People, Places, Outline The Shunammite's Land; Hazael Kills Ben-Hadad; Jehoram and Ahaziah Kings of Judah People Ahab, Ahaziah, Aram, Athaliah, Ben, Benhadad, Ben-hadad, David, Edomites, Elisha, Gehazi, Hadad, Hazael, Israelites, Jehoram, Jehoshaphat, Jezreel, Joram, Omri, Syrians Places Damascus, Edom, Jerusalem, Jezreel, Libnah, Ramah, Ramoth-gilead, Samaria, Syria, Zair Outline 1. The Shunammite, having left her country seven years, to avoid the famine, 5. for Elisha's miracle's sake has her land restored by the king. 7. Hazael Murders Ben-Hadad and succeeds him 16. Jehoram's wicked reign in Judah 20. Edom and Libnah revolt 23. Ahaziah succeeds Jehoram 25. Ahaziah's wicked reign 28. He visits Joram, being wounded, at Jezreel Links Interlinear Bible • Bible Commentaries • Bible Lexicon • Topical Bible • Bible Summary • Bible Outline • Bible Timeline • Children's Bible • Bible Hub Homepage |