Topical Encyclopedia The concept of "retained" in the Bible often relates to the idea of holding onto something, whether it be sin, forgiveness, or teachings. This term appears in various contexts throughout Scripture, each carrying significant theological implications.Forgiveness and Sin: One of the most notable uses of "retained" is found in the context of forgiveness and the authority given to the disciples. In John 20:23 , Jesus tells His disciples, "If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you withhold forgiveness from anyone, it is withheld." The term "withheld" here is synonymous with "retained," indicating the authority given to the apostles to declare the forgiveness of sins or to retain them. This passage has been the subject of much theological discussion, particularly concerning the role of church authority in the forgiveness of sins. Teachings and Traditions: The concept of retaining is also applied to the teachings and traditions passed down through the apostles. In 1 Corinthians 11:2 , Paul commends the Corinthians, saying, "Now I commend you for remembering me in everything and for maintaining the traditions, just as I passed them on to you." Here, retaining the teachings and traditions is seen as a vital aspect of faithfulness to the apostolic message. The retention of sound doctrine is emphasized throughout the New Testament as essential for the health and growth of the church. Spiritual and Moral Implications: Retaining can also refer to the spiritual and moral implications of holding onto certain behaviors or attitudes. In Romans 1:28 , Paul speaks of those who "did not see fit to retain the knowledge of God," leading to a depraved mind. This highlights the importance of retaining a knowledge of God and His ways as foundational to righteous living. The failure to retain this knowledge results in moral and spiritual decay. Practical Application: In practical terms, believers are encouraged to retain what is good and true. In 1 Thessalonians 5:21 , Paul instructs, "but test all things. Hold fast to what is good." This exhortation to retain what is good underscores the active role believers must play in discerning and holding onto truth amidst a world of competing ideas and values. Conclusion: The concept of "retained" in the Bible encompasses a range of meanings, from the authority to forgive or retain sins, to the importance of holding onto apostolic teachings and traditions, to the moral imperative of retaining the knowledge of God. Each of these aspects highlights the significance of retention in the life of faith, underscoring the responsibility of believers to hold fast to what is true and righteous. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (imp. & p. p.) of Retain.Greek 2902. krateo -- to be strong, rule ... 4), hold fast (4), holding back (1), holding fast (1), holds (1), laid hold (1), observe (1), observing (1), prevented (1), retain (1), retained (1), seize (8 ... // - 9k Strong's Hebrew 5446. sebal -- to bear, carry (a load)... 5445, 5446. sebal. 5447 . to bear, carry (a load). Transliteration: sebal Phonetic Spelling: (seb-al') Short Definition: retained. ... /hebrew/5446.htm - 6k 2388. chazaq -- to be or grow firm or strong, strengthen 6113. atsar -- to restrain, retain Library How the Devil Always Retained this Notion of Christ's Divinity ... A Thing when Lost could not be Found Unless it were Retained in ... All the Characteristics of Our Bodies --Sex, Various Limbs, Etc. ... How Alexandra by Gaining the Good-Will of the Pharisees, Retained ... How Our People Served the Moabites Eighteen Years, and were Then ... How Constantius, Feigning Idolatry, Expelled those who Consented ... When He had Left the Manich??ans, He Retained his Depraved ... How a Happy Life May be Retained in the Memory. A Question as to How Spiritual Thoughts Can be Retained Without ... Transcriber's Notes Thesaurus Retained (10 Occurrences)... & pp) of Retain. Multi-Version Concordance Retained (10 Occurrences). ... Whoever's sins you retain, they have been retained." (WEB KJV ASV DBY WBS YLT NAS RSV). ... /r/retained.htm - 9k Retain (24 Occurrences) Witty (1 Occurrence) Wist (13 Occurrences) Wot (10 Occurrences) Thessalonica (8 Occurrences) Everlasting (192 Occurrences) Philadelphia (2 Occurrences) Purge (35 Occurrences) Colony (1 Occurrence) Resources Summary of the Book of 2 Samuel - Bible Survey | GotQuestions.orgIs the inner child a biblical concept? | Summary of the Book of 1 Samuel - Bible Survey | Retained: Dictionary and Thesaurus | Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible Thesuarus Concordance Retained (10 Occurrences)John 20:23 Philemon 1:13 Judges 7:8 Judges 19:4 2 Chronicles 13:20 2 Chronicles 20:37 Ezra 6:3 Daniel 10:8 Daniel 10:16 Micah 7:18 Subtopics Related Terms |