Joshua 13
The New Messianic Version of the Bible
1Now Y’hoshua [Yehovah is Salvation] was old [and] stricken in years; and the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) said unto him, youi are old [and] stricken in years, and there remains yet very much land to be possessed. 2This [is] the land that yet remains: all the borders of the P’lishtim [Immigrants], and all G’shuri [Bridge], 3From Shichor [Dark], which [is] before Mitzrayim [Egypt - The Narrow Place], even unto the borders of ‘Ekron [Torn Up by the Roots] northward, [which] is counted to the Kena’ani [Merchants]: five lords of the P’lishtim [Immigrants]; in ‘Azah, and Ashdod [powerful], Ashkelon, Gat, and ‘Ekron [Torn Up by the Roots]; also the ‘Avim [Ruins]: 4From the south, all the land of the Kena’ani [Merchant], and Me’arah [Cave] that [is] beside the Tzidonim [Hunting], unto Aphek [Enclosure], to the borders of the Emori [Highlanders]: 5And the land of the Givli [A Boundary], and all L’vanon [Whiteness], toward the sunrising, from Ba’al-Gad [lord of Fortune] under mount Hermon [A Sanctuary] unto the entering into Hamat [Fortress]. 6All the inhabitants of the hill country from L’vanon [Whiteness] unto Misrefot-Mayim [Burnings of Water], [and] all the Tzidonim [Hunting], them will I drive out from before the people of Yisra’el [He Holds Onto The Heel Of God]: only divide youi it by lot unto the Yisra’eli’s for an inheritance, as I have commanded youi. 7Now therefore divide this land for an inheritance unto the nine tribes, and the half tribe of M’nasheh [Causing to Forget],

8With whom the Re’uveni [behold, a son!] [Behold a Son] and the Gadi [my fortune] [A Troop] have received their inheritance, which Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] gave them, beyond Yarden [Descender] eastward, [even] as Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] the servant of the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) gave them; 9From ‘Aeo’er [Ruins], that [is] upon the bank of the river ‘Arnon [Rushing Stream], and the city that [is] in the midst of the river, and all the plain of Meidva [Water of Rest] unto Divon [Wasting]; 10And all the cities of Sichon [Warrior] king of the Emori [Highlanders], which reigned in Heshbon [Stronghold], unto the border of the children of ‘Amon [Inbred]; 11And Gil’ad [Rocky Region], and the border of the G’shuri [A Bridge] and Ma’akhati [She Has Pressed], and all mount Hermon [A Sanctuary], and all Bashan [Fruitful] unto Salkhah [Migration]; 12All the kingdom of ‘Og [Long-necked] in Bashan [Fruitful], which reigned in ‘Ashtarot [Star (female deity)] and in Edre’i [Good Pasture], who remained of the remnant of the giants: for these did Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] strike, and cast them out. 13Nevertheless the people of Yisra’el [He Holds Onto The Heel Of God] expelled not the G’shuri [A Bridge], nor the Ma’akhati [She Has Pressed]: but the G’shuri [A Bridge] and the Ma’akhati [She Has Pressed] dwell among the Yisra’eli’s until this day. 14Only unto the tribe of Levi (Levite) [Adhesion, Joiner] he gave none inheritance; the sacrifices of the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) God-Elohim (The Living Word) [The Many Powered] of Yisra’el [He Holds Onto The Heel Of God] made by fire [are] their inheritance, as he said unto them.

