Exodus 19
The New Messianic Version of the Bible
1In the third month, when the people of Yisra’el [He Holds Onto The Heel Of God] were gone forth out of the land of Mitzrayim [Egypt - The Narrow Place], the same day came they [into] the wilderness of Sinai. 2For they were departed from Refidim [Resting Places], and were come [to] the desert of Sinai, and had pitched in the wilderness; and there Yisra’el [He Holds Onto The Heel Of God] camped before the mount. 3And Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] went up unto God-Elohim (The Living Word) [The Many Powered], and the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) called unto him out of the mountain, saying, Thus shall youi say to the house of Ya’akov [Heal of God], and tell the people of Yisra’el [He Holds Onto The Heel Of God]; 4You2f have seen what I did unto the Mitzri, and [how] I bore you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself. 5Now therefore, if you2f will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then you2f shall be a peculiar (particular; special; one’s own) treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth [is] my: 6And you2f shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These [are] the words which youi shall speak unto the people of Yisra’el [He Holds Onto The Heel Of God].

7And Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] came and called for the elders of the people, and laid before their faces all these words which the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) commanded him. 8And all the people answered together, and said, All that the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) has spoken we will do. And Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] returned the words of the people unto the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate). 9And the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) said unto Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters], Lo, I come unto youi in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with youi, and believe youi forever. And Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] told the words of the people unto the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate).

10And the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) said unto Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters], Go unto the people, and sanctify (make holy; set apart for God’s use) them today and tomorrow, and let them wash their clothes, 11And be ready against the third day: for the third day the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) will come down in the sight of all the people upon mount Sinai. 12And youi shall set bounds unto the people round about, saying, Take heed to yourselves, [that you2f] go [not] up into the mount, or touch the border of it: whosoever touches the mount shall be surely put to death: 13There shall not an hand touch it, but he shall surely be stoned, or shot through; whether [it be] beast or man, it shall not live: when the trumpet sounds long, they shall come up to the mount. 14And Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] went down from the mount unto the people, and sanctified the people; and they washed their clothes. 15And he said unto the people, Be ready against the third day: come not at [your] wives.

16And it came to pass on the third day in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings, and a thick cloud upon the mount, and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud; so that all the people that [was] in the camp trembled. 17And Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God-Elohim (The Living Word) [The Many Powered]; and they stood at the lower part of the mount.

18And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly. 19And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long, and waxed louder and louder, Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] spoke, and God-Elohim (The Living Word) [The Many Powered] answered him by a voice. 20And the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) came down upon mount Sinai, on the top of the mount: and the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) called Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] [up] to the top of the mount; and Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] went up. 21And the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) said unto Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters], Go down, charge the people, lest they break through unto the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) to gaze, and many of them perish. 22And let the priests also, which come near to the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate), sanctify (make holy; set apart for God’s use) themselves, lest the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) break forth upon them. 23And Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] said unto the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate), The people cannot come up to mount Sinai: for youi charged us, saying, Set bounds about the mount, and sanctify (make holy; set apart for God’s use) it. 24And the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) said unto him, Away, get youi down, and youi shall come up, youi, and Aharon [Bright, Very High] with youi: but let not the priests and the people break through to come up unto the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate), lest he break forth upon them. 25So Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] went down unto the people, and spoke unto them.

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Exodus 18
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