Vengeance Invoked upon Adversaries. For the music director. A Psalm of David. 1God Do not be 2For they have opened They have spoken 3They have also surrounded And have fought 4In But I am in prayer 5So they have [c]repaid And hatred 6Appoint And may an [d]accuser 7When he is judged And may his prayer 8May his days May another 9May his children And his wife 10May his children And may they seek 11May the creditor And may strangers 12May there be none Nor 13May his descendants May their name 14May the guilt And do not let the sin 15May they be before So that He may eliminate 16Because But persecuted And the despondent 17He also loved And he did not delight 18But he clothed And it entered And like oil 19May it be to him as a garment And as a belt 20May this And of those who speak 21But You, [k]GOD Because 22For I am afflicted And [l]my heart 23I am passing I am shaken 24My knees And my flesh 25I also have become When they see 26Help Save 27[n]And may they know You, LORD 28They will curse When they arise But Your servant 29[o]May my accusers And [p]may they cover 30With my mouth And I will praise 31For He stands To save [a] 2 Lit wicked mouth and the deceitful [b] 2 Lit with [c] 5 Lit laid upon me [d] 6 Or adversary, Satan [e] 10 Or out of their desolate places [f] 11 Lit ensnare, strike at [g] 12 Lit continue [h] 13 Lit for cutting off [i] 14 Lit to [j] 18 Lit his inward parts [k] 21 Heb YHWH, usually rendered LORD [l] 22 Lit one has pierced my heart within me [m] 24 Or totter [n] 27 Or That they may know [o] 29 Or My accusers will be [p] 29 Or they will cover New American Standard Bible Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit Bible Hub |