Topical Encyclopedia The concept of "fulfils" in the Bible is deeply rooted in the understanding of God's promises, prophecies, and the realization of His divine plan. The term is often associated with the completion or realization of what has been foretold or promised by God, particularly through the life and work of Jesus Christ.Old Testament Context In the Old Testament, the idea of fulfillment is closely tied to the covenants and promises made by God to His people. For instance, the promise to Abraham that he would be the father of many nations (Genesis 17:4-5) is seen as fulfilled through the growth of the nation of Israel and ultimately through the coming of Christ, who opens the way for all nations to be blessed (Galatians 3:8). Prophecies concerning the coming Messiah are a significant aspect of fulfillment in the Old Testament. Isaiah 7:14 prophesies the birth of a child called Immanuel, which is fulfilled in the New Testament with the birth of Jesus (Matthew 1:22-23). Similarly, Micah 5:2 predicts the birthplace of the Messiah in Bethlehem, fulfilled in Matthew 2:1-6. New Testament Fulfillment The New Testament frequently emphasizes the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself speaks of fulfilling the Law and the Prophets, as seen in Matthew 5:17 : "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them." The Gospel of Matthew, in particular, highlights numerous instances where Jesus' actions and experiences fulfill specific prophecies. For example, Matthew 8:17 states, "This was to fulfill what was spoken through the prophet Isaiah: 'He took on our infirmities and carried our diseases.'" The concept of fulfillment is not limited to prophecies about Jesus' birth and ministry but extends to His sacrificial death and resurrection. Jesus' crucifixion is seen as the fulfillment of the Passover lamb, as described in John 19:36 : "These things happened so that the Scripture would be fulfilled: 'Not one of His bones will be broken.'" Theological Implications The fulfillment of Scripture in the person and work of Jesus Christ is central to Christian theology. It underscores the reliability and sovereignty of God, who orchestrates history according to His divine will. The fulfillment of prophecy serves as evidence of Jesus' messianic identity and the truth of the Gospel message. Moreover, the concept of fulfillment extends to the eschatological promises of the New Testament. Believers anticipate the ultimate fulfillment of God's kingdom, as promised in Revelation, where God's purposes will be fully realized in the new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21:1-4). Practical Application For Christians, the fulfillment of God's promises provides assurance and hope. It encourages believers to trust in God's faithfulness and to live in anticipation of His continued work in the world. The fulfillment of Scripture calls Christians to a deeper understanding of the Bible, recognizing the interconnectedness of God's redemptive plan from Genesis to Revelation. Library Whether the New Law Fulfils the Old? The Love which Fulfils the Commandments is not of Ourselves, but ... To the Editors of El Espanol Who are the Children of the Old Covenant. Whether it is More Praiseworthy and Meritorious to do Something in ... Unwise Interference. Concerning "Omnipotent," "Ancient of Days"; and Also Concerning " ... On Grace. Fourth Sunday after Epiphany (On the Passion, viii. : on Wednesday in Holy Week. ) Thesaurus Fulfils (2 Occurrences)... Multi-Version Concordance Fulfils (2 Occurrences). Psalms 57:2 I cry out to God Most High, to God who accomplishes my requests for me. (See RSV). ... /f/fulfils.htm - 6k Fulfilment (25 Occurrences) Inspiration (4 Occurrences) Full (1047 Occurrences) Quotations Preaching (116 Occurrences) Apostles (79 Occurrences) Sodomite (1 Occurrence) Acts (271 Occurrences) Preacher (27 Occurrences) Resources Bible Concordance • Bible Dictionary • Bible Encyclopedia • Topical Bible • Bible ThesuarusConcordance Fulfils (2 Occurrences)Psalms 57:2 Psalms 145:19 Subtopics Related Terms |