The servant answered him again. "Look," he said "I have here in my hand a quarter shekel of silver. I will give it to the man of God, and he will tell us our way." Sermons
1 Samuel 9:1-25. (GIBEAH, RAMAH.) 1. The choice of the first king of Israel was made by Samuel, prophet and judge, as the highest authority under God in the nation; and it was afterwards confirmed by lot, wherein the Divine will was openly expressed (1 Samuel 10:21). "The history of the world cannot produce another instance in which a public determination was formed to appoint a king, and yet no one proposed either himself or any other person to be king, but referred the determination entirely to God" (Scott). 2. In making choice of Saul, Samuel believed that he would be acceptable to the people, and fulfil the purpose for which they had desired a king, in saving them out of the hand of the Philistines (1 Samuel 9:17) and the children of Ammon (1 Samuel 12:12); and he appears to have expected that he would be faithful to the principle of the theocracy, and rule in obedience to the Divine will. He did all that lay in his power that this expectation might be realised; he entertained a strong affection for Saul; and it was only when the latter proved utterly unfaithful to his trust that he reluctantly and sorrowfully abandoned him to his fate. 3. His choice was directed by a higher wisdom than his own, which saw the end from the beginning. Whilst the Divine King of Israel sanctioned what was good in their desire, he fulfilled it in such a manner as to convince them of what was evil in it, and to accomplish far reaching purposes which the prophet himself did not foresee. "The ken your world is gifted with descends I. FITTED BY PECULIAR QUALIFICATIONS (vers. 1, 2). Notice - 1. His family relationship. He was the son of Kish, of the family of Matri (1 Samuel 10:21), of the tribe of Benjamin; his cousin (or perhaps uncle - 1 Chronicles 8:33) being Abner, afterwards "the captain of his host" (1 Samuel 14:51); his name - Saul = asked - being "an omen of his history." Kish was a man of wealth and good social position, a fact which would gain for his son general respect; he appears to have been an affectionate father (ver. 5; 1 Samuel 10:2); and he resided at Gibeah (1 Samuel 10:26), "a hill," formerly a place of notorious profligacy (Judges 19.), and subsequently the seat of Saul's government, but was buried at Zelah (2 Samuel 21:14). Of him nothing more is known. Benjamin was the smallest of the tribes of Israel (ver. 21), but the most warlike of them (Genesis 49:27). The selection of a king from it, therefore, would not be likely to excite the jealousy of the other tribes, whilst he would doubtless prove an able leader of their armies. There was in Saul "the strange union of fierceness and of gentleness which rim, as hereditary qualities do often run, through the whole history of that frontier clan" (Stanley). 2. His personal appearance. He was in the prime of manhood, and of lofty stature and great warlike beauty (ver. 2; 1 Samuel 10:23, 24). "Great stress is laid upon this, because his distinguished stature, with the impression of bodily prowess which it conveyed, helped much to recommend him to the choice of the people. When, after a long peace, there was no man of distinguished renown among them, and when in battle much less depended upon the military skill than upon the bodily prowess of the chief in single combats, or in the partial actions with which most battles commenced, it was natural enough that the people should take pride in the gigantic proportions of their leader, as calculated to strike terror into the enemy and to inspire confidence in his followers; besides that, it was no mean advantage that the crest of the leader should, from his tallness, be seen from afar by the people" (Kitto). 3. His mental and moral characteristics. He was possessed of little mental culture. He had not been instructed in the schools of the prophets (1 Samuel 10:11). His life had been spent in retired, rustic occupation, in which he was so absorbed that he was less acquainted with the political and religious movements of his time than his own servant (ver. 6). He was obedient to his father (ver. 4), tenderly concerned about his feelings (ver. 5), persevering in labour and ready to take advice even from one beneath him (ver. 10). He exhibited a courteous, modest, and humble bearing (ver. 21; 1 Samuel 10:21). He was, in his earlier career, capable of prudent reserve (1 Samuel 10:16, 27); patriotic, zealous, fearless, energetic (1 Samuel 11:6), resolute, and magnanimous (1 Samuel 11:13); and he had a strong sense of the value of religion and religious institutions. But underneath these qualities there lay others of a different nature, which his subsequent course revealed, viz., waywardness, rash and fiery impulses, impatience, the love of display, pride and self-will, and morbid tendencies to distrust and jealousy; and instead of overcoming them by the aid of Divine grace, he yielded to them, until they gained the entire mastery over him, choked the good seed which was sown in his heart (Matthew 13:22), and caused his ruin. God