O LORD our God, You answered them. You were a forgiving God to them, yet an avenger of their misdeeds. Sermons
I. THE MEANING OF THE TERMS EMPLOYED. There are three: 1. "Thou answeredst them." That is, answered their prayers for forgiveness of the people. Moses, Aaron, Samuel, had each this in common - that once and again they were intercessors with God on behalf of Israel who had sinned (Numbers 14:13, etc.; Numbers 16:47; 1 Samuel 12:19, etc.). And their intercession was effectual. Nevertheless, vengeance followed. 2. "Thou forgavest them. What is God's forgiveness? It is not the mere letting off of punishment. That may be done, often is done, but there is no forgiveness. And it is distinctly said here that God did forgive, though he did not forego punishment. It is true that the word though" in this verse should rather be rendered "and;" but this alteration does not really alter the sense, the two seemingly incompatible ideas of forgiveness and vengeance are linked together all the same. But they are not incompatible ideas if we consider what God's forgiveness really is. What is a father's forgiveness of his child? "Let us remember our own childhood, our children, if we have any, and how we do with them. What makes the little face fall, and the tears come to the eyes? Is it your taking down the rod from behind the door, or the grave disapprobation in your face, and the trouble and rebuke in your eyes? It is not only the buffet from the father's hand that makes the punishment, but still more the disturbance and the displeasure of the father's heart that makes the child's punishment. And forgiveness is not complete when the father says, 'Well, go away; I will not hurt you,' but when he says, 'Well, come, I am not angry with you; I love you still.' The taking the child to the father's heart is the forgiveness" (Maclaren). And such is God's forgiveness - the taking back of his sinful child to his heart again. If that were not done, no mere remission of penalty could ever make the soul blessed. The soul of man is so constituted that it would say over and over again, "Never mind the penalty; I can bear that if only I have the love." Forgiveness, therefore, is the putting away of anger from the heart of God towards the sinner. 3. "Vengeance." This does not mean revenge. The punishment of a criminal by the state is not an act of revenge, but the due maintenance of righteous law - a maintenance necessary for the preservation of society, and oftentimes for the reformation of the criminal himself. And so when God allows and, indeed, causes the consequences of the sinner's crime to dog his footsteps, and darken his life, and cause him sore sorrow, he may, he does, do that for reasons altogether consistent with the love which has already led him to forgive the sin and to receive the sinner back into his heart's love again. II. THE TRUTH THE TEXT DECLARES. That prayers may be answered and forgiveness bestowed, and yet vengeance taken. 1. This is so. See ease of Moses and Aaron; they were forgiven men, beloved of the Lord, yet their penalty - exclusion from Canaan - was never removed. David (2 Samuel 12:10) was forgiven, but the penalty was exacted. All his afterlife testified to the truth here declared. Israel: they were forgiven, but for their unbelief none of them entered into their rest. And it is so still. How many a forgiven child of God is yet bearing in weakened health, in tarnished reputation, in stern poverty, in enfeebled will, in recurring fierce temptation, in shortened and saddened life, the consequences of former sin! But there is no doubt Shut they are forgiven and true children of God; and yet And it probably will be so. Until the ends and purposes for which these penalties are exacted are fulfilled, how can they come to an end? They are inflicted in love, not wrath, and love must hold us down to the endurance of them until that which is desired is attained. Hence: 2. Such retribution is consistent with forgiveness. For though the outward penalty be continued, its character is changed. It is now not a token of anger, but a means of blessing. For such sufferings deepen our hatred of sin, drive us to God in prayer, keep us lowly before God and man in humility, make us ever watchful and compassionate to other tempted ones, enable us to glorify God amid all, maintain the truth of God's holy law of retribution. If along with forgiveness there came at once remission of all penalty, we should think that God did not care much for sin, and certainly we should not. But they will cease when their purpose is accomplished. III. THE LESSONS IT TEACHES. 1. Hate sin. 2. Rob it of its sting by turning to Christ in repentance, by submission to his will, by careful obedience in the future, and by daily, hourly trust in his grace. 3. Fight against it in others. 4. Exalt the Lord Jesus Christ, who makes us more than conquerors over it. - S.C.
