1 Chronicles 7
The New Messianic Version of the Bible
1Now the sons of Yissakhar [There Is Recompense] [were], Tola [worm], and Puah [Splendid], Yashuv [He Will Return], and Shimron [Watch-Height], four. 2And the sons of Tola [worm]; ‘Uzi [strong], and Refayah [healed of Yehovah], and Yeri’el [taught by God], and Yachmai [whom Yehovah guards], and Yivsam [pleasant], and Sh’mu’el [His Name is El], heads of their father's house, [that is to say], of Tola [worm]: [they were] valiant men of might in their generations; whose number [was] in the days of David [beloved] two and twenty thousand and six hundred. 3And the sons of ‘Uzi [strong]; Yizrachyah [Yehoveehah will shine]: and the sons of Yizrachyah [Yehoveehah will shine]; Mikha’el [Who is Like God?], and ‘Ovadyah [servant of Yehovah], and Yo’el [Yehovah is God], Yishiyah [Yehovah will lend], five: all of them chief men. 4And with them, by their generations, after the house of their fathers, [were] bands of soldiers for war, six and thirty thousand [men]: for they had many wives and sons. 5And their brethren among all the families of Yissakhar [There Is Recompense] [were] valiant men of might, reckoned in all by their genealogies eighty and seven thousand.

6[The sons] of Binyamin [Son of the Right Hand/Strength]; Bela [Destruction], and Bakher [Young Camel], and Y’dia’el [God makes known], three. 7And the sons of Bela [Destruction]; Etzbon [hasting to discern, or I will be enlargement], and ‘Uzi [strong], and Uzziel [My Strength is God], and Yerimot [He is Most High], and ‘Iri [belonging to a city], five; heads of the house of [their] fathers, mighty men of valour; and were reckoned by their genealogies twenty and two thousand and thirty and four. 8And the sons of Bakher [Young Camel]; Z’mirah [song], and Yo’ash [Given by the Lord], and Eli’ezer [God is help], and Elyo’eina [unto Yehovah are my eyes], and ‘Omri [pupil of Yehovah], and Yerimot [He is Most High], and Aviyah [Yehovah is (my) father], and ‘Anatot [answers to prayer], and ‘Almet [covering]. All these [are] the sons of Bakher [Young Camel]. 9And the number of them, after their genealogy by their generations, heads of the house of their fathers, mighty men of valour, [was] twenty thousand and two hundred. 10The sons also of Y’dia’el [God makes known]; Bilhan [their decrepitude]: and the sons of Bilhan [their decrepitude]; Ye’ush [He hurries to aid], and Binyamin [Son of the Right Hand/Strength], and Ehud [I will Give Thanks: I will be Praised], and Kena’anah [trader], and Zaitan [olive], and Tarshish [yellow jasper], and Achishachar [my brother is dawn]. 11All these the sons of Y’dia’el [God makes known], by the heads of their fathers, mighty men of valour, [were] seventeen thousand and two hundred [soldiers], fit to go out for war [and] battle. 12Shupim [serpents] also, and Hupim [protected], the children of ‘Ir [belonging to a city], [and] Hushim [who makes haste], the sons of Akher [following].

13The sons of Naftali [My Wrestling]; Yachtzi’el [God divides], and Guni [meaning disputed], and Yitzer [Forming], and Shalum [retribution], the sons of Bilhah [troubled].

14The sons of M’nasheh [Causing to Forget]; Asri’el [I shall be prince of God], whom she bore: ([but] his concubine the Aramiah [exalted] bore Makhir [Sold] the father of Gil’ad [Rocky Region]: 15And Makhir [Sold] took to wife [the sister] of Hupim [protected] and Shupim [serpents], whose sister's name [was] Ma’akhah [oppression];) and the name of the second [was] Tz’lof’chad [First-Born]: and Tz’lof’chad [First-Born] had daughters. 16And Ma’akhah [oppression] the wife of Makhir [Sold] bore a son, and she called his name Peresh [dung]; and the name of his brother [was] Sheresh [root]; and his sons [were] Ulam [their leader] and Rakem [variegation]. 17And the sons of Ulam [their leader]; B’dan [in judging]. These [were] the sons of Gil’ad [Rocky Region], the son of Makhir [Sold], the son of M’nasheh [Causing to Forget]. 18And his sister Hammolekhet [the queen] bore Ish-Hod [splendour] [man of majesty], and Avi-ezer [My Father is Help], and Machlah [disease]. 19And the sons of Sh’mida [Wise] were, Achyan [brotherly], and Sh’khem [Shoulder], and Lik’chi [learning], and Ani’am [I am the people, or lament of the people].

