3 John 1:6
3 John 1:6
They have told the church about your love. Please send them on their way in a manner that honors God.

They have told the church here of your loving friendship. Please continue providing for such teachers in a manner that pleases God.

who testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their journey in a manner worthy of God.

and they have testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God.

Which have borne witness of thy charity before the church: whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well:

They have testified to your love in front of the church. You will do well to send them on their journey in a manner worthy of God,

They have testified before the church about your love. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God.

They have testified to your love before the church. You will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God.

Those who have testified of your love before all the churches. You did well when you gave them necessities, as is becoming to God.

These believers have told the congregation about your love. You will do well to support them on their trip in a way that proves you belong to God.

who have borne witness of thy charity before the congregation {Gr. ekklesia – called out ones}, whom if thou wilt help them as is convenient according to God, thou shalt do well;

Who have borne witness of your love before the church: whom if you send forward on their journey in a godly manner, you shall do well:

Which have borne witness of your charity before the church: whom if you bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, you shall do well:

who bare witness to thy love before the church: whom thou wilt do well to set forward on their journey worthily of God:

Who have given testimony to thy charity in the sight of the church: whom thou shalt do well to bring forward on their way in a manner worthy of God.

(who have witnessed of thy love before the assembly,) in setting forward whom on their journey worthily of God, thou wilt do well;

who bare witness to thy love before the church: whom thou wilt do well to set forward on their journey worthily of God:

Who have borne testimony of thy charity before the church: whom if thou shalt bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou wilt do well:

They have testified, in the presence of the Church, to your love; and you will do well to help them on their journey in a manner worthy of your fellowship with God.

They have testified about your love before the assembly. You will do well to send them forward on their journey in a way worthy of God,

who did testify of thy love before an assembly, whom thou wilt do well, having sent forward worthily of God,

3 Gjonit 1:6
Ata dëshmuan për dashurinë tënde përpara kishës; dhe ti të bësh mirë të gujdesësh për udhëtimin e tyre në mënyrë të denjë për Perëndinë,

ﻳﻮﺣﻨﺎ ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻟﺜﺔ 1:6
الذين شهدوا بمحبتك امام الكنيسة. الذين تفعل حسنا اذا شيعتهم كما يحق للّه

անոնք վկայեցին քու սիրոյդ մասին եկեղեցիին առջեւ: Եթէ ուղարկես զանոնք աստուածահաճոյ կերպով՝ լա՛ւ կ՚ընես.

3 S. Ioannec. 1:6
Ceinéc testificatu vkan baituté hire charitateaz Eliçaren presentián: hec baldin guida baditzac Iaincoari dagocan beçala, vngui daidiquec.

Dyr Johanns C 1:6
Sö habnd daader vor dyr Gmain von deiner Lieb verzölt. Hilf ien bittschoen aau ietzet weiter bei ienerner Rais, wie s yn n Herrgot würdig ist!

3 Йоаново 1:6
които свидетелствуваха пред църквата за твоята любов. Добре ще сториш да ги изпратиш както подобава пред Бога;

約 翰 三 書 1:6
他 們 在 教 會 面 前 證 明 了 你 的 愛 ; 你 若 配 得 過 神 , 幫 助 他 們 往 前 行 , 這 就 好 了 。

他 们 在 教 会 面 前 证 明 了 你 的 爱 ; 你 若 配 得 过 神 , 帮 助 他 们 往 前 行 , 这 就 好 了 。





Treæa Ivanova poslanica 1:6
Oni posvjedočiše tvoju ljubav pred Crkvom i dobro ćeš učiniti ako ih ispratiš Boga dostojno.

Třetí Janův 1:6
Kteřížto svědectví vydali o lásce tvé před církví. Kteréžto vyprovodíš-li, tak jakž sluší na Boha, dobře učiníš.

3 Johannes 1:6
hvilke have vidnet for Menigheden om din Kærlighed; og du vil gøre vel i at fremme deres Rejse saaledes, som det er Gud værdigt.

3 Johannes 1:6
Die getuigd hebben van uw liefde, in de tegenwoordigheid der Gemeente; welken indien gij geleide doet, gelijk het Gode waardig is, zo zult gij weldoen.

οἳ ἐμαρτύρησάν σου τῇ ἀγάπῃ ἐνώπιον ἐκκλησίας, οὓς καλῶς ποιήσεις προπέμψας ἀξίως τοῦ Θεοῦ·

οἳ ἐμαρτύρησάν σου τῇ ἀγάπῃ ἐνώπιον ἐκκλησίας, οὓς καλῶς ποιήσεις προπέμψας ἀξίως τοῦ θεοῦ·

οἳ ἐμαρτύρησάν σου τῇ ἀγάπῃ ἐνώπιον ἐκκλησίας, οὓς καλῶς ποιήσεις προπέμψας ἀξίως τοῦ θεοῦ·

οἳ ἐμαρτύρησάν σου τῇ ἀγάπῃ ἐνώπιον ἐκκλησίας· οὓς καλῶς ποιήσεις προπέμψας ἀξίως τοῦ θεοῦ.

