1 Chronicles 6
The New Messianic Version of the Bible
1The sons of Levi (Levite) [Adhesion, Joiner]; Gershon [Exile], K’hat [assembly, congregation], and M’rari [Bitter]. 2And the sons of K’hat [assembly, congregation]; ‘Amram [exalted people], Yitz’har[Shining Oil], and Hevron [Seat of Association], and Uzziel [My Strength is God]. 3And the children of ‘Amram [exalted people]; Aharon [Bright, Very High], and Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters], and Miryam [rebellion]. The sons also of Aharon [Bright, Very High]; Nadav [Generous], and Avihu [he is my father], El’azar [God has helped], and Itamar [Coast of Palms]. 4El’azar [God has helped] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Pinchas [mouth of brass], Pinchas [mouth of brass] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Avishua [my father is safety], 5And Avishua [my father is safety] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Buki [Wasting], and Buki [Wasting] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) ‘Uzi [strong], 6And ‘Uzi [strong] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Z’rachyah [Yehovah has risen], and Z’rachyah [Yehovah has risen] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) M’rayot [rebellious], 7M’rayot [rebellious] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Amaryah [Yehovah speaks], and Amaryah [Yehovah speaks] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Achituv [my brother is good], 8And Achituv [my brother is good] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Tzadok [righteous], and Tzadok [righteous] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Achima’atz [my brother is anger (wrath)], 9And Achima’atz [my brother is anger (wrath)] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) ‘Azaryah [Yehovah has helped], and ‘Azaryah [Yehovah has helped] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Yochanan [Yehovah has graced], 10And Yochanan [Yehovah has graced] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) ‘Azaryah [Yehovah has helped], (he [it is] that executed the priest's office in the temple that Shlomo (Solomon) [peace] built in Yerushalayim [Foundation of Peace]:) 11And ‘Azaryah [Yehovah has helped] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Amaryah [Yehovah speaks], and Amaryah [Yehovah speaks] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Achituv [my brother is good], 12And Achituv [my brother is good] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Tzadok [righteous], and Tzadok [righteous] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Shalum [retribution], 13And Shalum [retribution] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Hilkiyahu [my portion is Yehovah], and Hilkiyahu [my portion is Yehovah] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) ‘Azaryah [Yehovah has helped], 14And ‘Azaryah [Yehovah has helped] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) S’rayah [Yehovah is ruler], and S’rayah [Yehovah is ruler] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Jehozadak, 15And Y’hozadak [Yehovah is righteous] went [into captivity], when the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) carried away Y’hudah [Let Him (God) Be Praised] and Yerushalayim [Foundation of Peace] by the hand of N’vukhadnetzar [May Nebo protect the crown].

16The sons of Levi (Levite) [Adhesion, Joiner]; Gershom [Exiled One], K’hat [assembly, congregation], and M’rari [Bitter]. 17And these [be] the names of the sons of Gershom [Exiled One]; Livni [White], and Shime’i [Fame]. 18And the sons of K’hat [assembly, congregation] [were], ‘Amram [exalted people], and Yitz’har[Shining Oil], and Hevron [Seat of Association], and Uzziel [My Strength is God]. 19The sons of M’rari [Bitter]; Machli [Sick], and Mushi [Yielding]. And these [are] the families of the Levi’im (Levites) [Joined to] according to their fathers. 20Of Gershom [Exiled One]; Livni [White] his son, Yachat [He will snatch up] his son, Zimah [plotter] his son, 21Yo’ach [Yahovah is brother] his son, ‘Iddo [His witness] his son, Zerach [Rising] his son, Ye’atrai [whom Yehovah leads] his son. 22The sons of K’hat [assembly, congregation]; ‘Amminadav [family of the prince] his son, Korakh [Bald] his son, Asir [Prisoner] his son, 23Elkanah [God Has Taken Possession] his son, and Evyasaf [my father has gathered] his son, and Asir [Prisoner] his son, 24Tachat [Station] his son, Uri’el [God is my light] his son, ‘Uziyah [my strength is Yehovah] his son, and Sha’ul [Desired] his son. 25And the sons of Elkanah [God Has Taken Possession]; ‘Amasai [burdensome], and Achimot [brother of death]. 26[As for] Elkanah [God Has Taken Possession]: the sons of Elkanah [God Has Taken Possession]; Tzofai [honeycomb] his son, and Nachat [rest] his son, 27‘Eli’av [My Father is God] his son, Yerocham [showing pity] his son, Elkanah [God Has Taken Possession] his son. 28And the sons of Sh’mu’el [His name is El]; the firstborn Vashni [strong], and Aviyah [Yehovah is (my) father]. 29The sons of M’rari [Bitter]; Machli [Sick], Livni [White] his son, Shime’i [Fame] his son, ‘Uza [strength] his son, 30Shim’a [fame] his son, Hagiyah [festival of Yehovah]] his son, ‘Asayah [made by Yehovah] his son.

