Joshua 15:47
Joshua 15:47
Ashdod, its surrounding settlements and villages; and Gaza, its settlements and villages, as far as the Wadi of Egypt and the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea.

It also included Ashdod with its surrounding settlements and villages and Gaza with its settlements and villages, as far as the Brook of Egypt and along the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

Ashdod, its towns and its villages; Gaza, its towns and its villages; to the Brook of Egypt, and the Great Sea with its coastline.

Ashdod, its towns and its villages; Gaza, its towns and its villages; as far as the brook of Egypt and the Great Sea, even its coastline.

Ashdod with her towns and her villages, Gaza with her towns and her villages, unto the river of Egypt, and the great sea, and the border thereof:

Ashdod, with its towns and villages; Gaza, with its towns and villages, to the Brook of Egypt and the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea.

Ashdod and its towns and villages, Gaza and its towns and villages as far as the River of Egypt, and the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea.

Ashdod with its surrounding towns and settlements, and Gaza with its surrounding towns and settlements, as far as the Stream of Egypt and the border at the Mediterranean Sea.

Added to this were Ashdod and Gaza with their cities and villages as far as the River of Egypt and the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

Ashdod with her towns and her villages, Gaza with her towns and her villages, unto the river of Egypt and the great sea and the border thereof;

Ashdod with its towns and its villages, Gaza with its towns and its villages, unto the river of Egypt, and the great sea, and its coastline:

Ashdod with her towns and her villages, Gaza with her towns and her villages, to the river of Egypt, and the great sea, and the border thereof:

Ashdod, its towns and its villages; Gaza, its towns and its villages; unto the brook of Egypt, and the great sea, and the border thereof .

Azotus with its towns and villages. Gaza with its towns and villages, even to the torrent of Egypt, and the great sea that is the border thereof.

Ashdod, its dependent villages and its hamlets; Gazah, its dependent villages and its hamlets, as far as the torrent of Egypt, and the great sea and its coast.

Ashdod, her towns and her villages; Gaza, her towns and her villages; unto the brook of Egypt, and the great sea, and the border thereof.

Ashdod, with her towns and her villages; Gaza, with her towns and her villages, to the river of Egypt, and the great sea, and its border:

Ashdod, its towns and its villages; Gaza, its towns and its villages; to the brook of Egypt, and the great sea with its coastline.

Ashdod, its towns and its villages, Gaza, its towns and its villages, unto the brook of Egypt, and the great sea, and its border.

Jozueu 15:47
Ashdoti me gjithë qytetet dhe fshatrat e tij; Gaza me qytetet dhe fshatrat e tij deri në përroin e Egjiptit dhe në detin e Madh me bregun e tij.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 15:47
اشدود وقراها وضياعها وغزة وقراها وضياعها الى وادي مصر والبحر الكبير وتخومه

Dyr Josen 15:47
Ästat und Gäzn mit n Umland hinst eyn n Güptnbach und eyn s Mittermör.

Исус Навиев 15:47
Азот и заселищата му със селата му, Газа и заселищата му със селата му, до египетския поток и голямото море с пределите му.

約 書 亞 記 15:47
亞 實 突 和 屬 亞 實 突 的 鎮 市 村 莊 ; 迦 薩 和 屬 迦 薩 的 鎮 市 村 莊 ; 直 到 埃 及 小 河 , 並 大 海 和 靠 近 大 海 之 地 。

亚 实 突 和 属 亚 实 突 的 镇 市 村 庄 ; 迦 萨 和 属 迦 萨 的 镇 市 村 庄 ; 直 到 埃 及 小 河 , 并 大 海 和 靠 近 大 海 之 地 。



Joshua 15:47
Ašdod s naseljima i selima njegovim, Gaza s naseljima i selima njegovim do Egipatskog potoka i Velikog mora, koje je međa.

Jozue 15:47
Azot, městečka jeho i vsi jeho; Gáza, městečka jeho i vsi jeho až ku potoku Egyptskému, i moře veliké s pomezím svým.

Josua 15:47
Asdod med Smaabyer og Landsbyer; Gaza med Smaabyer og Landsbyer indtil Ægyptens Bæk med det store Hav som Grænse.

Jozua 15:47
Asdod, haar onderhorige plaatsen en haar dorpen; Gaza, haar onderhorige plaatsen en haar dorpen, tot aan de rivier van Egypte; en de grote zee, en haar landpale.

יהושע 15:47
אַשְׁדֹּ֞וד בְּנֹותֶ֣יהָ וַחֲצֵרֶ֗יהָ עַזָּ֥ה בְּנֹותֶ֥יהָ וַחֲצֵרֶ֖יהָ עַד־נַ֣חַל מִצְרָ֑יִם וְהַיָּ֥ם [הַגָּבֹול כ] (הַגָּדֹ֖ול ק) וּגְבֽוּל׃ ס

מז אשדוד בנותיה וחצריה עזה בנותיה וחצריה--עד נחל מצרים והים הגבול (הגדול) וגבול  {ס}

אשדוד בנותיה וחצריה עזה בנותיה וחצריה עד־נחל מצרים והים [הגבול כ] (הגדול ק) וגבול׃ ס

Józsué 15:47
Asdód, ennek mezõvárosai és falui; Gáza, ennek mezõvárosai és falui; Égyiptom patakjáig, és a nagy tenger és melléke.

Josuo 15:47
Asxdod, gxiaj urbetoj kaj gxiaj vilagxoj; Gaza, gxiaj urbetoj kaj gxiaj vilagxoj, gxis la torento Egipta; kaj la Granda Maro estas la limo.

