Topical Encyclopedia In biblical literature, the term "slopes" often refers to the geographical features of the land, particularly in the context of the hilly and mountainous terrain of the ancient Near East. The slopes of hills and mountains are frequently mentioned in the Bible, serving as significant locations for events, metaphors, and teachings.Geographical Significance The land of Israel is characterized by its varied topography, including numerous hills and mountains. The slopes of these elevations were often used for agriculture, as they provided fertile ground for vineyards and olive groves. The terraced farming techniques employed by ancient Israelites made effective use of these slopes, maximizing arable land in a region where flat plains were limited. Biblical References 1. Military Strategy and Refuge: The slopes of mountains and hills often served as strategic locations in military contexts. For instance, in 1 Samuel 14:4, Jonathan and his armor-bearer climbed the slopes to attack the Philistine garrison: "On each side of the pass that Jonathan intended to cross to reach the Philistine outpost was a cliff; one was called Bozez and the other Seneh" . The slopes provided both a tactical advantage and a place of refuge during battles. 2. Symbolic and Spiritual Imagery: The Bible frequently uses the imagery of slopes to convey spiritual truths. In Psalm 121:1, the psalmist declares, "I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?" . Here, the slopes of the hills symbolize a place of divine assistance and protection, pointing to the Lord as the ultimate source of help. 3. Judgment and Prophecy: The slopes are also depicted as places of judgment and prophetic significance. In Isaiah 2:2, the prophet speaks of a future time when "the mountain of the house of the LORD will be established as the chief of the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and all nations will stream to it" . The slopes of the Lord's mountain represent the exaltation of God's kingdom above all earthly powers. 4. Agricultural Imagery: The slopes are often associated with agricultural abundance and blessing. In Deuteronomy 33:15, Moses blesses Joseph with "the choicest gifts of the ancient mountains and the bounty of the everlasting hills" . The fertile slopes are seen as a source of God's provision and prosperity. Cultural and Historical Context In the ancient Near East, the slopes of hills and mountains were not only practical for agriculture and defense but also held cultural and religious significance. High places, often located on slopes, were sites of worship and altars, both for the worship of Yahweh and for pagan practices. The Israelites were repeatedly warned against adopting the idolatrous practices associated with these high places (e.g., 2 Kings 17:10-11). Conclusion The concept of slopes in the Bible encompasses a range of meanings, from practical and geographical to symbolic and spiritual. Whether as sites of refuge, places of divine encounter, or symbols of judgment and blessing, the slopes of the biblical landscape are woven into the narrative of God's interaction with His people. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia SLOPESslops. Strong's Hebrew 794. ashedah -- a foundation, (mountain) slope... 793, 794. ashedah. 795 . a foundation, (mountain) slope. Transliteration: ashedah Phonetic Spelling: (ash-ay-daw') Short Definition: slopes. Word Origin fem ... /hebrew/794.htm - 6k 3802. katheph -- shoulder, shoulder blade, side Library He Climbed the Slopes of Olivet He Climbed the Slopes of Olivet On the First Floor of an Ancient Mansion, in a Street which Slopes ... A Letter from a West Indian Cottage Ornee Yet Speaking. The Death of the Blessed virgin Mary at Ephesus Israel in Canaan. Carmel The Last Smile of the Muse 'Fit, Though Few' Thesaurus Slopes (15 Occurrences)... Int. Standard Bible Encyclopedia SLOPES. slops. See ASHDOTH PISGAH. Multi-Version Concordance Slopes (15 Occurrences). Numbers ... /s/slopes.htm - 11k Hill-slopes (2 Occurrences) Pisgah (8 Occurrences) Features (3 Occurrences) Beth-peor (4 Occurrences) Bethpeor (4 Occurrences) Ashdoth Bashan (54 Occurrences) Eastward (72 Occurrences) Gilead (130 Occurrences) Resources What is the significance of Mount Carmel in the Bible? | GotQuestions.orgIn what ways is sin a slippery slope? | What is the significance of Mount Hermon in the Bible? | Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Concordance Slopes (15 Occurrences)Numbers 34:11 Deuteronomy 3:17 Deuteronomy 4:49 Deuteronomy 33:2 Joshua 7:5 Joshua 10:40 Joshua 12:3 Joshua 12:8 Joshua 13:20 2 Samuel 15:30 Psalms 65:10 Song of Songs 4:1 Song of Songs 6:5 Isaiah 11:14 Jeremiah 18:14 Subtopics Related Terms |