οἳ ἐμαρτύρησάν σου τῇ ἀγάπῃ ἐνώπιον ἐκκλησίας, οὓς καλῶς ποιήσεις προπέμψας ἀξίως τοῦ Θεοῦ.

ὅς μαρτυρέω σύ ὁ ἀγάπη ἐνώπιον ἐκκλησία ὅς καλῶς ποιέω προπέμπω ἀξίως ὁ θεός

οἳ ἐμαρτύρησάν σου τῇ ἀγάπῃ ἐνώπιον ἐκκλησίας· οὓς καλῶς ποιήσεις προπέμψας ἀξίως τοῦ Θεοῦ.

οἳ ἐμαρτύρησάν σου τῇ ἀγάπῃ ἐνώπιον ἐκκλησίας οὓς καλῶς ποιήσεις προπέμψας ἀξίως τοῦ θεοῦ·

οι εμαρτυρησαν σου τη αγαπη ενωπιον εκκλησιας ους καλως ποιησεις προπεμψας αξιως του θεου

οι εμαρτυρησαν σου τη αγαπη ενωπιον εκκλησιας ους καλως ποιησεις προπεμψας αξιως του θεου

οι εμαρτυρησαν σου τη αγαπη ενωπιον εκκλησιας ους καλως ποιησεις προπεμψας αξιως του θεου

οι εμαρτυρησαν σου τη αγαπη ενωπιον εκκλησιας· ους καλως ποιησεις προπεμψας αξιως του Θεου.

οι εμαρτυρησαν σου τη αγαπη ενωπιον εκκλησιας ους καλως ποιησεις προπεμψας αξιως του θεου

οι εμαρτυρησαν σου τη αγαπη ενωπιον εκκλησιας ους καλως ποιησεις προπεμψας αξιως του θεου

hoi emartyrēsan sou tē agapē enōpion ekklēsias, hous kalōs poiēseis propempsas axiōs tou Theou;

hoi emartyresan sou te agape enopion ekklesias, hous kalos poieseis propempsas axios tou Theou;

hoi emartyrēsan sou tē agapē enōpion ekklēsias, hous kalōs poiēseis propempsas axiōs tou theou;

hoi emartyresan sou te agape enopion ekklesias, hous kalos poieseis propempsas axios tou theou;

oi emarturēsan sou tē agapē enōpion ekklēsias ous kalōs poiēseis propempsas axiōs tou theou

oi emarturEsan sou tE agapE enOpion ekklEsias ous kalOs poiEseis propempsas axiOs tou theou

oi emarturēsan sou tē agapē enōpion ekklēsias ous kalōs poiēseis propempsas axiōs tou theou

oi emarturEsan sou tE agapE enOpion ekklEsias ous kalOs poiEseis propempsas axiOs tou theou

oi emarturēsan sou tē agapē enōpion ekklēsias ous kalōs poiēseis propempsas axiōs tou theou

oi emarturEsan sou tE agapE enOpion ekklEsias ous kalOs poiEseis propempsas axiOs tou theou

oi emarturēsan sou tē agapē enōpion ekklēsias ous kalōs poiēseis propempsas axiōs tou theou

oi emarturEsan sou tE agapE enOpion ekklEsias ous kalOs poiEseis propempsas axiOs tou theou

oi emarturēsan sou tē agapē enōpion ekklēsias ous kalōs poiēseis propempsas axiōs tou theou

oi emarturEsan sou tE agapE enOpion ekklEsias ous kalOs poiEseis propempsas axiOs tou theou

oi emarturēsan sou tē agapē enōpion ekklēsias ous kalōs poiēseis propempsas axiōs tou theou

oi emarturEsan sou tE agapE enOpion ekklEsias ous kalOs poiEseis propempsas axiOs tou theou

3 János 1:6
A kik bizonyságot tettek a te szeretetedrõl a gyülekezet elõtt; a kiket jól teszed, ha Istenhez méltóan bocsátasz útjokra.

De Johano 3 1:6
kiuj atestis vian amon antaux la eklezio; kaj vi faros bone, tiujn antauxenigante dece je Dio,

Jaakobin kirje 1:6
Jotka myös sinun rakkaudestas seurakunnan edessä todistaneet ovat. Ja sinä teet hyvin, ettäs heidät kauniisti lähettänyt olet, Jumalan edessä.

