Psalm 88:5
Psalm 88:5
I am set apart with the dead, like the slain who lie in the grave, whom you remember no more, who are cut off from your care.

They have left me among the dead, and I lie like a corpse in a grave. I am forgotten, cut off from your care.

like one set loose among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, like those whom you remember no more, for they are cut off from your hand.

Forsaken among the dead, Like the slain who lie in the grave, Whom You remember no more, And they are cut off from Your hand.

Free among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, whom thou rememberest no more: and they are cut off from thy hand.

abandoned among the dead. I am like the slain lying in the grave, whom You no longer remember, and who are cut off from Your care.

released to remain with the dead, lying in a grave like a corpse, remembered no longer, and cut off from your power.

adrift among the dead, like corpses lying in the grave, whom you remember no more, and who are cut off from your power.

A free man among the dead, like the slain sleeping in the graves, those whom you remember no more and they were destroyed by your hands!

abandoned with the dead, like those who have been killed and lie in graves, like those whom you no longer remember, who are cut off from your power.

Freed among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, whom thou dost remember no more; and they are cut off from thy hand.

adrift among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, whom you remember no more: and they are cut off from your hand.

Free among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, whom you remember no more: and they are cut off from your hand.

Cast off among the dead, Like the slain that lie in the grave, Whom thou rememberest no more, And they are cut off from thy hand.

free among the dead. Like the slain sleeping in the sepulchres, whom thou rememberest no more: and they are cast off from thy hand.

Prostrate among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave; whom thou rememberest no more, and who are cut off from thy hand.

Cast off among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, whom thou rememberest no more; and they are cut off from thy hand.

Free among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, whom thou rememberest no more: and they are cut off from thy hand.

set apart among the dead, like the slain who lie in the grave, whom you remember no more. They are cut off from your hand.

Among the dead -- free, As pierced ones lying in the grave, Whom Thou hast not remembered any more, Yea, they by Thy hand have been cut off.

Psalmet 88:5
Jam braktisur midis të vdekurve ashtu si të vrarët që janë në varr, të cilët ti nuk i mban mend dhe që janë prerë e janë larguar nga dora jote.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 88:5
‎بين الاموات فراشي مثل القتلى المضطجعين في القبر الذين لا تذكرهم بعد وهم من يدك انقطعوا‎.

D Sälm 88:5
Dyr Baindlkraamer haat mi wie aynn Gfallnen in seinn Grab. An die denkst du diend niemer, haast ys abgschribn ganz und gar.

Псалми 88:5
Изхвърлен между мъртвите, Като убитите, които лежат в гроба, За които Ти не се сещаш вече, И които са отсечени от ръката Ти.

詩 篇 88:5
我 被 丟 在 死 人 中 , 好 像 被 殺 的 人 躺 在 墳 墓 裡 。 他 們 是 你 不 再 記 念 的 , 與 你 隔 絕 了 。

我 被 丢 在 死 人 中 , 好 像 被 杀 的 人 躺 在 坟 墓 里 。 他 们 是 你 不 再 记 念 的 , 与 你 隔 绝 了 。



Psalm 88:5
Među mrtvima moj je ležaj, poput ubijenih što leže u grobu kojih se više ne spominješ, od kojih si ustegao ruku.

Žalmů 88:5
Mezi mrtvé jsem odložen, jako zmordovaní ležící v hrobě, na něž nezpomínáš více, kteříž od ruky tvé vyhlazeni jsou.

Salme 88:5
kastet hen imellem de døde, blandt faldne, der hviler i Graven, hvem du ej mindes mere, thi fra din Haand er de revet.

Psalmen 88:5
Afgezonderd onder de doden, gelijk de verslagenen, die in het graf liggen, die Gij niet meer gedenkt, en zij zijn afgesneden van Uw hand.

תהילים 88:5
בַּמֵּתִ֗ים חָ֫פְשִׁ֥י כְּמֹ֤ו חֲלָלִ֨ים ׀ שֹׁ֥כְבֵי קֶ֗בֶר אֲשֶׁ֤ר לֹ֣א זְכַרְתָּ֣ם עֹ֑וד וְ֝הֵ֗מָּה מִיָּדְךָ֥ נִגְזָֽרוּ׃

ו במתים  חפשי כמו חללים שכבי קבר--  אשר לא זכרתם עוד והמה  מידך נגזרו

במתים חפשי כמו חללים ׀ שכבי קבר אשר לא זכרתם עוד והמה מידך נגזרו׃

Zsoltárok 88:5
A holtak közt van az én helyem, mint a megölteknek, a kik koporsóban feküsznek, a kikrõl többé nem emlékezel, mert elszakasztattak a te kezedtõl.

La psalmaro 88:5
Etendita inter mortintoj; Kiel mortigitoj, kusxantaj en la tombo, Kiujn Vi jam ne rememoras Kaj kiuj estas forigitaj for de Via mano.

Minä makaan hyljättynä kuolleiden seassa, niinkuin haavoitetut, jotka haudassa makaavat, joita et sinä enää muista, ja jotka kädestäs eroitetut ovat.

Psaume 88:5
Gisant parmi les morts, comme les tués qui sont couchés dans le sépulcre, desquels tu ne te souviens plus, et qui sont retranchés de ta main.