Thou wast a God that forgavest them, though Thou tookest vengeance of their inventions. A very great and grave mistake about the whole relations of forgiveness and retribution, and about the whole character of that Divine nature from which they both flow is implied in that word "though"; what the psalm really says is, "Thou wast a God who forgavest them, and Thou tookest vengeance," etc. No antagonism between pardon and retribution; both are regarded as parts of one great whole, and as flowing from the holy love of God.I. FORGIVENESS IS, AT BOTTOM, THE UNDISTURBED COMMUNICATION OF THE LOVE OF GOD TO SINFUL MEN. We are far too apt to think that God pardons men in the fashion in which the sovereign pardons a culprit who has been sentenced to be hanged. Such pardon implies nothing as to the feelings of either the criminal or the monarch. The forgiveness of God is over and over again set forth in Scripture as being a father's forgiveness. Indeed, I do not remember that we ever read of the pardon of our Judge or of our King, but we read "Your heavenly Father will forgive you your trespasses." Let us keep fast by that. And then, let us remember our own childhood. What makes the little face fall, and the tears come to the eyes? Is it your taking down the rod from behind the door, or the grave disapprobation in your face, and the rebuke in your eyes? It is not only the buffet from the father's hand that makes the punishment, but still more the displeasure of the father's heart that makes the child's punishment. And forgiveness is not complete when the father says, "Well, go away, I will not hurt you," but when he says, "Well, come, I am not angry with you, and I love you still." Not putting up the rod, but taking your child to your heart is your forgiveness. II. SUCH PARDON DOES NECESSARILY SWEEP AWAY THE ONE TRUE PENALTY OF SIN. What is the penalty of sin? "The wages of sin is death." What is "death"? The wrenching away of a dependent soul from God. How is that penalty ended? When the soul is united to God in the threefold bond of trust, love, and obedience. The two statements that forgiveness is the communication of the love of God unhindered by man's sin, and that forgiveness is the removal of the punishment of sin, are really but two ways of saying the same thing. III. THE PARDONING MERCY OF GOD LEAVES MANY PENALTIES UNREMOVED. If you waste your youth, no repentance will send the shadow back upon the dial, or recover the ground lost by idleness, or restore the constitution shattered by dissipation, or give again the resources wasted upon vice, or bring back the fleeting opportunities. If you forget God and live without Him in the world, fancying that it is time enough to become "religious" when you "have had your fling" — even were you to come back at last — and remember how few do — you could not obliterate the remembrance of misused years, nor the deep marks which they had left upon imagination and thought, and taste, and habit. The wounds can all be healed indeed; for the Good Physician, blessed be His name, has lancets and bandages, and balm and anodynes for the deadliest, but scars remain even when the gash is closed. IV. PARDONING LOVE SO MODIFIES THE PUNISHMENT THAT IT BECOMES AN OCCASION FOR SOLEMN THANKFULNESS. The outward act remaining the same, its whole aspect to us, the object of it, is changed, when we think of it as flowing from the same love which pardons. It is no harsh — no, nor even only a righteous Judge, who deals with us. We are not crushed between the insensate wheels of a dead machine, nor smitten by the blow of an inflexible fate, but we are chastened by a Father's hand, who loves us too well to do by us that which He forbids us to do by one another, — suffer sin upon our brother. "When we are judged, we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned." The stroke of condemnation will never fall upon our pardoned hearts. That it may not, the loving strokes of His discipline must needs accompany the embrace of His forgiveness. And so the pains change their character, and become things to be desired, to be humbly welcomed, to be patiently borne and used, and even to be woven into our hymns of praise. (A. Maclaren, D.D.) Homiletic Review. Here we see, as in a glass, how God deals with His people. Toward their persons He acts in grace, answering their prayers and forgiving their trespasses — towards their sins, in justice, taking vengeance on their inventions. The allusion is to Moses, who must die in the wilderness because he sanctified not the Lord at the waters of strife; to Aaron, who joined with Miriam in murmuring; and to Samuel, who was partial to his sons whom he appointed judges over Israel.I. THE MOST FAITHFUL TO GOD HAVE COMMITTED SOME SINS WHICH NEED HIS PARDON. These may be — 1. Concerning His worship. This was Aaron's sin (Deuteronomy 9:20). Uzziah only puts forth his hand to steady the ark, and he dies. God's order of worship must be observed. Holy acts require holy frames. "The fear of the Lord" ever attends on the "comforts of the Holy Ghost" (Acts 9:31). 2. Neglecting to give God glory before men (Numbers 20:10). God's glory is very dear to Him, it is the end of all His purposes and dispensations (Malachi 1:16). It is very great attainment to say continually, "Let God be magnified." 3. Want of humiliation because of our and other's sins. We are more proud of our graces than ashamed of our sins. Jeshurun (Deuteronomy 32:15), Uzziah (2 Chronicles 26:16), David prays (Psalm 25:5), Job complains (Job 13:26).The sins of youth, if not confessed, will be the sufferings of age. A believer has his sweetest joys with his deepest wounds, his greatest exaltation when most truly humbled. In all our sufferings and joys, sin and grace should never be forgotten. Samuel was faithful to God, but too favourable to his sons (1 Samuel 8:3). what a commendation it was to Levi (Deuteronomy 33:9). II. WHY DOES GOD TAKE VENGEANCE ON THEIR INVENTIONS, WHILE HE PARDONS THEIR SINS? 1. To prevent the abuse of His mercy. Samson profaned God's ordinance and fell into the hands of his enemies; Peter, etc. If Christians, like the men of Bethshemesh, pry unwarrantably into the ark, they must like them suffer (Jeremiah 2:19). 