1 Chronicles 6:78
1 Chronicles 6:78
from the tribe of Reuben across the Jordan east of Jericho they received Bezer in the wilderness, Jahzah,

From the territory of Reuben, east of the Jordan River opposite Jericho, they received Bezer (a desert town), Jahaz,

and beyond the Jordan at Jericho, on the east side of the Jordan, out of the tribe of Reuben: Bezer in the wilderness with its pasturelands, Jahzah with its pasturelands,

and beyond the Jordan at Jericho, on the east side of the Jordan, were given them, from the tribe of Reuben: Bezer in the wilderness with its pasture lands, Jahzah with its pasture lands,

And on the other side Jordan by Jericho, on the east side of Jordan, were given them out of the tribe of Reuben, Bezer in the wilderness with her suburbs, and Jahzah with her suburbs,

From the tribe of Reuben across the Jordan at Jericho, to the east of the Jordan, they received Bezer in the desert and its pasturelands, Jahzah and its pasturelands,

across the Jordan from Jericho, that is, on the east side of the Jordan, from the tribe of Reuben were allotted Bezer in the steppe with its surrounding suburbs, Jahzah with its surrounding suburbs,

Within the territory of the tribe of Reuben across the Jordan River east of Jericho: Bezer in the desert and its pasturelands, Jahzah and its pasturelands,

From the tribe of Reuben, Merari's descendants received land east of the Jordan River and across from Jericho: Bezer in the wilderness with its pastureland, Jahzah with its pastureland,

and on the other side of the Jordan by Jericho, on the east side of the Jordan, were given them out of the tribe of Reuben, Bezer in the wilderness with her suburbs and Jahzah with her suburbs,

And on the other side of the Jordan by Jericho, on the east side of the Jordan, were given them out of the tribe of Reuben, Bezer in the wilderness with its pasture lands, and Jahzah with its pasture lands,

And on the other side Jordan by Jericho, on the east side of Jordan, were given them out of the tribe of Reuben, Bezer in the wilderness with her suburbs, and Jahzah with her suburbs,

and beyond the Jordan at Jericho, on the east side of the Jordan, were given them , out of the tribe of Reuben, Bezer in the wilderness with its suburbs, and Jahzah with its suburbs,

Beyond the Jordan also over against Jericho, on the east side of the Jordan, out of the tribe of Ruben, Bosor in the wilderness with its suburbs, and Jassa with its suburbs;

and on the other side of the Jordan by Jericho, on the east side of the Jordan, out of the tribe of Reuben: Bezer in the wilderness and its suburbs, and Jahzah and its suburbs,

and beyond the Jordan at Jericho, on the east side of Jordan, were given them, out of the tribe of Reuben, Bezer in the wilderness with her suburbs, and Jahzah with her suburbs,

And on the other side of Jordan by Jericho, on the east side of Jordan, were given them out of the tribe of Reuben, Bezer in the wilderness with its suburbs, and Jahzah with its suburbs,

and beyond the Jordan at Jericho, on the east side of the Jordan, [were given them], out of the tribe of Reuben, Bezer in the wilderness with its suburbs, and Jahzah with its suburbs,

and from beyond the Jordan by Jericho, at the east of the Jordan, from the tribe of Reuben, Bezer in the wilderness and its suburbs, and Jahzah and its suburbs,

1 i Kronikave 6:78
Matanë Jordanit, pranë Jerikos, në lindje të Jordanit, nga fisi i Rubenit: Betserin në shkretëtirë me tokat e tij për kullotë dhe Jahatsahu me tokat e tij për kullotë,

ﺃﺧﺒﺎﺭ ﺍﻷﻳﺎﻡ ﺍﻷ 6:78
وفي عبر اردن اريحا شرقي الاردن من سبط رأوبين باصر في البرية ومسارحها ويهصة ومسارحها

Dyr Lauft A 6:78
ooster n Jordn von Rub Bezer in dyr Steppn, Jähäz,

1 Летописи 6:78
а оттатък Иордан при Ерихон, на изток от Иордан, [дадоха], от Рувимовото племе, Восор в пустинята с пасбищата му, Яса с пасбищата му,

歷 代 志 上 6:78
又 在 耶 利 哥 的 約 但 河 東 , 在 流 便 支 派 的 地 中 得 了 曠 野 的 比 悉 與 其 郊 野 , 雅 哈 撒 與 其 郊 野 ,

又 在 耶 利 哥 的 约 但 河 东 , 在 流 便 支 派 的 地 中 得 了 旷 野 的 比 悉 与 其 郊 野 , 雅 哈 撒 与 其 郊 野 ,



1 Chronicles 6:78
S onu stranu Jordana, prema Jerihonu, na istočnoj strani Jordana, dali su im od Rubenova plemena Beser u pustinji s pašnjacima, Jahsu s pašnjacima,

První Paralipomenon 6:78
A za Jordánem u Jericha, k východní straně Jordánu, v pokolení Rubenovu: Bozor na poušti s předměstím jeho, a Jasa i předměstí jeho.