sees the latent as well as the manifest dispositions of men, and adapts his dealings toward them accordingly. II. GUIDED BY SPECIAL PROVIDENCE (vers. 3-14). These verses furnish a practical commentary on what was said by Hannah concerning the operations of Providence (1 Samuel 2:7, 8). In leaving his home in Gibeah, at the direction of his father, in search of the lost asses, travelling through the hill country of Ephraim, the land of Shalisha, of Shalim, and of the Benjamites, to the land of Zuph (1 Samuel 1:1), and going in search of the "seer" (roeh), Saul acted freely, and according to his best judgment; but his three days' journey and all connected with it - his lack of success, his desire to return, his servant's advice, his destitution of food, his servant's possession of a coin for a present, his meeting with "young maidens going out to draw water," his presence in the city at a certain time - were ordered by God to the attainment of an end of which he had no conception. "All these incidents and wanderings were only preparations and mediate causes by which God accomplished his design concerning Saul." His providence - 1. Often makes insignificant events productive of important results. It is truly astonishing how the very greatest things depend upon events which are generally regarded at the time of their occurrence as of little account. Of this the lives of individuals and the history of nations afford innumerable illustrations. "What is it that we dare call insignificant? The least of all things may be as a seed cast into the seed field of time, to grow there and bear fruits, which shall be multiplying when time shall be no more. We cannot always trace the connections of things; we do not ponder those we can trace, or we should tremble to call anything beneath the notice of God. It has been eloquently said that where we see a trifle hovering unconnected in space, higher spirits can discern its fibres stretching through the whole expanse of the system of the world, and hanging on the remotest limits of the future and the past" (Kitto, 'Cyc. of Bib. Lit.,' first ed., Art. 'Providence;' Knapp's 'Theology'). 2. Makes accidental circumstances subservient to a prearranged plan. "The thread of every life is entangled with other threads beyond all reach of calculation. Those unforeseen accidents which so often control the lot of men constitute a superstratum in the system of human affairs, wherein, peculiarly, the Divine providence holds empire for the accomplishment of its special purposes. It is from this hidden and inexhaustible mine of chances - chances, as we must call them - that the Governor of the world draws, with unfathomable skill, the materials of his dispensations towards each individual of mankind" (Isaac Taylor, 'Nat. Hist. of Enthusiasm'). 3. Overrules human plans, in harmony with human freedom, for the fulfilment of Divine purposes (Proverbs 16:9, 33). III. INDICATED BY DIVINE REVELATION (vers. 15-25). Such revelation - 1. Was primarily and directly given to one who lived in closest fellowship with God. Samuel was like the lofty mountain peak, which catches the rays of the morning sun long ere they reach the valleys below. On the day before Saul came to the city (of Ramah), the prophet, ever watching and listening for the indications of the Divine will concerning the future king, was fully instructed therein by "the word of the Lord" (1 Samuel 3:21), which contained (1) a promise of sending him (ver. 16), (2) a direction to anoint him, (3) a statement of the purpose of his appointment, and (4) an expression of commiseration for the need of the people. Nothwithstanding they had rejected God, he had not rejected them, but still calls them "my people," and in wrath remembers mercy. The long suffering of God toward transgressors should teach his servants forbearance, and incite them to renewed efforts for their welfare. It appears to have been after Samuel had received the Divine message that he invited the people (perhaps the elders who had formerly waited upon him) to a sacrificial feast, and arranged for the worthy entertainment of his chief guest (ver. 24). The displeasure which he previously felt at their request (1 Samuel 8:6) has now given place to disinterested and earnest desire for its fulfilment. 2. Harmonised with, and was confirmed by, the operations of Providence. Samuel is expecting the fulfilment of the promise given to him, and already is on the way from his own house in the city to offer sacrifice on the height (the loftier of the two hills on which Ramah was situated), when he sees the towering form of Saul, a stranger to the place, who has come up into the midst of the city according to the direction of the maidens at the foot of the hill, and the inner voice with which he is so familiar says to him, "Behold the man," etc. (ver. 17). There is nothing in the simple dress of the prophet to indicate his dignity; and as he passes onward Saul "draws near to him in the gate," and in reply to his inquiry concerning the seer's residence, receives the answer, "I am the seer." Seldom has the meeting of two persons shown more clearly the cooperation of the revealed word with the guiding providence of God or the unity of the purpose by which both are pervaded, or been followed by more momentous results. 