3263 Holy Spirit, guidance of
Dictionary of Bible Themes

Dictionary of Bible Themes  »  3000 Holy Spirit  »  3200 Holy Spirit, ministry and work of  »  3203 Holy Spirit, and assurance  »  3263 Holy Spirit, guidance of

The Holy Spirit gives guidance to groups and individuals facing challenges, decisions and difficulties. Such guidance, however given, effectively specifies the will of God in situations of choice within the biblically established guidelines of righteousness.

Knowing divine guidance is associated with the presence of the Holy Spirit

Isaiah 63:11-14 See also 1 Kings 18:12; Psalm 139:7-10

The Holy Spirit guides Jesus Christ in his ministry

Luke 4:1 pp Matthew 4:1 pp Mark 1:12 See also Acts 10:37-38

The Holy Spirit guides the church in its corporate decisions

Acts 13:2 See also Acts 15:28

The Holy Spirit's guidance of believers

The Holy Spirit guides individual believers

Romans 8:14 See also Galatians 5:18

He guides through the word of God, spiritually understood and kept before the mind

Isaiah 59:21

He guides in prayer

Romans 8:26-27

He guides through spiritual gifts

1 Corinthians 12:7-11

He guides in Christian living

Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:25

He guides in witness and evangelism

Mark 13:11 pp Matthew 10:19-20 pp Luke 12:11-12 Acts 8:29 See also 1 Corinthians 2:13

He guides in ministry

Acts 16:6-7; Acts 20:22

He guides into a knowledge of truth

John 16:13

See also

1175  God, will of
1436  reality
2427  gospel, transmission
3140  Holy Spirit, teacher
3269  Holy Spirit in Christ
8124  guidance
8409  decision-making & providence

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