Første Krønikebog 6:78
og hinsides Jordan over for Jeriko, østen for Jordan, af Rubens Stamme Bezer i Ørkenen med Græsmarker, Jaza med Græsmarker,

1 Kronieken 6:78
En aan gene zijde van de Jordaan tegen Jericho, tegen het oosten aan de Jordaan, van den stam van Ruben: Bezer in de woestijn, en haar voorsteden, en Jahza en haar voorsteden,

דברי הימים א 6:78
וּמֵעֵ֜בֶר לְיַרְדֵּ֣ן יְרֵחֹו֮ לְמִזְרַ֣ח הַיַּרְדֵּן֒ מִמַּטֵּ֣ה רְאוּבֵ֔ן אֶת־בֶּ֥צֶר בַּמִּדְבָּ֖ר וְאֶת־מִגְרָשֶׁ֑יהָ וְאֶת־יַ֖הְצָה וְאֶת־מִגְרָשֶֽׁיהָ׃

סג ומעבר לירדן ירחו למזרח הירדן--ממטה ראובן את בצר במדבר ואת מגרשיה ואת יהצה ואת מגרשיה

ומעבר לירדן ירחו למזרח הירדן ממטה ראובן את־בצר במדבר ואת־מגרשיה ואת־יהצה ואת־מגרשיה׃

1 Krónika 6:78
A Jordánon túl Jérikhó ellenében a Jordánnak napkelet felõl való részében a Rúben nemzetségébõl Bésert a pusztában és annak legelõit; Jahását és annak legelõit.

Kroniko 1 6:78
kaj transe de Jordan, kontraux Jerihxo, oriente de Jordan, oni donis de la tribo Ruben:Beceron en la dezerto kaj gxiajn antauxurbojn, Jahacon kaj gxiajn antauxurbojn,

Ja tuolta puolen Jordania Jerihoon päin, itään käsin Jordanin tyköä, Rubenin sukukunnasta, Betserin korvessa esikaupunkeinensa, ja Jahsan esikaupunkeinensa;

1 Chroniques 6:78
et au delà du Jourdain de Jéricho, à l'orient du Jourdain, de la tribu de Ruben; Bétser, au désert, et sa banlieue,

et de l'autre côté du Jourdain, vis-à-vis de Jéricho, à l'orient du Jourdain: de la tribu de Ruben, Betser au désert et sa banlieue, Jahtsa et sa banlieue,

Et au delà du Jourdain, vis-à-vis de Jérico, vers l'Orient du Jourdain, de la Tribu de Ruben, Betser au désert, avec ses faubourgs, Jathsa, avec ses faubourgs.

1 Chronik 6:78
und jenseit des Jordans gegen Jericho, gegen der Sonnen Aufgang am Jordan, aus dem Stamm Ruben: Bezer in der Wüste, Jahza,

und jenseit des Jordans gegenüber Jericho, gegen der Sonne Aufgang am Jordan, aus dem Stamm Ruben: Bezer in der Wüste, Jahza,

Und jenseits des Jordans gegenüber von Jericho, östlich vom Jordan, erhielten sie vom Stamme Ruben: Bezer in der Steppe samt den zugehörigen Weidetriften, Jahza samt den zugehörigen Weidetriften,

1 Cronache 6:78
e di là dal Giordano di Gerico, all’oriente del Giordano: della tribù di Ruben, Betser, nel deserto, col suo contado; Jahtsa col suo contado,

E, di là dal Giordano di Gerico, dall’Oriente del Giordano, fu lor dato della tribù di Ruben: Beser nel deserto, col suo contado; e Iasa, col suo contado;

dan di seberang Yarden bertentangan dengan Yerikho, yaitu pada sebelah timur Yarden, adalah dari pada suku Rubin negeri Bezer yang di padang serta dengan kampung-kampungnya, dan Yahza serta dengan kampung-kampungnya,