3. And its communication required a gradual preparation on the part of him to whom it chiefly pertained, in order that it might be received aright. This Samuel sought to effect - (1) By awakening in Saul new and elevated thoughts and hopes (vers. 19, 20); directing him to go up before him, as a mark of respect, inviting him to be his guest, telling him that he would "reveal to him his innermost thoughts," setting his mind at rest from lower cares, and assuring him of the highest dignity. "For whom is every desirable thing in Israel?" (ver. 20). (2) By giving him honour in the presence of others (vers. 22-24); appointing to him the chief place among his thirty guests, appropriating to him the best portion of the meal, and intimating that the honour had been reserved for him in foreknowledge of his arrival. (3) By holding confidential and prolonged conversation with him (ver. 25), pertaining "not to the royal dignity, but surely to the deep religious and political decline of the people of God, the opposition of the heathen, the causes of the impotency to oppose these enemies, the necessity of a religious change in the people, and of a leader thoroughly obedient to the Lord (O. von Gerlach). In this manner Saul was prepared for the more definite indication given on the following morning. A gradual preparation of a somewhat similar kind is often needed by men when about to receive a Divine commission. - D.
Go seek the asses. Though God gave the Israelites their own way, when they would not be convinced of their error, it was not till the very last — not until He had allowed them a further opportunity of reviewing their course. Sometimes arguments which have failed to convince amidst the excitement and warmth of a public assembly, will recur with power and impressiveness in the quietude and retirement of home. We have felt, many a time, that we could not give our friends a better piece of advice than to think again before they acted; and we ourselves, probably, are no strangers to the advantages of acting upon "second thoughts," rather than upon first impressions. The Israelites accordingly were dismissed to their homes: "Go ye every man unto his city." If conscience were awake and faithful, it would hear God saying, "Sinner, I stand between thee and thy ruin a few days longer; I give thee the mercy of a few hours delay. Go home; go and consider. Go to thy Bible; go to thy closet; go to the mercy seat; go, ere it be too late; and pause ere thou dost resolve on persistence in thy unholy desire — in thy ungodly plan." We may be disposed to think that a more dignified form of introducing Saul might have been selected — which greater dignity would have been attained by an entire omission of the mention of such trifles as Saul's father losing his asses, and sending his son to seek them.I. The study of this feature of Saul's history demands that a thought or two should be expended upon the subject of the introduction into Scripture of these TRIVIAL INCIDENTS, these homely occurrences — for the recollection of every reader of the Bible will immediately suggest that this is not the only instance in which the same feature meets us in its manifold narratives. A writer who, merely to answer some private end, makes up a tale, purposely avoids minute incidents. He deals in generalities; because he feels that if he should descend into particulars he will but multiply the chances of detection. The minutely circumstantial character, therefore, of many of the narratives in the Bible is so far most favourable to our reception of the Scriptures as written under Divine influence, that it guarantees their truthfulness — a characteristic, the absence of which would at once constrain us to deny their inspiration. Still further — it must be acknowledged that matters which, in themselves and separately considered, appear trivial, turn out often, in their connexion and consequences, to be most momentous. It is the habit with God to associate the most important results with that which, in its origin, appears most insignificant. Nor only so — the purpose of a Divine revelation could only be answered consistently with the dictates of the highest wisdom, as the leading features of such a revelation were conformed to the facts and features of our own everyday history. In order to accomplish its professed purpose of being a guide and directory to man, it must be a faithful picture of human life. Were the aspects under which it presented human life materially different from those under which we ourselves view it, and even participate in it, we should be tempted to say, This is not the book for us. II. The incidents connected with Saul's appointment as king were not only trivial, but they possessed in combination with this characteristic another feature — they were of a class to which, in the ordinary way of speaking, we should give the name of ACCIDENTAL. And in this respect, the history appears framed so as to teach us the simple but emphatic lesson, that