1 Corinthians 16
The Collection for the Saints
Service, Generosity, and Encouragement: Paul's Final Instructions

1 Corinthians 16 encourages us to serve and give generously, to plan thoughtfully, and to cherish fellowship in the body of Christ. As we navigate our Christian journey, let's remain steadfast in faith, perform every action with love, and honor those who work hard in the service of the Lord. In all things, may we remember that our labor in the Lord is never in vain.

Verses 1-4: Instruction for the Collection

Paul instructs the Corinthians on how to prepare their collection for the believers in Jerusalem. He emphasizes the need for planning, each one setting aside a sum in accordance with his income.

Verses 5-9: Paul's Travel Plans

Paul outlines his travel plans, expressing his intention to visit Corinth after passing through Macedonia. He anticipates a fruitful stay in Ephesus due to the "great and effective door" open for him, despite the many adversaries.

Verses 10-12: Regarding Timothy and Apollos

Paul urges the Corinthians to welcome Timothy and ensure he feels at ease among them. He also mentions Apollos, who is unwilling to visit them at present but will come when he has opportunity.

Verses 13-18: Final Admonitions and Commendations

Paul concludes with exhortations to stand firm in the faith, act with courage and strength, and do everything in love. He commends Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus for their service and encourages the Corinthians to honor such individuals.

Verses 19-24: Greetings and Benediction

Paul sends greetings from the churches in Asia and his companions. He affirms his love for all who love the Lord and ends the letter with a benediction of grace.

In the final chapter of 1 Corinthians, Paul provides some practical instructions about a collection for the Jerusalem believers, details about his travel plans, and personal commendations. He also encourages the Corinthians to remain firm in the faith, demonstrating love and generosity.

Christian Giving
Personal Exhortations
Fellowship and Commendations
Collection for Jerusalem
Paul's Travel Plans
Commendations and Greetings
The Corinthians
Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus
Bible Study Questions

1. What principles of Christian giving can you glean from Paul's instructions about the collection for Jerusalem?

2. How does Paul's approach to planning his travels reflect his submission to God's will?

3. What can we learn from Paul's attitudes towards Timothy and Apollos in this chapter?

4. How do Paul's final admonitions inspire you to live out your Christian faith?

5. Why do you think Paul particularly commends Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus?

6. How does this chapter challenge your understanding and practice of Christian fellowship?

7. What lessons can we draw from Paul's benediction and his affirmation of love for those who love the Lord?

8. How does Paul's final encouragement to "stand firm in the faith" resonate with you?

9. What are some ways in which we can "do everything in love" as Paul exhorts?

10. How can we honor and acknowledge individuals who work hard in service of the Lord today?

11. What are some ways in which you can be more purposeful in giving, like the Corinthians were instructed to be?

12. How should we respond when our plans are interrupted or changed as Christians?

13. What practical steps can we take to ensure we are "alert and stand firm in the faith" as Paul advises?

14. In your daily life, how can you embody the virtues of courage and strength as a believer?

15. What does it mean for you to "do everything in love"?

16. How can you support and encourage those in your community who are serving the Lord?

17. Why do you think Paul emphasized the importance of everyone who loves the Lord?

18. In what ways can we apply Paul's closing greeting of "Maranatha" (Our Lord, come!) in our daily living?

19. How can we continue to give generously even in times of financial hardship?

20. How does understanding the context of Paul's letters to the Corinthians help us apply his teachings to our lives today?

Bible Hub Chapter Summaries and Bible Study Questions

1 Corinthians 15
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