Ezra 2:68
Ezra 2:68
When they arrived at the house of the LORD in Jerusalem, some of the heads of the families gave freewill offerings toward the rebuilding of the house of God on its site.

When they arrived at the Temple of the LORD in Jerusalem, some of the family leaders made voluntary offerings toward the rebuilding of God's Temple on its original site,

Some of the heads of families, when they came to the house of the LORD that is in Jerusalem, made freewill offerings for the house of God, to erect it on its site.

Some of the heads of fathers' households, when they arrived at the house of the LORD which is in Jerusalem, offered willingly for the house of God to restore it on its foundation.

And some of the chief of the fathers, when they came to the house of the LORD which is at Jerusalem, offered freely for the house of God to set it up in his place:

After they arrived at the LORD's house in Jerusalem, some of the family leaders gave freewill offerings for the house of God in order to have it rebuilt on its original site.

When they arrived at the Temple of the LORD in Jerusalem, some of the heads of the families contributed toward building the Temple of God on its former site.

When they came to the LORD's temple in Jerusalem, some of the family leaders offered voluntary offerings for the temple of God in order to rebuild it on its site.

When some of the heads of the families came to the LORD's temple in Jerusalem, they contributed freewill offerings to help rebuild God's temple on its [former] site.

And some of the heads of the fathers, when they came to the house of the LORD which was at Jerusalem, offered freely for the house of God to set it up in his place.

And some of the heads of the fathers' houses, when they came to the house of the LORD which is at Jerusalem, offered freely for the house of God to set it up in its place:

And some of the chief of the fathers, when they came to the house of the LORD which is at Jerusalem, offered freely for the house of God to set it up in his place:

And some of the heads of fathers houses , when they came to the house of Jehovah which is in Jerusalem, offered willingly for the house of God to set it up in its place:

And some of the chief of the fathers, when they came to the temple of the Lord, which is in Jerusalem, offered freely to the house of the Lord to build it in its place.

And some of the chief fathers, when they came to the house of Jehovah which is at Jerusalem, offered freely for the house of God to set it up in its place.

And some of the heads of fathers' houses, when they came to the house of the LORD which is in Jerusalem, offered willingly for the house of God to set it up in its place:

And some of the chief of the fathers, when they came to the house of the LORD which is at Jerusalem, offered freely for the house of God to set it up in its place:

Some of the heads of fathers' [houses], when they came to the house of Yahweh which is in Jerusalem, offered willingly for the house of God to set it up in its place:

And some of the heads of the fathers in their coming in to the house of Jehovah that is in Jerusalem, have offered willingly for the house of God, to establish it on its base;

Esdra 2:68
Disa të parë të shtëpive atërore, kur arritën në shtëpinë e Zotit që është në Jeruzalem, dhanë bujarisht dhurata për shtëpinë e Perëndisë, në mënyrë që ajo të ngrihej përsëri në vendin e mëparshëm.

ﻋﺰﺭﺍ 2:68
والبعض من رؤوس الآباء عند مجيئهم الى بيت الرب الذي في اورشليم تبرعوا لبيت الرب لاقامته في مكانه.

Dyr Esren 2:68
Wie s z Ruslham und bei n Haus von n Herrn ankemmen warnd, gspenddnd aine Sippnhaeupter ayn schoens Sümmerl, dyrmit myn s Gotshaus wider auf n ursprünglichnen Plaz aufbaun kan.

Ездра 2:68
А някои от началниците на бащините [домове], когато дойдоха в Господния дом, който е в Ерусалим, принесоха доброволно за Божия дом, за да го издигнат на мястото му;

以 斯 拉 記 2:68
有 些 族 長 到 了 耶 路 撒 冷 耶 和 華 殿 的 地 方 , 便 為   神 的 殿 甘 心 獻 上 禮 物 , 要 重 新 建 造 。

有 些 族 长 到 了 耶 路 撒 冷 耶 和 华 殿 的 地 方 , 便 为   神 的 殿 甘 心 献 上 礼 物 , 要 重 新 建 造 。



Ezra 2:68
Stanovit broj obiteljskih glavara kad su stigli u Dom Jahvin, koji je u Jeruzalemu, dragovoljno su priložili darove za Dom Božji da bi se podigao na svome mjestu.

