Joshua 15:18
Joshua 15:18
One day when she came to Othniel, she urged him to ask her father for a field. When she got off her donkey, Caleb asked her, "What can I do for you?"

When Acsah married Othniel, she urged him to ask her father for a field. As she got down off her donkey, Caleb asked her, "What's the matter?"

When she came to him, she urged him to ask her father for a field. And she got off her donkey, and Caleb said to her, “What do you want?”

It came about that when she came to him, she persuaded him to ask her father for a field. So she alighted from the donkey, and Caleb said to her, "What do you want?"

And it came to pass, as she came unto him, that she moved him to ask of her father a field: and she lighted off her ass; and Caleb said unto her, What wouldest thou?

When she arrived, she persuaded Othniel to ask her father for a field. As she got off her donkey, Caleb asked her, "What do you want?"

Sometime later, she came to Othniel and persuaded him to ask her father for a field. As she dismounted from her donkey, Caleb asked her, "What do you want?"

One time Acsah came and charmed her father so that she could ask him for some land. When she got down from her donkey, Caleb said to her, "What would you like?"

When she came to Othniel, she persuaded him to ask her father for a field. When she got down from her donkey, Caleb asked her, "What do you want?"

And it came to pass when he was taking her, he persuaded her to ask of her father for land to cultivate. Then she lighted off her ass, and Caleb said unto her, What wouldest thou?

And it came to pass, as she came unto him, that she moved him to ask of her father a field: and she dismounted off her donkey; and Caleb said unto her, What do you wish?

And it came to pass, as she came to him, that she moved him to ask of her father a field: and she lighted off her ass; and Caleb said to her, What would you?

And it came to pass, when she came unto him , that she moved him to ask of her father a field: and she alighted from off her ass; and Caleb said, What wouldest thou?

And as they were going together, she was moved by her husband to ask a field of her father, and she sighed as she sat on her ass. And Caleb said to her: What aileth thee?

And it came to pass as she came, that she urged him to ask of her father a field; and she sprang down from the ass. And Caleb said to her, What wouldest thou?

And it came to pass, when she came unto him, that she moved him to ask of her father a field: and she lighted down from off her ass; and Caleb said unto her, What wouldest thou?

And it came to pass, as she came to him, that she moved him to ask of her father a field. And she lighted off her ass; and Caleb said to her, What wouldst thou?

It happened, when she came, that she had him ask her father fore a field. She got off of her donkey, and Caleb said, "What do you want?"

And it cometh to pass, in her coming in, that she persuadeth him to ask from her father a field, and she lighteth from off the ass, and Caleb saith to her, 'What -- to thee?'

Jozueu 15:18
Kur ajo erdhi të banojë me të, i mbushi mendjen Othnielit t'i kërkonte atit të saj një fushë. Atëherë ajo zbriti nga gomari dhe Kalebi i tha: "Çfarë do?".

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 15:18
وكان عند دخولها انها غرته بطلب حقل من ابيها. فنزلت عن الحمار فقال لها كالب ما لك.

Dyr Josen 15:18
Wie s eingheirett, gyrrödt yr s, von irn Vatern aynn Gebaugrund z haischn. Wie s von n Ösl abherstig, gfraagt s dyr Käleb: "Was ist n?"

Исус Навиев 15:18
И като отиваше тя му внуши щото да поиска от баща й нива; и тъй, като слезе от осела, Халев й рече: Що ти е?

約 書 亞 記 15:18
押 撒 過 門 的 時 候 , 勸 丈 夫 向 他 父 親 求 一 塊 田 , 押 撒 一 下 驢 , 迦 勒 問 他 說 : 你 要 甚 麼 ?

押 撒 过 门 的 时 候 , 劝 丈 夫 向 他 父 亲 求 一 块 田 , 押 撒 一 下 驴 , 迦 勒 问 他 说 : 你 要 甚 麽 ?



Joshua 15:18
Kad je prišla mužu, on je nagovori da u svoga oca zatraži polje. Ona siđe s magarca, a Kaleb je upita: "Šta hoćeš?"