20And the sons of Efrayim [Doubly Fruitful]; Shutelach [Noise of Breaking], and Bered [hail] his son, and Tachat [Station] his son, and El’adah [God has adorned] his son, and Tachat [Station] his son, 21And Zavad [he endows] his son, and Shutelach [Noise of Breaking] his son, and ‘Ezer [treasure], and El’ad [God has testified], whom the men of Gat [Winepress] [that were] born in [that] land killed, because they came down to take away their cattle. 22And Efrayim [Doubly Fruitful] their father mourned many days, and his brethren came to comfort him. 23And when he went in to his wife, she conceived, and bore a son, and he called his name B’ri’i [With a Friend], because it went evil with his house. 24(And his daughter [was] She’erah [kinswoman], who built Beit-Horon [House of Hollowness] the lower, and the upper, and Uzen-She’erah [portion of kinswoman].) 25And Rephah [was] his son, also Reshef [flame], and Telach [vigour] his son, and Tachan [Camp] his son, 26La’dan [put in order] his son, Ammihud [People of Magesty] his son, Elishama [My God has Heard] his son, 27Non his son, Y’hoshua [Yehovah is Salvation] [Jehovah is Salvation] his son.

28And their possessions and habitations [were], Beit-El [House of God] and the towns thereof, and eastward Na’aran [juvenile], and westward Gezer [Portion], with the towns thereof; Sh’khem [Shoulder] also and the towns thereof, unto ‘Azah [The Stong] and the towns thereof: 29And by the borders of the children of M’nasheh [Causing to Forget], Beit-Sh’an [House of Ease] and her towns, Ta’anakh [Sandy] and her towns, Megiddo [Place of Crowds] and her towns, Dor [Generation] and her towns. In these dwelt the children of Yosef [(God) He Shall Add] the son of Yisra’el [He Holds Onto The Heel Of God].

30The sons of Asher [Happy]; Yimnah [right hand], and Yishvah [he will resemble], and Yishvi [he will resemble], and B’ri’i [With a Friend], and Serach [the prince breathed] their sister. 31And the sons of B’ri’i [With a Friend]; Hever [Comrade], and Malki’el [My King is God], who [is] the father of Birzayit [in leanness, or choice olive]. 32And Hever [Comrade] begat (to be father of; be ancestor of) Yaflet [he will deliver], and Shomer [keeper], and Hotam [seal], and Bat-Shua [daughter of wealth] their sister. 33And the sons of Yaflet [he will deliver]; Pasakh [cut off], and Bimhal [in circumcision], and ‘Ashvat [sleek]. These [are] the children of Yaflet [he will deliver]. 34And the sons of Shamer [preserved]; Achi [my brother], and Rohgah [yelling (loud complaining)], Yakh’bah [hidden], and Aram [exalted]. 35And the sons of his brother Helem [smiter]; Zofach [a pot], and Yimnah [He will restrain], and Shelesh [might], and ‘Amal [labour]. 36The sons of Zofach [a pot]; Suach [sweeping], and Harnefer [panting], and Shu’al [jackal], and Beri [a well], and Yimrah [bitterness], 37Betzer [Remote Fortress], and Hod [splendour], and Shama [obedient] [desert], and Shilshah [strong], and Yitran [advantage], and Be’era [a well]. 38And the sons of Yeter [abundance]; Y’funeh [He Will Face], and Pispah [disappearance], and Ara [lion]. 39And the sons of ‘Ula [yoke]; Arach [traveller], and Hani’el [favoured of God], and Ritzya [delight]. 40All these [were] the children of Asher [Happy], heads of [their] father's house, choice [and] mighty men of valour, chief of the princes. And the number throughout the genealogy of them that were apt to the war [and] to battle [was] twenty and six thousand men.

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