The Parable of the Lost Sheep 1And all publicans and sinful were drawing near him to hear him. 2And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, That this receives the sinful, and eats together with them. 3And he spake this parable to them, saying, 4What man of you, having one hundred sheep, and having lost one of them, leaves not the ninety-nine in the desert, and goes for the one lost, till he find it. 5And having found, he puts upon his shoulders, rejoicing. 6And having come into the house, he calls together friends and neighbors, saying to them, Rejoice with me: for I have found my lost sheep. 7I say to you, that so shall joy be in heaven over one sinful repenting, more than over ninety-nine just, which have no need of repentance. The Parable of the Lost Coin 8Or what woman having ten drachmas, if she lose one drachma, lights not a lamp, and sweeps the house, and seeks diligently till she should find? 9And having found, she calls together female friends and neighbors, saying, Rejoice with me; for I found the drachma which I lost. 10So, I say to you, joy is in heaven before the messengers of God for one sinful changing the mind. The Parable of the Prodigal Son 11And he said, A certain man had two sons: 12And the younger of them said to the father, Father, give me the portion of property falling. And he divided to them the property. 13And not many days after, having gathered all things, the younger son went abroad into a far off country, and there disposed his property, living in a profligate manner. 14And having spent all things, a powerful famine was in that country; and he began to be in want. 15And having gone, he was joined to one of the citizens of that country; and he sent him into the fields to feed swine. 16And he eagerly desired to fill his belly with the fruits of the horntree which the swine ate: and none gave to him. 17And having come to himself, he said, Many hired of my father abound in loaves, and I am perishing with hunger! 18Having risen, I will go to my father, and say to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, 19And I am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired. 20And having risen, he came to his father. And yet being far off, his father saw him, and felt compassion, and having run, fell upon his neck, and kissed him. 21And the son said to him, Father, I sinned against heaven, and before thee, and I am no more worthy to be called thy son. 22And the father said to his servants, Bring out the first robe, and clothe him; and give a ring for his hand, and shoes for the feet: 23And having brought the fatted calf, sacrifice, and eating, let us be gladdened. 24For this my son was dead, and has returned to life; and he was lost, and found. And they began to be gladdened. 25And his elder son was in the field: and coming, as he drew near the house, he heard a concert of music, and dances. 26And having called one of his servants, he inquired what these may be. 27And he said to him, That thy brother has come, and thy father has sacrificed the fatted calf; because he received him in good health. 28And he was angry and would not go in; then his father having come out, besought him. 29And he having answered said to the father, Behold, so many years I serve thee, and never at any time passed by thy command: and never hast thou given me a kid, that I might be gladdened with my friends. 30And when this thy son, devouring thy property with harlots, came, thou hast sacrificed for him the fattened calf. 31And he said to him, Child, thou art always with me, and all mine are thine. 32And to be gladdened, and to rejoice, was fitting: for this thy brother was dead, and has returned to life; and he was lost, and found. The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments; Translated Literally From The Original Tongues by Julia E. Smith Section Headings Courtesy Berean Bible |