Children and Parents 1Chyldren, obey your fathers and mothers in the Lorde: for this is ryght. 2Honour thy father and mother (whiche is the first commaundement in promise) 3That thou mayest prosper, and lyue long on earth. 4Fathers prouoke not your children to wrath: but bring them vp in instruction and information of the Lorde. Serving with Honor 5Seruauntes obey them that are your bodyly maisters, with feare and tremblyng, in singlenesse of your heart, as vnto Christe.
6Not with seruice vnto the eye, as men pleasers: but as the seruautes of Christ.
7Doyng the wyll of God fro the heart, with good wyll seruyng the Lorde, and not men:
8Knowyng, that whatsoeuer good thyng any man doeth, that shall he receaue agayne of the Lorde, whether 9And ye maisters do the same thynges vnto them, puttyng away threatnyng: knowyng that your maister also is in heauen, neither is respecte of person with hym. The Full Armor of God 10Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lorde, & in the power of his might.
11Put on all the armour of God, that ye may stande agaynst the assaultes of the deuyll.
12For we wrastle not agaynst blood & flesshe: but agaynst rule, agaynst power, agaynst worldly gouernours of the darknesse of this worlde, agaynst spirituall craftynesse in heauenly 18Praying alwayes in all prayer and supplication in the spirite, and watche thervnto with all instaunce and supplication, for all saintes, 19And for me, that vtteraunce may be geue vnto me, yt I may open my mouth freely, to vtter ye secretes of the Gospell. 20Whereof I am messenger in bondes, that therein I may speake freely, as I ought to speake. Final Greetings 21But yt ye may also knowe my affaires, and what I do, Tichicus a deare brother and faythfull minister in the Lord, shall shewe you all thynges: 22Whom I haue sent vnto you for the same purpose, that ye myght knowe of our affaires, and that he myght comfort your heartes.
23Peace |