2. To manifest the holiness of God and His law. Our sins are known, our repentings and pardon unknown, therefore God publicly vindicates His holy name by a public reproof. He pardoned David, yet the child died. 3. To secure our watchfulness. A believer's very life lies in heart holiness, and when he is chastened for sin, he prays, "Cleanse me from secret faults," searches out earnestly his besetting sin, and walks more closely with God. 4. To warn the impenitent. If the son be scourged, surely the servant more. III. WHY DOES GOD ANSWER AND FORGIVE WHILE HE CHASTENS HIS SAINTS? 1. From the relation He sustains to them. The covenant remains firm, while its dispensations vary. Though He hide His face, yet not his heart. 2. Because of the ransom which the surety has paid. Christ has more to say for us than our sins can say against us. 3. It is one of His titles. "Thou are a God of pardons," "a just God, yet a Saviour." 4. If He will not pardon, then we must all perish. The Canaanite is left in the land to prove, not to destroy us. Grace and mercy are for a time of need. (Homiletic Review.) Homiletic Review. I. WHY SUFFERING TO ONE FORGIVEN.1. Discipline (John 15:2). 2. Warning. For the security of society and morality; to restrain men (Hebrews 11:36-38; 1 Peter 4:17, 18). 3. To teach the distinction between forgiveness and escaping the consequences of sin. Whoever seeks only the latter deserves not the former. II. REPENTANCE AND FORGIVENESS REMOVE A LARGE SHARE OF EVIL CONSEQUENCES. 1. Evil habits are stopped which otherwise would grow continueally worse. 2. The penitent secures peace. 3. He secures God's help to overcome evil and improve. 4. He avoids death, and secures life eternal. 5. He hastens towards the home where suffering ceases. III. OBSERVATIONS. 1. True penitence seeks chiefly God's love, not escape from punishment. 2. Think not God has not forgiven because you still suffer. (Homiletic Review.). Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Homilist. Worship is at once the duty of all duties, the service of all services, the joy of all joys.I. IT IS FOUNDED ON KNOWLEDGE (ver. 3). 1. A knowledge of what God is in Himself — the absolutely good. 2. A knowledge of what God is in His relations. (1) (2) (3) II. IT IS DEVELOPED IN SERVICE. This should be — 1. Gladsome (ver. 2). 2. Thankful (ver. 4). 3. Demonstrative.With praise. True worship does not skulk into solitude, shun the gaze of society, ashamed to show itself. It craves for an opportunity of public manifestation. The spirit of true worship breaks through obscurity as the living seed breaks through the soil to unfold itself in foliage, branches, and blossoms to the eye of all. It is a life, and all life seeks to come out into the sun. (Homilist.) I. THE ELEMENTS OF TRUE WORSHIP.1. Service (ver. 2). Everything connected with it — (1) (2) 2. Praiseful (ver. 1). (1) (2) 3. Intelligent (ver. 3). 4. Grateful (ver. 4). II. MOTIVES (ver. 5). 1. Essential goodness. 2. Eternal mercy. 3. Immutable faithfulness. Such a trinity of qualities in unlimited perfection sets before us a Being infinitely beautiful, infinitely lovable, infinitely worthy of our service and trust. (J. O. Keen, D.D.) Gratitude, in the view of Dr. James Martineau, is a variety of generosity. It recognizes more than a mere fulfilment of duty. It is one of those warm human impulses that are not reduced to a science, without which we might be saved from a few mistakes, but at the expense of much that enriches life. Getting behind the psalm to the condition of mind which could produce it, we find that it could only come from one familiar with good things — from one who so thought upon God's character that his theology became translated into the poetry of song. Many do not admit the grounds of the psalmist's theology; hence the two common objections —1. God did not make us to be happy. This objection is met by showing that the greatest fact of life is its possibilities of happiness. Especially is this true in an age of such marvellous scientific progress as the present, every step in which progress opens the way to a vast increase in the possibilities of happiness for the masses of mankind. 2. God ought to be able to keep us good. This objection is met by showing that in making moral, human beings good, God can only act within His character. The goodness of a man is not the goodness of a tree or of a sheep; were it forced upon him and made compulsory, it would not be moral. (W. H. Harwood.) People Aaron, Jacob, Psalmist, SamuelPlaces JerusalemTopics Actions, Afflicted, Although, Answeredst, Avenger, Deeds, Doings, Evil, Forgave, Forgavest, Forgiving, Hast, Inventions, Misdeeds, O, Punished, Punishment, Sin, Taking, Though, Tookest, Vengeance, Wast, Wrongdoing, Wrongdoings, YetOutline 1. The prophet, setting forth the kingdom of God in Zion5. Exhorts all, by the example of their forefathers, to worship God at his holy hill Dictionary of Bible Themes Psalm 99:8Library Repentance and victory'And the men of Kirjath-jearim came, and fetched up the ark of the Lord, and brought it into the house of Abinadab in the hill, and sanctified Eleazar his son to keep the ark of the Lord. 2. And it came to pans, while the ark abode in Kirjath-jearim, that the time was long; for it was twenty years: and all the house of Israel lamented after the Lord. 3. And Samuel spake unto all the house of Israel, saying, If ye do return unto the Lord with all your hearts, then put away the strange gods and Ashtaroth … Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture Forgiveness and Retribution Eleventh Day. The Holy one of Israel. Sixth Day. Holiness and Glory. How Shall one Make Use of Christ as the Life, when Wrestling with an Angry God Because of Sin? 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