JOOSUA 15:47
Asdod tyttärinensä ja kylinensä; Gasa tyttärinensä ja kylinensä, Egyptin veteen asti; ja se suuri meri on hänen rajansa.

Josué 15:47
Asdod, les villages de son ressort, et ses hameaux; Gaza, les villages de son ressort, et ses hameaux, jusqu'au torrent d'Égypte, et la grande mer et ses côtes.

Asdod, les villes de son ressort, et ses villages; Gaza, les villes de son ressort, et ses villages, jusqu'au torrent d'Egypte, et à la grande mer, qui sert de limite.

Asdod, les villes de son ressort, et ses villages, Gaza, les villes de son ressort, et ses villages, jusqu'au torrent d'Egypte; et la grande mer, et ses limites.

Josua 15:47
Asdod mit ihren Töchtern und Dörfern, Gasa mit ihren Töchtern und Dörfern bis an das Wasser Ägyptens. Und das große Meer ist seine Grenze.

Asdod mit seinen Ortschaften und Dörfern, Gaza mit seinen Ortschaften und Dörfern bis an das Wasser Ägyptens; und das große Meer ist seine Grenze.

Asdod mit den zugehörigen Ortschaften und Dörfern, Gaza mit den zugehörigen Ortschaften und Dörfern bis zum Bach Ägyptens; die Grenze aber bildet durchweg das große Meer.

Giosué 15:47
Asdod, le città del suo territorio e i suoi villaggi; Gaza, le città del suo territorio e i suoi villaggi fino al torrente d’Egitto e al mar grande, che serve di confine.

Poi Asdod, e le terre del suo territorio, e le sue villate; Gaza, e le terre del suo territorio, e le sue villate, infino al Torrente di Egitto, e al mar grande, e i confini.

YOSUA 15:47
dan Asdod serta dengan jajahannya dan dusun-dusunnya, dan Gaza serta dengan jajahannya dan dusun-dusunnya sampai kepada anak sungai Mesir, tempat laut serta dengan tanah yang di tepinya itu perhinggaannya.

여호수아 15:47
산지는 사밀과, 얏딜과, 소고와,

Iosue 15:47
Azotus cum vicis et villulis suis Gaza cum viculis et villulis suis usque ad torrentem Aegypti mare Magnum terminus eius

Jozuës knyga 15:47
Ašdodą, jo miestus ir kaimus; Gazą, jos miestus ir kaimus iki Egipto upės ir Didžiosios jūros kranto.

Joshua 15:47
Ko Aharoro me ona pa ririki, me ona kainga, ko Kaha me ona pa ririki, me ona kainga tae noa ki te awa o Ihipa, ki te moana nui ano hoki, me tona pareparenga.

Josvas 15:47
Asdod med tilhørende byer og landsbyer, Gasa med tilhørende byer og landsbyer, inntil Egyptens bekk og det store hav og landet langsmed det.

Josué 15:47
Asdod, sus pueblos y sus aldeas; Gaza, sus pueblos y sus aldeas; hasta el torrente de Egipto y el mar Grande y sus costas.

Asdod, sus pueblos y sus aldeas; Gaza, sus pueblos y sus aldeas; hasta el torrente de Egipto y el Mar Grande (Mar Mediterráneo) y sus costas.

Asdod con sus villas y sus aldeas: Gaza con sus villas y sus aldeas hasta el río de Egipto, y el Mar Grande con sus términos.

Asdod con sus villas y sus aldeas: Gaza con sus villas y sus aldeas hasta el río de Egipto, y la gran mar con sus términos.

Asdod con sus villas y sus aldeas; Gaza con sus villas y sus aldeas hasta el río de Egipto, y la gran mar con sus términos.

Josué 15:47
Asdode, com suas vilas e aldeias vizinhas; e Gaza, também com todos os seus vilarejos e povoados, até à Torrente, o ribeiro do Egito, sendo o Grande Mar a sua fronteira final.

Asdode, com as suas vilas e aldeias; Gaza, com as suas vilas e aldeias, até o rio do Egito, e o mar grande, que serve de termo.   

Iosua 15:47
Asdod, cetăţile şi satele lui; Gaza, cetăţile şi satele ei, pînă la pîrîul Egiptului, şi la marea cea mare, care slujeşte ca hotar.

Иисус Навин 15:47
Азот, зависящие от него города и села его, Газа, зависящие от нее города и села ее, до самого потока Египетского и великого моря, которое есть предел.

Азот, зависящие от него города и села его, Газа, зависящие от нее города и села ее, до самого потока Египетского и великого моря, которое [есть] предел.[]

Josuaé 15:47
vidare Asdod med underlydande städer och byar, Gasa med underlydande städer och byar ända till Egyptens bäck och fram till Stora havet, som utgjorde gränsen.

Joshua 15:47
Asdod, ang mga bayan niyaon at ang mga nayon niyaon, Gaza, ang mga bayan niyaon at ang mga nayon niyaon; hanggang sa batis ng Egipto, at ang malaking dagat at ang hangganan niyaon.

โยชูวา 15:47
อัชโดด กับหัวเมืองและชนบทของเมืองนั้น กาซา กับหัวเมืองและชนบทของเมืองนั้นจนถึงแม่น้ำอียิปต์ และทะเลใหญ่พร้อมกับฝั่งชายทะเล

Yeşu 15:47
kasaba ve köyleriyle birlikte Aşdot; Mısır Vadisine ve Akdenizin kıyısına kadar kasaba ve köyleriyle birlikte Gazze.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 15:47
Ách-đốt, các thành địa hạt, cùng các làng của nó; Ga-xa, các thành địa hạt, cùng các làng của nó, cho đến khe Ê-díp-tô, và biển lớn dùng làm giới hạn.

Joshua 15:46
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