역대상 6:78
또 요단 건너 동편 곧 여리고 맞은편 르우벤 지파 중에서 광야의 베셀과 그 들과 야사와 그 들과

I Paralipomenon 6:78
trans Iordanem quoque ex adverso Hiericho contra orientem Iordanis de tribu Ruben Bosor in solitudine cum suburbanis suis et Iasa cum suburbanis suis

Pirmoji Kronikø knyga 6:78
anapus Jordano ties Jerichu iš Rubeno giminės­Becero miestą dykumoje, Jahcos miestą,

1 Chronicles 6:78
A i tera taha o Horano, i te ritenga o Heriko, i te taha ki te rawhiti o Horano i hoatu ki a ratou etahi pa no o te iwi o Reupena, ko Petere i te koraha me ona wahi o waho ake, ko Iahata me ona wahi o waho ake,

1 Krønikebok 6:78
og på hin side Jordan ved Jeriko, østenfor Jordan, fikk de av Rubens stamme Beser i ørkenen med tilhørende jorder og Jahsa med jorder

1 Crónicas 6:78
y más allá del Jordán en Jericó, al lado oriental del Jordán, les fueron dadas, de la tribu de Rubén: Beser en el desierto con sus tierras de pastos, Jaza con sus tierras de pastos,

y más allá del Jordán en Jericó, al lado oriental del Jordán, les fueron dadas, de la tribu de Rubén: Beser en el desierto con sus tierras de pastos, Jaza con sus tierras de pastos,

Y del otro lado del Jordán, frente a Jericó, al oriente del Jordán, dieron de la tribu de Rubén, a Beser en el desierto con sus ejidos; y a Jahaza con sus ejidos.

Y de la otra parte del Jordán de Jericó, al oriente del Jordán, dieron, de la tribu de Rubén, á Beser en el desierto con sus ejidos; y á Jasa con sus ejidos.

y del otro lado del Jordán frente a Jericó, al oriente del Jordán, dieron , de la tribu de Rubén, a Beser en el desierto con sus ejidos; y a Jasa con sus ejidos.

1 Crônicas 6:78
e da tribo de Rúben, do lado oriental do Jordão, a Leste de Jericó, deram Bezer, no deserto, bem como seus campos, Jaza e também suas respectivas áreas de pastagens,

e dalém do Jordão, na altura de Jericó, ao oriente do Jordão, deram, da tribo de Rúben Bezer, no deserto, e seus campos, Jaza e seus campos,   

1 Cronici 6:78
iar de cealaltă parte a Iordanului, în faţa Ierihonului, la răsărit de Iordan: din seminţia lui Ruben, Beţer, în pustie, cu locurile lui de păşunat, Iahţa cu locurile lui de păşunat,

1-я Паралипоменон 6:78
По ту сторону Иордана, против Иерихона, на восток от Иордана, от колена Рувимова дали Восор в пустыне и предместья его, и Иаацу и предместья ее,

По ту сторону Иордана, против Иерихона, на восток от Иордана, от колена Рувимова [дали] Восор в пустыне и предместья его, и Иаацу и предместья ее,[]

Krönikeboken 6:78
och på andra sidan Jordan mitt emot Jeriko, öster om Jordan, ur Rubens stam Beser i öknen med dess utmarker, Jahas med dess utmarker,

1 Chronicles 6:78
At sa dako roon ng Jordan sa Jerico sa dakong silanganan ng Jordan nabigay sa kanila, mula sa lipi ni Ruben, ang Beser sa ilang pati ng mga nayon niyaon, at ang Jasa pati ng mga nayon niyaon,

1 พงศาวดาร 6:78
และฟากแม่น้ำจอร์แดนข้างโน้นที่เยรีโค คือฟากตะวันออกของแม่น้ำจอร์แดนนั้น จากตระกูลรูเบน คือเมืองเบเซอร์ในถิ่นทุรกันดารพร้อมกับทุ่งหญ้า เมืองยาฮาสพร้อมกับทุ่งหญ้า

1 Tarihler 6:78
Ruben oymağından Erihanın ötesinde, Şeria Irmağının doğusundaki kırda bulunan Beser, Yahsa, Kedemot, Mefaat ve bunların otlakları.[]

1 Söû-kyù 6:78
còn bên kia sông Giô-đanh về phía đông, đối ngang Giê-ri-cô, bởi chi phái Ru-bên, họ được Bết-se trong rừng với địa hạt nó; Gia-xa với địa hạt nó;

1 Chronicles 6:77
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