Ezdrášova 2:68
Z knížat pak čeledí otcovských, někteří, když přišli k domu Hospodinovu, kterýž byl v Jeruzalémě, dobrovolně se oddavše, aby stavěli dům Boží na gruntech jeho,

Ezra 2:68
Af Fædrenehusenes Overhoveder gav nogle, da de kom til HERRENS Hus i Jerusalem, frivillige Gaver til Guds Hus, for at det kunde genopbygges paa sin Plads;

Ezra 2:68
En sommigen van de hoofden der vaderen, als zij kwamen ten huize des HEEREN, die te Jeruzalem woont, gaven vrijwilliglijk ten huize Gods, om dat te zetten op zijn vaste plaats.

עזרא 2:68
וּמֵרָאשֵׁי֙ הָֽאָבֹ֔ות בְּבֹואָ֕ם לְבֵ֥ית יְהוָ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר בִּירוּשָׁלִָ֑ם הִֽתְנַדְּבוּ֙ לְבֵ֣ית הָֽאֱלֹהִ֔ים לְהַעֲמִידֹ֖ו עַל־מְכֹונֹֽו׃

סח ומראשי האבות בבואם לבית יהוה אשר בירושלם--התנדבו לבית האלהים להעמידו על מכונו

ומראשי האבות בבואם לבית יהוה אשר בירושלם התנדבו לבית האלהים להעמידו על־מכונו׃

Ezsdrás 2:68
A családfõk közül pedig, mikor megérkezének az Úr házához, mely Jeruzsálemben van, némelyek önkénytesen adakozának az Isten házára, hogy fölépítenék azt az õ helyén;

Ezra 2:68
Kelkaj el la cxefoj de patrodomoj, veninte al la domo de la Eternulo en Jerusalem, faris memvolan oferon por la domo de Dio, por restarigi gxin sur gxia fundamento.

ESRA 2:68
Ja monikahdat isäin päämiehistä, kuin he menivät Herran huoneesen, joka on Jerusalemissa, uhrasivat hyvällä mielellä Jumalan huoneen rakennukseksi paikallensa.

Esdras 2:68
Et des chefs des pères, quand ils arrivèrent à la maison de l'Éternel qui est à Jérusalem, donnèrent volontairement pour la maison de Dieu, pour la relever sur son emplacement;

Plusieurs des chefs de famille, à leur arrivée vers la maison de l'Eternel à Jérusalem, firent des offrandes volontaires pour la maison de Dieu, afin qu'on la rétablît sur le lieu où elle avait été.

Et [quelques-uns] d'entre les Chefs des pères, après qu'ils furent venus pour [rebâtir] la maison de l'Eternel, qui habite à Jérusalem, offrant volontairement pour la maison de Dieu, afin de la remettre en son état,

Esra 2:68
Und etliche der obersten Väter, da sie kamen zum Hause des HERRN zu Jerusalem, wurden sie freiwillig zum Hause Gottes, daß man es setzte auf seine Stätte.

Und etliche Oberste der Vaterhäuser, da sie kamen zum Hause des Herrn zu Jerusalem, gaben sie freiwillig zum Hause Gottes, daß man's setzte auf seine Stätte,

Und einige von den Familienhäuptern spendeten, als sie zum Tempel Jahwes in Jerusalem gelangt waren, freiwillige Gaben für den Tempel Gottes, um ihn an seiner Stätte wieder aufzurichten.

Esdra 2:68
Alcuni dei capi famiglia, come furon giunti alla casa dell’Eterno ch’è a Gerusalemme, offriron dei doni volontari per la casa di Dio, per rimetterla in piè sul luogo di prima.

Ed alcuni d’infra i capi delle famiglie paterne, quando furono giunti alla Casa del Signore, che è in Gerusalemme, fecero una offerta volontaria per la Casa di Dio, per rimetterla in piè.

EZRA 2:68
Maka adalah di antara segala penghulu bapa-bapa beberapa orang, serta sampai mereka itu kepada rumah Tuhan di dalam Yeruzalem, diberikannya hadiah dengan keridlaan hatinya akan bait-Ullah, supaya ia itu dibangunkan pula pada tempatnya yang tentu.