Jozue 15:18
I stalo se, že když přišla k němu, ponukla ho, aby prosil otce jejího za pole; protož ssedla s osla. I řekl jí Kálef: Což tě?

Josua 15:18
Men da hun kom til ham, æggede han hende til at bede sin Fader om Agerland. Hun sprang da ned af Æselet, og Kaleb spurgte hende: »Hvad vil du?«

Jozua 15:18
En het geschiedde, als zij tot hem kwam, zo porde zij hem aan, om een veld van haar vader te begeren; en zij sprong van den ezel af; toen sprak Kaleb tot haar: Wat is u?

יהושע 15:18
וַיְהִ֣י בְּבֹואָ֗הּ וַתְּסִיתֵ֙הוּ֙ לִשְׁאֹ֤ול מֵֽאֵת־אָבִ֙יהָ֙ שָׂדֶ֔ה וַתִּצְנַ֖ח מֵעַ֣ל הַחֲמֹ֑ור וַיֹּֽאמֶר־לָ֥הּ כָּלֵ֖ב מַה־לָּֽךְ׃

יח ויהי בבואה ותסיתהו לשאול מאת אביה שדה ותצנח מעל החמור ויאמר לה כלב מה לך

ויהי בבואה ותסיתהו לשאול מאת־אביה שדה ותצנח מעל החמור ויאמר־לה כלב מה־לך׃

Józsué 15:18
És lõn, hogy a mikor eljöve az, biztatá õt, hogy kérjen az õ atyjától mezõt. Leszálla azért a szamárról; Káleb pedig monda néki: Mi bajod?

Josuo 15:18
Kaj kiam sxi venis, sxi instigis lin peti de sxia patro kampon. Kaj sxi malsuprenigxis de la azeno, kaj Kaleb diris al sxi:Kio estas al vi?

JOOSUA 15:18
Ja tapahtui, kuin hän tuli, että hän neuvoi miestänsä anomaan peltoa isältänsä, ja hän astui aasin päältä alas; niin sanoi Kaleb hänelle: mikä sinun on?

Josué 15:18
-Et il arriva que comme elle entrait, elle l'incita à demander à son père un champ. Et elle descendit de dessus l'âne; et Caleb lui dit: Qu'as-tu?

Lorsqu'elle fut entrée chez Othniel, elle le sollicita de demander à son père un champ. Elle descendit de dessus son âne, et Caleb lui dit: Qu'as-tu?

Et il arriva que comme elle s'en allait, elle l'incita à demander à son père un champ; puis elle descendit impétueusement de dessus son âne, et Caleb lui dit : Qu'as-tu?

Josua 15:18
Und es begab sich, da sie einzog, ward ihr geraten, einen Acker zu fordern von ihrem Vater; und sie fiel vom Esel. Da sprach Kaleb zu ihr: Was ist dir?

Und es begab sich, da sie einzog, beredete sie ihn, einen Acker zu fordern von ihrem Vater. Und sie stieg vom Esel; da sprach Kaleb zu ihr: Was ist dir?

Als sie ihm nun zugeführt wurde, reizte sie ihn an, er möge von ihrem Vater ein Feld verlangen. Sie glitt vom Esel herab, so daß Kaleb sie fragte: Was ist dir?

Giosué 15:18
E quando ella venne a star con lui, persuase Otniel a chiedere un campo a Caleb, suo padre. Essa scese di sull’asino, e Caleb le disse: "Che vuoi?"

E quando ella venne a marito, indusse Otniel a domandare un campo a suo padre; poi ella si gittò giù d’in su l’asino; e Caleb le disse: Che hai?

YOSUA 15:18
Maka sesungguhnya apabila perempuan itu pergi mendapatkan dia, dibujuknya akan dia, supaya diberinya izin ia pergi meminta suatu bendang kepada bapanya, lalu turunlah ia dari pada keledainya. Maka kata Kaleb kepadanya: Apa kurang?