15And Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] gave unto the tribe of the children of Re’uven [Behold a Son] [inheritance] according to their families. 16And their coast was from ‘Aeo’er [Ruins], that [is] on the bank of the river ‘Arnon [Rushing Stream], and the city that [is] in the midst of the river, and all the plain by Meidva [Water of Rest]; 17Heshbon [Stronghold], and all her cities that [are] in the plain; Divon [Wasting], and Bamot-Ba’al [high places, or great high place], and Beit-Ba’al-M’on [house of Ba’al], 18And Yah’zah [trampled down]and K’demot [Eastern], and Mepha’et [Spendour or Height], 19And Kiryatayim [Two Cities], and Sivnah [Fragrance], and Tzeret-Shachar [Spendour of the Dawn] in the mount of the valley, 20And Beit-P’or [House of the Cleft (split hoof; an opening, break or split)], and Ashdot-Pisgah [fountain near the mountain cleft (split hoof; an opening, break or split)], and Beit-Yeshimot [House of the Desolation], 21And all the cities of the plain, and all the kingdom of Sichon [Warrior] king of the Emori [Highlanders], which reigned in Heshbon [Stronghold], whom Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] struck with the princes of Midyan [Strife], Evi [My Desire], and Rekem [Variegation], and Tzur [Rock], and Hur [Liberty], and Reva [Four], [which were] dukes of Sichon [Warrior], dwelling in the country. 22Bil’am [Not of the People] also the son of B’or [Burning], the Soothsayer (one who fortells the future by ungodly means), did the people of Yisra’el [He Holds Onto The Heel Of God] slay with the sword among them that were slain by them. 23And the border of the children of Re’uven [Behold a Son] was Yarden [Descender], and the border [thereof]. This [was] the inheritance of the children of Re’uven [Behold a Son] after their families, the cities and the villages thereof.

24And Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] gave [inheritance] unto the tribe of Gad [Good Fortune with Troublesome Effort], [even] unto the children of Gad [Good Fortune with Troublesome Effort] according to their families. 25And their coast was Ya’zer [Helped], and all the cities of Gil’ad [Rocky Region], and half the land of the children of ‘Amon [Inbred], unto ‘Aeo’er [Ruins] that [is] before Rabbah [Great]; 26And from Heshbon [Stronghold] unto Ramot-Mitzpeh [High Place of the Watchtower], and B’tonim [Pistachio Nuts]; and from Machanayim [Two Camps] unto the border of D’vir [Sanctuary]; 27And in the valley, Beit-Haram [Place of the Height], and Beit-Nimrah [House of the Leopard], and Sukkot [Booths], and Tzafon [North], the rest of the kingdom of Sichon [Warrior] king of Heshbon [Stronghold], Yarden [Descender] and [his] border, [even] unto the edge of the sea of Kinneret [Harps] on the other side Yarden [Descender] eastward. 28This [is] the inheritance of the children of Gad [Good Fortune with Troublesome Effort] after their families, the cities, and their villages.

29And Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] gave [inheritance] unto the half tribe of M’nasheh [Causing to Forget]: and [this] was [the possession] of the half tribe of the children of M’nasheh [Causing to Forget] by their families. 30And their coast was from Machanayim [Two Camps], all Bashan [Fruitful], all the kingdom of ‘Og [Long-necked] king of Bashan [Fruitful], and all the towns of Ya’ir [He Enlightens], which [are] in Bashan [Fruitful], threescore cities: 31And half Gil’ad [Rocky Region], and ‘Ashtarot [Star (female deity)], and Edre’i [Good Pasture], cities of the kingdom of ‘Og [Long-necked] in Bashan [Fruitful], [were pertaining] unto the children of Makhir [Sold] the son of M’nasheh [Causing to Forget], [even] to the one half of the children of Makhir [Sold] by their families.

32These [are the countries] which Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] did distribute for inheritance in the plains of Mo’av [Seed of my Father], on the other side Yarden [Descender], by Yericho [Its Moon], eastward. 33But unto the tribe of Levi (Levite) [Adhesion, Joiner] Moshe [He Who Draws Out Of The Waters] gave not [any] inheritance: the LORD-Yehovah (Messiah Pre-Incarnate) God-Elohim (The Living Word) [The Many Powered] of Yisra’el [He Holds Onto The Heel Of God] [was] their inheritance, as he said unto them.

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Joshua 12
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