288. ampelos
Strong's Concordance
ampelos: vine
Original Word: ἄμπελος, ου, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: ampelos
Phonetic Spelling: (am'-pel-os)
Definition: vine
Usage: a vine, grape-vine.
HELPS Word-studies

288 ámpelos – a grapevine; (figuratively) Jesus Christ, "the true vine" (Jn 15:1). 288 /ámpelos ("vine") is also used symbolically of Christless Judaism and apostate Christianity (Rev 14:18,10), i.e. the (external) religious body of people which merely pretends to bear fruit but is in fact fruitless.

Only Christ Himself is the true Vine, in whom the people of God are formed into the mystical body of Christ. This is the fruit of His love (redemption). Compare Jn 15:1,4,5 with 1 Cor 12:13.

[288 (ámpelos) is used of a literal grapevine in Mt 26:29; Mk 14:25; Js 3:12.]

NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
of uncertain origin
NASB Translation
vine (9).

Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 288: ἄμπελος

ἄμπελος, , (from Homer down), a vine: Matthew 26:29; Mark 14:25; Luke 22:18; James 3:12. In John 15:1, 4f Christ calls himself a vine, because, as the vine imparts to its branches sap and productiveness, so Christ infuses into his followers his own divine strength and life. ἄμπελος τῆς γῆς in Revelation 14:18 (Rec.st omits τῆς ἀμπέλου.), John 15:19, signifies the enemies of Christ, who, ripe for destruction, are likened to clusters of grapes, to be cut off, thrown into the winepress, and trodden there.

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance

Probably from the base of amphoteros and that of halon; a vine (as coiling about a support) -- vine.

see GREEK amphoteros

see GREEK halon

Forms and Transliterations
άμπελοι αμπέλοις αμπελον άμπελον άμπελόν ἄμπελον αμπελος άμπελος ἄμπελος αμπελου αμπέλου ἀμπέλου αμπέλους αμπελω αμπέλω ἀμπέλῳ αμπέλων ampelo ampelō ampéloi ampélōi ampelon ámpelon ampelos ámpelos ampelou ampélou
Interlinear GreekInterlinear HebrewStrong's NumbersEnglishman's Greek ConcordanceEnglishman's Hebrew ConcordanceParallel Texts
Englishman's Concordance
Matthew 26:29 N-GFS
GRK: γενήματος τῆς ἀμπέλου ἕως τῆς
NAS: fruit of the vine from now
KJV: this fruit of the vine, until that
INT: fruit of the vine until the

Mark 14:25 N-GFS
GRK: γενήματος τῆς ἀμπέλου ἕως τῆς
NAS: of the fruit of the vine until
KJV: of the fruit of the vine, until that
INT: fruit of the vine until the

Luke 22:18 N-GFS
GRK: γενήματος τῆς ἀμπέλου ἕως οὗ
NAS: of the fruit of the vine from now
KJV: the fruit of the vine, until
INT: fruit of the vine until that

John 15:1 N-NFS
GRK: εἰμι ἡ ἄμπελος ἡ ἀληθινή
NAS: the TRUE vine, and My Father
KJV: am the true vine, and my
INT: am the vine true

John 15:4 N-DFS
GRK: ἐν τῇ ἀμπέλῳ οὕτως οὐδὲ
NAS: it abides in the vine, so
KJV: it abide in the vine; no more can ye,
INT: in the vine so neither [can]

John 15:5 N-NFS
GRK: εἰμι ἡ ἄμπελος ὑμεῖς τὰ
NAS: I am the vine, you are the branches;
KJV: I am the vine, ye [are] the branches:
INT: am the vine you [are] the

James 3:12 N-NFS
GRK: ποιῆσαι ἢ ἄμπελος σῦκα οὔτε
NAS: olives, or a vine produce figs?
KJV: olive berries? either a vine, figs? so
INT: to produce or a vine figs nor

Revelation 14:18 N-GFS
GRK: βότρυας τῆς ἀμπέλου τῆς γῆς
NAS: the clusters from the vine of the earth,
KJV: the clusters of the vine of the earth;
INT: bunches from the vine of the earth

Revelation 14:19 N-AFS
GRK: ἐτρύγησεν τὴν ἄμπελον τῆς γῆς
NAS: and gathered [the clusters from] the vine of the earth,
KJV: gathered the vine of the earth,
INT: gathered the vine of the earth

Strong's Greek 288
9 Occurrences

ἀμπέλῳ — 1 Occ.
ἄμπελον — 1 Occ.
ἄμπελος — 3 Occ.
ἀμπέλου — 4 Occ.

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