31And these [are they] whom David [beloved] set over the service of song in the house of the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate), after that the ark had rest. 32And they ministered before the dwelling place of the tabernacle of the congregation with singing, until Shlomo (Solomon) [peace] had built the house of the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) in Yerushalayim [Foundation of Peace]: and [then] they waited on their office according to their order. 33And these [are] they that waited with their children. Of the sons of the K’hati: Heiman [faithful] a singer, the son of Yo’el [Yehovah is God], the son of Sh’mu’el [His Name is El], 34The son of Elkanah [God Has Taken Possession], the son of Yerocham [showing pity], the son of Eli’el [my God is God], the son of Toach [lowly], 35The son of Tzuf [honeycomb], the son of Elkanah [God Has Taken Possession], the son of Machat [grasping], the son of ‘Amasai [burdensome], 36The son of Elkanah [God Has Taken Possession], the son of Yo’el [Yehovah is God], the son of ‘Azaryah [Yehovah has helped], the son of Tzefan’yahu [Yehovah has treasured], 37The son of Tachat [Station], the son of Asir [Prisoner], the son of Evyasaf [my father has gathered], the son of Korakh [Bald], 38The son of Yitz’har[Shining Oil], the son of K’hat [assembly, congregation], the son of Levi (Levite) [Adhesion, Joiner], the son of Yisra’el [He Holds Onto The Heel Of God]. 39And his brother Asaf [gatherer], who stood on his right hand, [even] Asaf [gatherer] the son of Berekhyah [Yehovah blesses], the son of Shim’a [fame], 40The son of Mikha’el [Who is Like God?], the son of Ba’aseyah [in the service of Yehovah], the son of Malkiyah [my king is Yehovah], 41The son of Etni [my hire], the son of Zerach [Rising], the son of ‘Adayah [Yehovah has adorned Himself], 42The son of Eitan [enduring], the son of Zimah [plotter], the son of Shime’i [Fame], 43The son of Yachat [He will snatch up], the son of Gershom [Exiled One], the son of Levi (Levite) [Adhesion, Joiner]. 44And their brethren the sons of M’rari [Bitter] [stood] on the left hand: Eitan [enduring] the son of Kishi [bow of Yehovah], the son of ‘Abdi [servant of Yehovah], the son of Malukh [counsellor], 45The son of Hashavyah [Yehovah has considered], the son of Amatzyah [Yehovah is mighty], the son of Hilkiyahu [my portion is Yehovah], 46The son of Amtzi [my strength], the son of Bani [built], the son of Shamer [preserved], 47The son of Machli [Sick], the son of Mushi [Yielding], the son of M’rari [Bitter], the son of Levi (Levite) [Adhesion, Joiner]. 48Their brethren also the Levi’im (Levites) [Joined to] [were] appointed unto all manner of service of the tabernacle of the house of God-Elohim (The Living Word) [The Many Powered].

49But Aharon [Bright, Very High] and his sons offered upon the altar of the burnt offering, and on the altar of incense, [and were appointed] for all the work of the [place] most holy, and to make an atonement for Yisra’el [He Holds Onto The Heel Of God], according to all that Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] the servant of God-Elohim (The Living Word) [The Many Powered] had commanded. 50And these [are] the sons of Aharon [Bright, Very High]; El’azar [God has helped] his son, Pinchas [mouth of brass] his son, Avishua [my father is safety] his son, 51Buki [Wasting] his son, ‘Uzi [strong] his son, Z’rachyah [Yehovah has risen] his son, 52M’rayot [rebellious] his son, Amaryah [Yehovah speaks] his son, Achituv [my brother is good] his son, 53Tzadok [righteous] his son, Achima’atz [my brother is anger (wrath)] his son.

