Matthew 9
The New Messianic Version of the Bible
1Then Yeshua [God is Salvation] entered a boat; they set sail and returned to his city.

2They brought to him one who was sick with contractions, lying upon his bed. Yeshua [God is Salvation] saw their faith and said to the sick man: "Have courage my son. It is by the faith of The Mighty One that your sins have been forgiven". 3Some of the Torah-teachers (Scribes) were saying in their heart: 'This one blasphemes'. 4Yeshua [God is Salvation] saw their thoughts and said to them: "Why do you think evil in your heart?" 5"Which is easier to say: 'Your sins are forgiven, or, rise walk'? 6"But to inform you that the Son of Man is able to forgive sins on earth"; then he said to the sick man. "Arise and take your bed and walk". 7He arose and went to his house. 8The crowds saw, feared exceedingly, and praised The Mighty One Who had given power to men to do such things.

9It came to pass when Yeshua [God is Salvation] passed on from there, he saw a man sitting at the table of exchange: Mattityahu [gift of Yah] was his name and he said to him: "Follow me". So he arose and followed him.

10He brought him to his house to eat. It came to pass while he was eating, that behold many tax collectors and sinners were at the table and behold they were dining with Yeshua [God is Salvation] and his disciples. 11The P’rushim (Pharisees) [separatists] saw and said to his disciples: Why does your Rabbi sit and eat with tax collectors and sinners? 12Yeshua [God is Salvation] heard and said: "The healthy have no need for healing, but the sick". 13"Go and learn that which is written: 'I desire kindness and not sacrifice'; I have not come to call to restore the righteous but the ungodly"

14Then the disciples of Yochanan [Yah is gracious] came to him and said to him: 'Why do we and the P’rushim (Pharisees) [separatists] fast often but your disciples do not fast'? 15Yeshua [God is Salvation] answered and said to them: "The friends of the bridegroom cannot weep and fast while he is with them. The days will come when the bridegroom will be taken from them; then they will fast" 16"No man wastes a piece of new garment on an old garment because the force of the piece stretches the worn out garment and it tears more" 17"Nor do they put new wine into old vessels lest the vessels break, and the wine spills out and the vessels perish. But, new wine is for new vessels and both of them are preserved".

18It came to pass when he had spoken to them, a captain approached and bowed down to him saying: ‘Adon [Lord - Kurios of the Earth], my daughter just died. Please come and place your hand upon her and restore her to life'. 19Yeshua [God is Salvation] arose and went, he and his disciples with him.

20Behold a woman with a flow of blood for twelve years came behind him and touched the fringe of his garment. 21She was saying in her heart: 'If only I touch his garment. I will immediately be healed'. 22He turned and said to her: "Courage my daughter. By Yehovah [Messiah Pre-Incarnate] Blessed (Favored by God; happy; prosperous) be He; your healing is because of your faith". In that same hour she was healed.

23It came to pass when he entered the house of the captain, he saw many people weeping. 24He said to them: "Go outside all of you and stop weeping because the girl is asleep and not dead". But in their eyes he was as one who jests. They were saying: 'Have we not seen that she is dead'. 25When he had put them outside, Yeshua [God is Salvation] went to her, touched her hand, and the girl arose. 26This report went out in all that land.

27Yeshua [God is Salvation] passed on from there, and behold two blind men were running after him and crying out to him: 'Have mercy on us, Ben David [Beloved]'. 28He came to the house, and the blind men drew near to him. He asked them: "Do you believe that I able to do this? They said to him: 'Yes Adon [Lord - Kurios of the earth]'. He said: 29"Your faith will heal you" 30The eyes of the two men were immediately opened and they saw. He commanded them saying: "Be careful lest the matter be made known" 31As for them they went out and made it known in all that land.

32Yeshua [God is Salvation] went out from there, and they brought before him a dumb man who was demon possessed. 33He cast out the demon so that the dumb man spoke. The crowds were amazed and said: 'We have not seen it like this in Y’sra’el [he who holds onto the heal of God]'. 34The P’rushim (Pharisees) [separatists] said: 'Truly in the name of demons he casts out demons'.

35He went around all the cities and towns teaching in the synagogues and preaching the good news and healing every illness and every sickness.

36Yeshua [God is Salvation] saw the crowds and had pity on them because they were weary and wandering like sheep without a shepherd. 37Then he said to his disciples: "The standing grain is much but the reapers are few". 38"Entreat, now, ADON [LORD OF THE EARTH]AY of the standing grain that He send many reapers to harvest His grain".

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