Je suis étendu parmi les morts, Semblable à ceux qui sont tués et couchés dans le sépulcre, A ceux dont tu n'as plus le souvenir, Et qui sont séparés de ta main.

Placé parmi les morts, comme les blessés à mort couchés au sépulcre, desquels il ne te souvient plus, et qui sont retranchés par ta main.

Psalm 88:5
Ich bin geachtet gleich denen, die zur Hölle fahren; ich bin wie ein Mann, der keine Hilfe hat.

Ich liege unter den Toten verlassen wie die Erschlagenen, die im Grabe liegen, deren du nicht mehr gedenkst und die von deiner Hand abgesondert sind.

Unter die Toten werde ich gerechnet, gleich Erschlagenen, die im Grabe liegen, deren du nicht mehr gedenkst, indem sie von deiner Hand geschieden sind.

Salmi 88:5
Prostrato sto fra i morti, come gli uccisi che giaccion nella tomba, de’ quali tu non ti ricordi più, e che son fuor della portata della tua mano.

Io sono spacciato fra i morti, Come gli uccisi che giacciono nella sepoltura, De’ quali tu non ti ricordi più; E che son ricisi dalla tua mano.

yang diasingkan serta dengan orang mati, seperti orang terbunuh yang berbaring dalam kubur, yang tiada lagi Engkau ingat akan dia, sudah tercerai jauh dari pada tangan-Mu.

시편 88:5
사망자 중에 던지운 바 되었으며 살륙을 당하여 무덤에 누운 자 같으니이다 주께서 저희를 다시 기억지 아니하시니 저희는 주의 손에서 끊어진 자니이다

Psalmi 88:5
(87-6) inter mortuos liber sicut interfecti et dormientes in sepulchro quorum non recordaris amplius et qui a manu tua abscisi sunt

Psalmynas 88:5
Tarp mirusiųjų yra mano guolis, guliu kape kaip užmuštieji, kurių Tu nebeatsimeni, nes jie nuo Tavęs atskirti.

Psalm 88:5
I maka ki waenga i nga tupapaku, me he tangata i patua e takoto ana i te urupa, kahore nei e maharatia e koe i muri; he mea momotu ke ratou na tou ringa.

Salmenes 88:5
frigitt* som en av de døde, lik de ihjelslagne som ligger i graven, som du ikke mere kommer i hu, fordi de er skilt fra din hånd.

Salmos 88:5
abandonado entre los muertos; como los caídos a espada que yacen en el sepulcro, de quienes ya no te acuerdas, y que han sido arrancados de tu mano.

Abandonado entre los muertos; Como los caídos a espada que yacen en el sepulcro, De quienes ya no Te acuerdas, Y que han sido arrancados de Tu mano.

libre entre los difuntos, como los muertos que yacen en el sepulcro, que no te acuerdas más de ellos, y que son cortados de tu mano.

Libre entre los muertos, Como los matados que yacen en el sepulcro, Que no te acuerdas más de ellos, Y que son cortados de tu mano.

librado entre los muertos. Como los muertos que duermen en el sepulcro, que no te acuerdas más de ellos, y que son cortados de tu mano.

Salmos 88:5
Sinto-me abandonado à minha própria sina, entre os mortos. Sou como os trucidados, que jazem na região dos mortos, dos quais já não te lembras, pois estão apartados de tua mão.

atirado entre os finados; como os mortos que jazem na sepultura, dos quais já não te lembras, e que são desamparados da tua mão.   

Psalmi 88:5
Stau întins printre cei morţi, ca cei ucişi şi culcaţi în mormînt, de cari nu-Ţi mai aduci aminte, şi cari sînt despărţiţi de mîna Ta.

Псалтирь 88:5
(87:6) между мертвыми брошенный, – как убитые, лежащие во гробе, окоторых Ты уже не вспоминаешь и которые от руки Твоей отринуты.

(87-6) между мертвыми брошенный, --как убитые, лежащие во гробе, о которых Ты уже не вспоминаешь и которые от руки Твоей отринуты.[]

Psaltaren 88:5
Jag är övergiven bland de döda, lik de slagna som ligga i graven, dem på vilka du icke mer tänker, och som äro avskilda från din hand.

Psalm 88:5
Nakahagis sa gitna ng mga patay, gaya ng napatay na nakahiga sa libingan, na hindi mo na inaalaala; at sila'y mangahiwalay sa iyong kamay.

เพลงสดุดี 88:5
เหมือนคนที่เขาทิ้งไว้ท่ามกลางคนตาย เหมือนคนถูกฆ่าที่นอนอยู่ในหลุมศพ ผู้ที่พระองค์มิได้ทรงระลึกถึงอีก และเขาทั้งหลายถูกพรากเสียจากพระหัตถ์ของพระองค์

Mezmurlar 88:5
Ölüler arasına atılmış,
Artık anımsamadığın,
İlginden yoksun,
Mezarda yatan cesetler gibiyim.[]

Thi-thieân 88:5
Bị bỏ giữa kẻ chết, Giống như những kẻ bị giết nằm trong mồ mả, Mà Chúa không còn nhớ đến, Là kẻ bị truất khỏi tay Chúa.

Psalm 88:4
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