there is a God of Providence, and that where, to the human eye, there may appear nothing but an accidental connexion between two or more circumstances, there exists, in the mind of God, the most clearly-intentioned, complete, and beautiful arrangement and harmony. As we look back upon our own lives there stays by us the recollection of many incidents which once appeared not only trivial, but accidental. Their occurrence was the result of no premeditation of ours. They were such as arose seemingly in the ordinary course of events; such as suggested no idea of any special purpose being involved, or such as no human foresight could have prevented. But why do they stay by us thus? What is the power which has lodged firmly in our memory things which in themselves seemed to have no claim to so long-enduring a recollection? Why have we not forgotten them long ago? For this good reason: that these very incidents constituted, as we can now see, the springs out of which flowed the most important events in the whole of our history. Such views as those which have now passed before us of a thread of Divine arrangement and plan passing through all the varied incidents of our everyday life, should incite to the habitual acknowledgment of God in all our ways. Repeated lessons discover to us our own incompetency to direct our steps rightly amid the puzzling and perplexing paths of life. For notwithstanding that which meets our eye, it is still a fact that all is arranged. The chart of the Divine purposes is gradually unfolding; but the measure and the manner of that unfolding we must leave in the hands of the great Contriver. III. Another thought suggested by that portion of the narrative now under consideration is this — that since, from God's concealment of the future, we cannot tell what He may intend to do with us and by us, IT IS OUR DUTY TO HOLD OURSELVES IN READINESS TO UNDERTAKE ANY SERVICE WHICH HE MAY REQUIRE US TO RENDER, to enter upon any position He may call upon us to fill. Of all the possible or probable events which might have happened to Saul, that of becoming king would most certainly have been set down by himself and by others as the least likely ever to occur. But how, it may be asked, can we be prepared for that which is as yet entirely concealed from us — that which we cannot even anticipate? To this it may be replied, that there are certain qualifications which are requisite alike for all positions, and which render us, in a good measure, ready for any service. Such, for instance, are diligence and fidelity in meeting the claims of our present condition, whatever it may be. Such is the effort at mental cultivation, by the acquisition of useful knowledge, and by the employment of our thoughts upon the information thus gained. To these we may add that habit of working from principle which will ever be found the best aid to perseverance, because it stands opposed to all fitful excitement. The more self-acquaintance, too, which has been gained — the more dependence upon God — the more prayerfulness, watchfulness, and concern for God's glory — the more real religion, in fact, which a man possesses, the more satisfied will he be in any position, however lowly — the more prepared for service, however exalted. God can turn all your acquisitions to profit. Saul, in the pursuit of a lesser good, met with the offer and promise of a crown. We say he was fortunate. But there is a better fortune which meets us wandering through this desert land, and often in pursuit of objects of inferior worth. An offer of a crown is made us, but it is one of imperishable material. An offer of a kingdom is made us, but it is of "a kingdom which cannot be moved." (J. A. Miller.) (Helen Plumptre.) 1. Saul is introduced in connection with his ancestry. We are informed of his nationality and parentage. If we thought more of our homes and ancestors, national life would be swept of the political and filled with the domestic. How apt are young men in times of advancement to forget their "poor relations." But it sometimes happens that God fastens a young man to his father's home by recording him in connection with his ancestry. 2. Saul is introduced in connection with the meaner duties of life. See the simplicity and mystery of the divine plan! 3. The light which this incident throws upon Saul's domestic character:(1) Saul was an obedient son.(2) Saul was a persevering and patient son Yet he continued the search along the plain, mile after mile, uselessly.(3) Saul wag a considerate son. (ver. 5.) Thus he feared lest their absence should be of more grief to his parent than the loss of the animals. If every young man had such tender regard for the feelings of his father, how many homes would be cheered end how many hearts solaced!