but also made them rely not on themselves, but on God.

Verses 8-11: Deliverance from Deadly Peril

Paul further details the hardships they faced in Asia, which were so extreme that they despaired of life itself. He acknowledges this happened to make them rely on God and not on themselves. Paul thanks the Corinthians for their prayers, which helped to deliver them from such peril.

Verses 12-14: Paul’s Assurance of Integrity

Paul asserts his clear conscience regarding his dealings with the Corinthians. He expresses his hope that the Corinthians will understand him fully, just as they already partially do, and will be able to boast of him just as he will boast of them on the Day of the Lord.

Verses 15-22: Explanation for His Change of Plans

Paul explains his change of plans and defends himself against accusations of fickleness. He assures them that his "yes" means "yes" and that God affirms this constancy. Paul concludes by confirming that God has set his seal of ownership on them, and put his Spirit in their hearts as a deposit.

Verses 23-24: Paul's Love for the Corinthians

Paul calls God as his witness to his love for the Corinthians and his desire not to burden them, but to work with them for their joy.

In 2 Corinthians 1, Paul opens his letter by affirming God as the source of all comfort and sharing his personal experiences of affliction. He offers an explanation for his change of travel plans and assures the Corinthians of his integrity and sincerity.

God as the Source of Comfort
Suffering and Consolation in Christ
Paul’s Integrity and God’s Faithfulness
Paul's Greetings to the Corinthians
God as the Comforter in Afflictions
Paul’s Change of Plans
Paul’s Assurance of Integrity
The Corinthians
God (Jesus Christ)
Asia (possibly a reference to Asia Minor)
Bible Study Questions

1. How does Paul describe God in this chapter and how does this deepen your understanding of God's character?

2. What is the connection between suffering and comfort as presented in this chapter?

3. How does Paul explain the purpose of his afflictions?

4. What does this chapter teach us about the power of prayer and community in the face of hardship?

5. How does Paul defend his integrity and sincerity to the Corinthians?

6. How can Paul's handling of criticism be applied to your own life when you face misunderstanding or misinterpretation of your actions?

7. How does Paul's change of plans reflect on his leadership and commitment to the Corinthians?

8. What does this chapter teach us about God's faithfulness and reliability?

9. How does the concept of God placing his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit inspire you?

10. How does Paul's reliance on God during his affliction in Asia apply to the challenges you face in your life?

11. How can you offer comfort to others as God has comforted you in your trials?

12. How can you assure your integrity and sincerity to others when you are misunderstood?

13. How does understanding God as a "Father of compassion and God of all comfort" help you in your current circumstances?

14. What does it mean that God's "yes" is "yes", and how can this influence your own communication?

15. How can we rely more on God rather than ourselves in facing life’s challenges?

16. What does it mean to work with others for their joy, as Paul aims to do with the Corinthians?

17. How can we demonstrate God's comfort to others in a practical way?

18. What role does the community play in supporting those who are in affliction according to this chapter?

19. How can we apply Paul's principles of sincerity and clear conscience in our dealings with others?

20. How does the assurance of God's Spirit in our hearts inspire confidence in you as a believer?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

1 Corinthians 16
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