Dictionary of Bible Themes Dictionary of Bible Themes » 4000 Creation » 4200 Places » 4263 Rome The city state at the heart of the great world empire of NT times, pictured in the book of Revelation as the embodiment of corrupt earthly power. A large church had been established in Rome long before Paul arrived there, towards the end of his life and his mission. His letter to the believers in Rome includes a comprehensive explanation of the gospel. Rome and the mission of Paul Paul plans to visit Rome Acts 19:21 See also Romans 1:13-15; Romans 15:23-29 Jesus Christ confirms that Paul will preach the gospel in Rome Paul is sent for trial in Rome Acts 25:10-12 See also Acts 27:1-2 Paul arrives in Rome Paul preaches in Rome Acts 28:30-31 See also Acts 28:23-24; Philippians 1:12-13 The church in Rome existed long before Paul's arrival Romans 15:23-24 See also Acts 28:15; Romans 1:8; Romans 16:3-16 Although Paul had never been to Rome, he seemed to be personally acquainted with 26 people associated with the church there, so its overall size was probably quite considerable. Paul's letter to the church in Rome presents the whole gospel Romans 1:16-17 The gospel is God's offer of salvation to all. Sin and the universal need for salvation Romans 3:23 See also Romans 3:10; Romans 6:23 God's “rescue” through Jesus Christ available to all Romans 3:22 See also Romans 1:16 Peace with God through believing in Jesus Christ Romans 5:1-2 See also Romans 4:23-25; Romans 5:8-10 Gentiles obtain salavation Rome is pictured as the embodiment of corrupt earthly power Revelation 17:1-18 Verse 9 clearly identifies the city as Rome, widely known then as the city built on seven hills. See also Revelation 14:8 Babylon was the great godless city of the OT and here is taken by most commentators to depict Rome, which in turn represents corrupt worldly power in general. However, some believe that only a general reference to the world system is in mind, and others that a literal reference to the actual city of Babylon is intended; Revelation 16:19; Revelation 18:1-24 See also
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