54Now these [are] their dwelling places throughout their castles in their coasts, of the sons of Aharon [Bright, Very High], of the families of the K’hati: for theirs was the lot. 55And they gave them Hevron [Seat of Association] in the land of Y’hudah [Let Him (God) Be Praised], and the suburbs thereof round about it. 56But the fields of the city, and the villages thereof, they gave to Kalev [Dog] the son of Y’funeh [He Will Face]. 57And to the sons of Aharon [Bright, Very High] they gave the cities of Y’hudah [Let Him (God) Be Praised], [namely], Hevron [Seat of Association], [the city] of refuge, and Livnah [Pavement] with her suburbs, and Yatir [Plenty], and Esht’moa [I will make myself heard], with their suburbs, 58And Hilen [place of caves] with her suburbs, D’vir [Sanctuary] with her suburbs, 59And ‘Ashan [Smoke] with her suburbs, and Beit-Shemesh [House of the Sun] with her suburbs: 60And out of the tribe of Binyamin [Son of the Right Hand/Strength]; Geva [hill] with her suburbs, and ‘Alemet [covering] with her suburbs, and ‘Anatot [answers to prayer] with her suburbs. All their cities throughout their families [were] thirteen cities.

61And unto the sons of K’hat [assembly, congregation], [which were] left of the family of that tribe, [were cities given] out of the half tribe, [namely, out of] the half [tribe] of M’nasheh [Causing to Forget], by lot, ten cities. 62And to the sons of Gershom [Exiled One] throughout their families out of the tribe of Yissakhar [There Is Recompense], and out of the tribe of Asher [Happy], and out of the tribe of Naftali [My Wrestling], and out of the tribe of M’nasheh [Causing to Forget] in Bashan [Fruitful], thirteen cities. 63Unto the sons of M’rari [Bitter] [were given] by lot, throughout their families, out of the tribe of Re’uven [Behold a Son], and out of the tribe of Gad [Good Fortune with Troublesome Effort], and out of the tribe of Z’vulun [Glorious Dwelling Place], twelve cities. 64And the people of Yisra’el [He Holds Onto The Heel Of God] gave to the Levi’im (Levites) [Joined to] [these] cities with their suburbs. 65And they gave by lot out of the tribe of the children of Y’hudah [Let Him (God) Be Praised], and out of the tribe of the children of Shim’on [he who hears], and out of the tribe of the children of Binyamin [Son of the Right Hand/Strength], these cities, which are called by [their] names.

66And [the residue (part that remains, the rest)] of the families of the sons of K’hat [assembly, congregation] had cities of their coasts out of the tribe of Efrayim [Doubly Fruitful]. 67And they gave unto them, [of] the cities of refuge, Sh’khem [Shoulder] in mount Efrayim [Doubly Fruitful] with her suburbs; [they gave] also Gezer [Portion] with her suburbs, 68And Yokme’am [gathered by the people] with her suburbs, and Beit-Horon [House of Hollowness] with her suburbs, 69And Ayalon [Field of Deer] with her suburbs, and Gat-Rimmon [winepress of the pomegranate] with her suburbs: 70And out of the half tribe of M’nasheh [Causing to Forget]; ‘Aner [boy] with her suburbs, and Bil’am [not of the people] with her suburbs, for the family of the remnant of the sons of K’hat [assembly, congregation].

71Unto the sons of Gershom [Exiled One] [were given] out of the family of the half tribe of M’nasheh [Causing to Forget], Golan [Their Captivity] in Bashan [Fruitful] with her suburbs, and ‘Ashtarot [Star (female deity)] with her suburbs: 72And out of the tribe of Yissakhar [There Is Recompense]; Kedesh [Holy Place] with her suburbs, Dovrat [Word] with her suburbs, 73And Ramot [Heights] with her suburbs, and ‘Anem [fountains] with her suburbs: 74And out of the tribe of Asher [Happy]; Mashal [entreaty] with her suburbs, and Avdon [Servile] with her suburbs, 75And Hukok [appointed] with her suburbs, and Rechov [Broad Place] with her suburbs: 76And out of the tribe of Naftali [My Wrestling]; Kedesh [Holy Place] in Galil [circuit, district] with her suburbs, and Hamon [warm springs] with her suburbs, and Kiryatayim [Two Cities] with her suburbs.

77Unto the rest of the children of M’rari [Bitter] [were given] out of the tribe of Z’vulun [Glorious Dwelling Place], Rimmon [Pomegranate] with her suburbs, Tavor [Mound] with her suburbs: 78And on the other side Yarden [Descender] by Yericho [Its Moon], on the east side of Yarden [Descender], [were given them] out of the tribe of Re’uven [Behold a Son], Betzer [Remote Fortress] in the wilderness with her suburbs, and Yahatz [trampled down] with her suburbs, 79K’demot [Eastern] also with her suburbs, and Mepha’et [Spendour or Height] with her suburbs: 80And out of the tribe of Gad [Good Fortune with Troublesome Effort]; Ramot [Heights] in Gil’ad [Rocky Region] with her suburbs, and Machanayim [Two Camps] with her suburbs, 81And Heshbon [Stronghold] with her suburbs, and Ya’zer [Helped] with her suburbs.

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