여호수아 15:18
가로되 `내게 복을 주소서 ! 아버지께서 나를 남방 땅으로 보내시오니 샘물도 내게 주소서' 하매 갈렙이 윗 샘과 아랫 샘을 그에게 주었더라

Iosue 15:18
quae cum pergerent simul suasit viro ut peteret a patre suo agrum suspiravitque ut sedebat in asino cui Chaleb quid habes inquit

Jozuës knyga 15:18
Kai ji ištekėjo už jo, jis prikalbėjo ją prašyti savo tėvo dirbamos žemės. Jai atvykus ir nulipus nuo asilo, tėvas klausė: “Ko norėtum?”

Joshua 15:18
A, i a ia e haere atu ana ki a ia, ka whakakikitia e ia te tane kia tonoa he mara i tona papa: a ka marere atu ia ki raro i te kaihe; na ka mea a Karepe ki a ia, He aha tau?

Josvas 15:18
Og da hun kom [til sin manns hus], egget hun ham til å be hennes far om en jordeiendom, og hun sprang ned av asenet. Da sa Kaleb til henne: Hvad vil du?

Josué 15:18
Y sucedió que cuando ella vino a él, éste la persuadió a que pidiera un campo a su padre. Ella entonces se bajó del asno, y Caleb le dijo: ¿Qué quieres?

Y cuando ella vino a él, éste la persuadió a que pidiera un campo a su padre. Ella entonces se bajó del asno, y Caleb le dijo: "¿Qué quieres?"

Y aconteció que cuando ella vino a él, ella le persuadió para pedir a su padre un campo. Ella entonces se bajó del asno, y Caleb le dijo: ¿Qué quieres?

Y aconteció que cuando la llevaba, él la persuadió que pidiese á su padre tierras para labrar. Ella entonces se apeó del asno. Y Caleb le dijo: ¿Qué tienes?

Y aconteció que cuando la llevaba, él la persuadió que pidiese a su padre tierras para labrar. Ella entonces se apeó del asno. Y Caleb le dijo: ¿Qué tienes?

Josué 15:18
Quando casaram e Acsa foi viver com Otoniel, ela o persuadiu a autorizá-la a pedir uma porção extra de terra ao pai dela. Acsa se dirigiu para o lugar onde Calebe estava, e, assim que desceu do jumento, o seu pai lhe indagou: “Que desejas minha filha?”

Estando ela em caminho para a casa de Otniel, persuadiu-o que pedisse um campo ao pai dela. E quando ela saltou do jumento, Calebe lhe perguntou: Que é que tens?   

Iosua 15:18
După ce a intrat ea la Otniel, l -a sfătuit să ceară dela tatăl ei un ogor. Ea s'a pogorît de pe măgarul ei, şi Caleb i -a zis: ,,Ce vrei?``

Иисус Навин 15:18
Когда надлежало ей идти, ее научили просить у отца ее поле, и она сошла с осла. Халев сказал ей: что тебе?

Когда надлежало ей идти, ее научили просить у отца ее поле, и она сошла с осла. Халев сказал ей: что тебе?[]

Josuaé 15:18
Och när hon kom till honom, intalade hon honom att begära ett stycke åkermark av hennes fader; och hon steg hastigt ned från åsnan. Då sade Kaleb till henne: »Vad önskar du?»

Joshua 15:18
At nangyari, nang si Axa ay malakip sa kaniya, na kinilos nito siya na humingi sa kaniyang ama ng isang parang: at siya'y bumaba sa kaniyang asno, at sinabi ni Caleb sa kaniya, Anong ibig mo?

โยชูวา 15:18
อยู่มาเมื่อแต่งงานกันแล้วนางจึงชวนสามีให้ขอที่นาต่อบิดา นางก็ลงจากหลังลา และคาเลบถามนางว่า "เจ้าต้องการอะไร"

Yeşu 15:18
Kız Otnielin yanına varınca, onu babasından bir tarla istemeye zorladı. Kalev, eşeğinden inen kızına, ‹‹Bir isteğin mi var?›› diye sordu.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 15:18
Vả, xảy khi nàng vào nhà Oát-ni-ên, có thúc giục người xin cha mình một sở ruộng. Nàng leo xuống lừa; Ca-lép hỏi rằng: Con muốn chi?

Joshua 15:17
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