에스라 2:68
어떤 족장들이 예루살렘 여호와의 전 터에 이르러 하나님의 전을 그곳에 다시 건축하려고 예물을 즐거이 드리되

Esdrae 2:68
et de principibus patrum cum ingrederentur templum Domini quod est in Hierusalem sponte obtulerunt in domum Dei ad extruendam eam in loco suo

Ezdro knyga 2:68
Kai kurie šeimų vadai, atėję prie Viešpaties namų Jeruzalėje, davė savo noru aukų Dievo namams;

Ezra 2:68
Na ko etahi o nga upoko o nga whare o nga matua, i to ratou haerenga ki te whare o Ihowa i Hiruharama, hihiko tonu ratou ki te homai mea hei whakatu mo te whare o te Atua ki tona wahi.

Esras 2:68
Nogen av familiehodene gav, da de kom til Herrens hus i Jerusalem, frivillige gaver til Guds hus, så det kunde gjenreises på sitt gamle sted;

Esdras 2:68
Y algunos de los jefes de casas paternas, cuando llegaron a la casa del SEÑOR que está en Jerusalén, hicieron ofrendas voluntarias en la casa de Dios para reedificarla sobre sus mismos cimientos.

Cuando algunos de los jefes de casas paternas llegaron a la casa del SEÑOR que está en Jerusalén, hicieron ofrendas voluntarias en la casa de Dios para reedificarla sobre sus mismos cimientos.

Y algunos de los jefes de los padres, cuando vinieron a la casa de Jehová la cual estaba en Jerusalén, ofrendaron voluntariamente para la casa de Dios, para levantarla en su mismo lugar.

Y algunos de los cabezas de los padres, cuando vinieron á la casa de Jehová la cual estaba en Jerusalem, ofrecieron voluntariamente para la casa de Dios, para levantarla en su asiento.

Y algunos de los cabezas de los padres, cuando vinieron a la Casa del SEÑOR la cual estaba en Jerusalén, ofrecieron voluntariamente para la Casa de Dios, para levantarla en su asiento.

Esdras 2:68
Quando alguns dos chefes das famílias foram à Casa de Yahweh em Jerusalém, deram ofertas voluntárias para a reconstrução do templo de Deus no seu antigo local.

Alguns dos chefes das casas paternas, vindo à casa do Senhor em Jerusalém, deram ofertas voluntárias para a casa de Deus, para a edificarem no seu lugar;   

Ezra 2:68
Unii capi de familie, la venirea lor la Casa Domnului în Ierusalim, au adus daruri de bună voie pentru Casa lui Dumnezeu, ca s'o aşeze din nou pe locul unde fusese.

Ездра 2:68
Из глав поколений некоторые , придя к дому Господню, что в Иерусалиме, доброхотно жертвовали на дом Божий, чтобы восстановить его на основании его.

Из глав поколений [некоторые], придя к дому Господню, что в Иерусалиме, доброхотно жертвовали на дом Божий, чтобы восстановить его на основании его.[]

Esra 2:68
Och somliga av huvudmännen för familjerna gåvo, när de kommo till HERRENS hus i Jerusalem, frivilliga gåvor till Guds hus, för att det åter skulle byggas upp på samma plats.

Ezra 2:68
At ang ilan sa mga pangulo ng mga sangbahayan ng mga magulang, nang sila'y magsidating sa bahay ng Panginoon na nasa Jerusalem, ay nangaghandog na kusa sa bahay ng Dios, upang husayin sa kinatatayuan:

เอสรา 2:68
ประมุขของบรรพบุรุษบางคน เมื่อเขามาถึงที่พระนิเวศของพระเยโฮวาห์ซึ่งอยู่ในเยรูซาเล็ม ได้ถวายตามใจสมัครเพื่อพระนิเวศของพระเจ้า เพื่อจะสร้างพระนิเวศขึ้นในที่เดิม

Ezra 2:68
Bazı aile başları Yeruşalimdeki RAB Tanrının Tapınağına varınca, tapınağın bulunduğu yerde yeniden kurulması için gönülden armağanlar verdiler.[]

EÂ-xô-ra 2:68
Có nhiều trưởng tộc, khi đã đến đền thờ của Ðức Giê-hô-va tại Giê-ru-sa-lem, thì dâng những của lễ lạc ý cho nhà Ðức Chúa Trời, để xây cất nó lại chỗ cũ.

Ezra 2:67
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