Restoration for Israel 1For Jehovah will pity Jacob, and he yet chose in Israel, and he gave them rest upon their land: and the stranger was joined to them, and they joined The Fall of the King of Babylon 3And it was in that day Jehovah gave rest to thee from thy toil and from thy trouble, and from the hard service which was served upon thee. 4And thou tookest up this parable against the king of Babel, and thou saidst, How did he oppressing, cease! oppression ceased. 5Jehovah broke in pieces the rod of the unjust, the rod of the rulers. 6Striking the peoples in wrath a blow not removed, bringing down the nations in anger; pursuing, not sparing. 7All the earth rested, having quiet: they broke forth a rejoicing. 8Also the cypresses rejoiced at thee, the cedars of Lebanon: From that time thou wert laid down, he cutting off will not come up against us. 9Hades from beneath was moved for thee to meet thy coming: it roused the shades for thee, all the leaders of the earth: it raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations. 10All they will answer and say to thee, Also thou wert weak as we; thou wert made like to us. 11Thy grandeur was brought down to hades, the sound of thy harps: the worm was spread under thee, and worms covering thee. 12How thou fallest from the heavens, brilliant star, son of the morning! thou wert cut off to the earth, overthrowing upon the nations! 13And thou saidst in thy heart, I will go up to the heavens; from above to the stars of God I will lift up my throne, and I will sit upon the mountain of appointment in the thighs of the north. 14I will go up upon the heights of the cloud: I will become like the Most High. 15But to hades shalt thou come down, to the thighs of the pit. 16They seeing thee shall look upon thee, they shall attend to thee. This the man moving the earth, shaking kingdoms: 17Setting the habitable globe as a desert, and destroying its cities: for his bound opening not the house. 18All the kings of the nations, all of them, lay down in honor, a man in his house. 19And thou wert east out of thy grave as a sprout abhorred, a garment of the slain thrust through with the sword, and going down to the stones of the pit as a corpse trodden down. 20Thou shalt not be united with them in the grave, for thou destroyedst thy land, and didst slay thy people: the seed of those doing evil shall not be called forever. 21Prepare slaughter for his sons, for the iniquity of their fathers; they shall not rise and possess the land, and fill the face of the habitable globe with cities. 22And I rose against them, said Jehovah of armies, and I cut off to Babel the name and remainder, offspring and progeny, says Jehovah. 23And I set it for the possession of the hedge-hog, and pools of water: and I swept her with the broom of desolation, says Jehovah of armies. God’s Purpose against Assyria 24Jehovah of armies sware, saying, If not as I purposed thus it was, and as I counseled, this shall stand: 25To break Assur in my land, and upon my mountain I will tread him down: and his yoke was removed from off them, and his burden shall remove from off their shoulder. 26This the counsel being counseled upon all the land: and this the hand stretched out upon all the nations. 27For Jehovah of armies counseled and who shall bring to nought? and his hand was stretched out, and who shall turn it back? Philistia Will Be Destroyed 28In the year king Ahaz died was this burden. 29Thou shalt not rejoice Philistia, all of thee, because the rod of him striking thee was broken: for from the root of the serpent shall come forth a viper, and his fruit burning flying. 30And the first born of the poor were fed, and the needy shall lie down confidently: and I killed thy root with famine, and thy residue he shall slay. 31Wail, thou gate; cry out, thou city; all thou Philistia, melting away, for from the north a smoke coming, and none being alone in his appointments. 32And what shall the messengers of the nations answer? for Jehovah founded Zion, and the humble of his people shall trust in her. The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments; Translated Literally From The Original Tongues by Julia E. Smith Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible |