Joshua 15:12
Joshua 15:12
The western boundary is the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. These are the boundaries around the people of Judah by their clans.

The western boundary was the shoreline of the Mediterranean Sea. These are the boundaries for the clans of the tribe of Judah.

And the west boundary was the Great Sea with its coastline. This is the boundary around the people of Judah according to their clans.

The west border was at the Great Sea, even its coastline. This is the border around the sons of Judah according to their families.

And the west border was to the great sea, and the coast thereof. This is the coast of the children of Judah round about according to their families.

Now the western border was the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. This was the boundary of the descendants of Judah around their clans.

The western border was at the Mediterranean Sea coastline. This is the border that surrounded the territory of the descendants of Judah, according to their families.

The western border was the Mediterranean Sea. These were the borders of the tribe of Judah and its clans.

The western border is the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. These are the borders around Judah that belong to their families.

And the west border is the great sea. This is the border of the sons of Judah round about according to their families.

And the west border was to the Great Sea, and its coast. This is the boundary round about the children of Judah according to their families.

And the west border was to the great sea, and the coast thereof. This is the coast of the children of Judah round about according to their families.

And the west border was to the great sea, and the border thereof . This is the border of the children of Judah round about according to their families.

These are the borders round about of the children of Juda in their kindreds.

And the west border is the great sea and its coast. This is the border of the children of Judah round about, according to their families.

And the west border was to the great sea, and the border thereof. This is the border of the children of Judah round about according to their families.

And the west border was to the great sea, and its coast: this is the border of the children of Judah round about, according to their families.

The west border was to the shore of the great sea. This is the border of the children of Judah according to their families.

And the west border is to the great sea, and its border; this is the border of the sons of Judah round about for their families.

Jozueu 15:12
Kufiri në perëndim ishte Deti i Madh. Këta ishin rreth e qark kufijtë e bijve të Judës simbas familjeve të tyre.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 15:12
والتخم الغربي البحر الكبير وتخومه. هذا تخم بني يهوذا مستديرا حسب عشائرهم

Dyr Josen 15:12
D Wöstergrentz ist ys Mittermör. Dös ist dös Gebiet von de Judnersippnen.

Исус Навиев 15:12
А западната граница беше край голямото море и пределите му. Тия бяха границите, околовръст, на юдейците според семействата им.

約 書 亞 記 15:12
西 界 就 是 大 海 和 靠 近 大 海 之 地 。 這 是 猶 大 人 按 著 宗 族 所 得 之 地 四 圍 的 交 界 。

西 界 就 是 大 海 和 靠 近 大 海 之 地 。 这 是 犹 大 人 按 着 宗 族 所 得 之 地 四 围 的 交 界 。



Joshua 15:12
Zapadna je međa Veliko more s obalom. To su bile zemlje sinova Judinih, unaokolo, po porodicama njihovim.

Jozue 15:12
Potom západní pomezí jest při moři velikém a mezech jeho. To jest pomezí synů Juda vůkol, po čeledech jejich.

Josua 15:12
Vestgrænsen er det store Hav. Det er Grænsen rundt om Judæernes Omraade efter deres Slægter.

Jozua 15:12
De landpale nu tegen het westen zal zijn tot de grote zee en derzelver landpale. Dit is de landpale der kinderen van Juda rondom heen, naar hun huisgezinnen.

יהושע 15:12
וּגְב֣וּל יָ֔ם הַיָּ֥מָּה הַגָּדֹ֖ול וּגְב֑וּל זֶ֠ה גְּב֧וּל בְּנֵֽי־יְהוּדָ֛ה סָבִ֖יב לְמִשְׁפְּחֹתָֽם׃

יב וגבול ים הימה הגדול וגבול זה גבול בני יהודה סביב--למשפחתם

וגבול ים הימה הגדול וגבול זה גבול בני־יהודה סביב למשפחתם׃

Józsué 15:12
A napnyugati határ pedig a nagy tenger és melléke. Ez Júda fiainak határa köröskörül az õ házoknépe szerint.

Josuo 15:12
La okcidenta limo estas la Granda Maro. CXi tiu limo estas la limo de la Jehudaidoj cxirkauxe, laux iliaj familioj.

JOOSUA 15:12
Mutta raja länteen päin on suuri meri. Tämä on Juudan lasten maan raja, joka taholta ympäri heidän sukukunnissansa.

Josué 15:12
-Et la frontière occidentale était la grande mer et ses côtes. Telle fut la frontière des fils de Juda, tout à l'entour, selon leurs familles.

La limite occidentale était la grande mer. Telles furent de tous les côtés les limites des fils de Juda, selon leurs familles.

Or la frontière du côté de l'Occident sera ce qui est vers la grande mer, et ses limites. Ce furent les frontières des enfants de Juda de tous les côtés, selon leurs familles.

Josua 15:12
Die Grenze aber gegen Abend ist das große Meer. Das ist die Grenze der Kinder Juda umher in ihren Geschlechtern.

Die Grenze aber gegen Abend ist das große Meer. Das ist die Grenze der Kinder Juda umher nach ihren Geschlechtern. {~}

Die Westgrenze aber bildet durchweg das große Meer. Das ist die Grenze der verschiedenen Geschlechter der Judäer ringsum.

Giosué 15:12
Il confine occidentale era il mar grande. Tali furono da tutti i lati i confini dei figliuoli di Giuda secondo le loro famiglie.

E il confine dall’Occidente era il mar grande, e i confini. Questi furono i confini de’ figliuoli di Giuda d’ogni intorno, secondo le lor nazioni.

YOSUA 15:12
Maka perhinggaan tanahnya pada sebelah barat itulah lautan besar dengan segala tanah yang pada tepinya; maka sekalian inilah perhinggaan tanah bani Yehuda keliling dengan segala bangsanya.

여호수아 15:12
서편 경계는 대해와 그 해변이니 유다 자손이 그 가족대로 얻은 사면 경계가 이러하니라

Iosue 15:12
hii sunt termini filiorum Iuda per circuitum in cognationibus suis

Jozuës knyga 15:12
Vakarinė siena buvo Didžioji jūra. Tai yra Judo giminių teritorija.

Joshua 15:12
A ko te rohe ki te hauauru kei te moana nui me tona pareparenga. Ko te rohe tenei ki nga tama a Hura a tawhio noa, ki tenei hapu, ki tenei hapu o ratou.

Josvas 15:12
Grensen mot vest var det store hav og landet langsmed det. Dette var Judas barns grense efter deres ætter, på alle sider.

Josué 15:12
El límite occidental era el mar Grande, es decir, su costa. Este es el límite alrededor de los hijos de Judá conforme a sus familias.

El límite occidental era el Mar Grande (el Mediterráneo), es decir, su costa. Este es el límite alrededor de los hijos de Judá conforme a sus familias.

El término del occidente es el Mar Grande y su costa. Éste, es el término de los hijos de Judá en derredor, por sus familias.

El término del occidente es la mar grande. Este pues, es el término de los hijos de Judá en derredor, por sus familias.

El término del occidente es el mar grande. Este pues , es el término de los hijos de Judá en derredor, por sus familias.

Josué 15:12
A fronteira ocidental era formada pelo contorno do litoral do Grande Mar, o Mediterrâneo. Eram, pois, estes limites que demarcavam as terras dos filhos de Judá por todos os lados, em conformidade com os seus clãs.

O termo ocidental é o mar grande. São esses os termos dos filhos de Judá ao redor, segundo as suas famílias.   

Iosua 15:12
Hotarul de apus era marea cea mare şi ţărmul ei. Acestea au fost, dejur împrejur, hotarele fiilor lui Iuda, după familiile lor.

Иисус Навин 15:12
Вот предел сынов Иудиных с племенами их со всех сторон.

Вот предел сынов Иудиных с племенами их со всех сторон.[]

Josuaé 15:12
Och gränsen i väster följde Stora havet; det utgjorde gränsen. Dessa voro Juda barns gränser runt omkring, efter deras släkter.

Joshua 15:12
At ang hangganang kalunuran ay ang malaking dagat, at ang hangganan niyaon. Ito ang hangganan ng mga anak ni Juda sa palibot, ayon sa kanilang mga angkan.

โยชูวา 15:12
พรมแดนด้านตะวันตก คือทะเลใหญ่ตามฝั่งทะเล นี่เป็นพรมแดนล้อมรอบคนยูดาห์ตามครอบครัวของเขา

Yeşu 15:12
Batı sınırı Akdenizin kıyılarıydı. Yahudaoğullarından gelen boyların çepeçevre sınırları buydu.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 15:12
Còn giới hạn phía tây, ấy là biển lớn. Ðó là giới hạn về bốn phía của người Giu-đa, tùy theo những họ hàng của chúng.

Joshua 15:11
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