(4) Saul was somewhat indebted to the social condition of the times for his elevation. The nation was in a state of unrest, the people were impatient; their request for a king had been communicated to Samuel, and they were anxiously awaiting the result. Yet, while the political state of the nation exercised a power in drawing Saul to kingship, it was only in a subsidiary sense. People, and especially jealous folk, are never tired of attributing the greatness and position of certain individuals to the "call of the times." True, the times do influence men, as if no king had been wanted Saul could not have been made one. The vacancy was occasioned by the unhappy combination of the times, but Saul was not so made to fill it. "The times call forth! Alas, we have known times call loudly enough for their great man, but not find him when they called! He was not there; Providence had not sent him; the time, calling its loudest, had to go down to confusion and wreck because he would not come when called." "But I liken common languid times with their embarrassed circumstances, impotently crumbling down into ever worse distress towards final ruin: — all this I liken to dry, dead fuel, waiting for the lightning out of heaven that shall kindle it. The great man, with his free force direct out of God's own hand, is the lightning. All blazes round him now, when he has once struck on it, into fire like his own. The dry, mouldering sticks are thought to have called him forth. They did want him greatly; but, as to calling him forth! These are critics of smaller vision, I think, who cry, 'See, is it not the sticks that made the fire?'"* *(Thomas Carlyle). See in this narrative: — I. THE MYSTERIOUS POWERS WHICH GUIDE OUR LIVES. These forces are two-fold: the minor or secondary influences which touch us. 1. Events. Life is so mysterious to us because we only see one side of it. Like those beautiful laurel designs which decorate the church — behind there are ugly ends of stick, there is no design, but deepest confusion: but in front there are words of hope composed of leaves and flowers. So here we only see the behind of life; in heaven we shall behold its twofold aspect, and be thrilled by its harmony rather than awed by its mystery. The mysterious event which had such an influence in shaping the future of Saul was(1) trivial. It was simply the loss of some asses. So we little know how potently the small events of everyday life touch our souls.(2) Casual. It was quite a casual thing for Samuel to go in search of lost property. God takes hold of all the casualties of life, and makes them work the purposes of His will.(3) At critical junctures. How the Divine Being links the separate events of life. He joined the loss of asses to Israel's desire for a king, and made the one subservient to the other. Not only are events among the minor forces which shape our lives, but also: — 2. Persons. "And he said unto him, Behold now, there is in this city a man of God" (ver. 6). This shows that we are influenced(1) by persons of inferior rank. We little know the shaping power which even servants exercise upon us.(2) Unconsciously. The servant little knew that in leading Saul to Samuel he was conducting him to kingship. 2. The primary or Supreme influences which shape our lives. God is the Supreme power of life.(1) Their influence upon prophetic life. God told Samuel the person who was to be king (ver. 15) the time he would appear (ver. 15) the purpose he had in view (ver. 16)(2) Their influence upon unfolding life. A marvellous coincidence (ver. 18, 19); a mysterious assurance (ver. 20); a consoling statement (ver. 20). II. THE IMPORTANT ISSUES TO WHICH THEY TEND. 1. Spiritual in their nature. They lead to the prophet. 2. Social in their bearing. Lead to kingships. (1) (2) (2) 3. Samuel's communications to Saul. (1) (2) 1. If God wants a king he knows where to get him. 2. That obedient sons are likely to be Divinely honoured. 3. The mysterious power of human association. 4. The Divine casuistry of everyday life. 5. The harmonious working of Divine Providence. 6. The relationship of human governments to the Divine. (J. S. Exell, M. A.) People Abiel, Aphiah, Bechorath, Benjamin, Benjaminites, Benjamites, Israelites, Kish, Samuel, Saul, Zeror, ZuphPlaces Ramah, Shaalim, Shalishah, ZuphTopics Addeth, Behold, Declared, Directions, Fourth, Quarter, Saul, Servant, Shekel, SilverOutline 1. Saul despairing to find his father's donkeys6. by the counsel of his servant 11. and direction of young maidens 15. according to God's revelation 18. comes to Samuel 19. Samuel entertains Saul at the feast 25. Samuel, after secret communication, brings Saul on his way Dictionary of Bible Themes 1 Samuel 9:8 8129 guidance, examples Library The Old Judge and the Young King'Now the Lord had told Samuel In his ear a day before Saul came, saying, 16, To-morrow, about this time I will send thee a man out of the land of Benjamin, and thou shalt anoint him to be captain over My people Israel, that he may save My people out of the hand of the Philistines: for I have looked upon My people, because their cry is come unto Me. 17. And when Samuel saw Saul, the Lord said unto him, Behold the man whom I spake to thee of! this same shall reign over My people. 18. Then Saul drew … Alexander Maclaren—Expositions of Holy Scripture 1 to Pray Does not Imply that Without Prayer God Would not Give us Anything... Ramah. Ramathaim Zophim. Gibeah. Meditations Before Dinner and Supper. 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