3 Jean 1:6
qui ont rendu témoignage à ton amour devant l'assemblée; et tu feras bien de leur faire la conduite d'une manière digne de Dieu,

lesquels ont rendu témoignage de ta charité, en présence de l'Eglise. Tu feras bien de pourvoir à leur voyage d'une manière digne de Dieu.

Qui en la présence de l'Eglise ont rendu témoignage de ta charité, et tu feras bien de les accompagner dignement, comme il est séant selon Dieu.

3 Johannes 1:6
die von deiner Liebe gezeuget haben vor der Gemeinde; und du hast wohl getan, daß du sie abgefertiget hast würdiglich vor Gott.

die von deiner Liebe gezeugt haben vor der Gemeinde; und du wirst wohl tun, wenn du sie abfertigst würdig vor Gott.

die deiner Liebe angesichts der Gemeinde Zeugnis gegeben haben, und die du wohl thun wirst Gottes würdig zu befördern.

3 Giovanni 1:6
Essi hanno reso testimonianza del tuo amore, dinanzi alla chiesa; e farai bene a provvedere al loro viaggio in modo degno di Dio;

I quali hanno reso testimonianza della tua carità nel cospetto della chiesa; i quali farai bene d’accomiatar degnamente, secondo Iddio.

3 YOH 1:6
yang sudah menyaksikan kasihmu di hadapan sidang jemaat; maka baik juga perbuatanmu jikalau engkau kelak mengantarkan mereka itu, sebagaimana yang berkenan kepada Allah.

3 John 1:6
ḥkan-d zdat n tejmaɛt ɣef leḥmala-inek. ayen yelhan daɣen ma terniḍ tɛawneḍ-ten s wayen i tzemreḍ iwakken ad kemmlen abrid-nsen ;

요한3서 1:6
저희가 회 앞에서 너의 사랑을 증거하였느니라 네가 하나님께 합당하게 저희를 전송하면 가하리로다

III Ioannis 1:6
qui testimonium reddiderunt caritati tuae in conspectu ecclesiae quos bene facies deducens digne Deo

Jāņa 3 vēstule 1:6
Tie devuši liecību par tavu mīlestību draudzes priekšā. Viņus tu, labi darīdams, novadīsi, kā tas cienīgi Dieva priekšā.

Treèiasis Jono laiðkas 1:6
Jie paliudijo bažnyčiai apie tavo meilę. Tu puikiai padarysi, išruošdamas juos į kelionę taip, kaip Dievui patinka,

3 John 1:6
E whakaatu na i tou aroha i te aroaro o te hahi: na kia rite ki ta te Atua tau kawe i a ratou, a ka pai tau mahi:

3 Johannes 1:6
og de har vidnet om din kjærlighet for menigheten. Du vil gjøre vel om du hjelper dem på vei, således som det sømmer sig for Gud;

3 Juan 1:6
pues ellos dan testimonio de tu amor ante la iglesia. Harás bien en ayudarles a proseguir su viaje de una manera digna de Dios.

Porque ellos dan testimonio de tu amor ante la iglesia. Harás bien en ayudarlos a proseguir su viaje de una manera digna de Dios.

los cuales han dado testimonio de tu amor en presencia de la iglesia; a los cuales si encaminares en su jornada como es digno según Dios, harás bien.

Los cuales han dado testimonio de tu amor en presencia de la iglesia: á los cuales si ayudares como conviene según Dios, harás bien.

los cuales han dado testimonio de tu caridad en presencia de la Iglesia; a los cuales si ayudares como conviene según Dios, harás bien.

3 João 1:6
os quais, perante a igreja deram testemunho a respeito deste teu amor. Tu farás bem se os encaminhares na sua viagem de modo digno de Deus.

os quais diante da igreja testificaram do teu amor; aos quais, se os encaminhares na sua viagem de um modo digno de Deus, bem farás;   

3 Ioan 1:6
Ei au mărturisit despre dragostea ta înaintea Bisericii. Vei face bine să îngrijeşti de călătoria lor, într'un chip vrednic de Dumnezeu;

3-e Иоанна 1:6
Они засвидетельствовали перед церковью о твоей любви. Ты хорошо поступишь, если отпустишь их, как должно ради Бога,

Они засвидетельствовали перед церковью о твоей любви. Ты хорошо поступишь, если отпустишь их, как должно ради Бога,

3 John 1:6
Nu shuar ame nekas anenamun jui taar Yus-shuar iruntramunam etserkarai. Ataksha irauwenakui atsumainiana nu S·sam shiir akupkarta. PΘnker Wßinkiumka Yus shiir Enentßimtikrattame.

3 Johannesbrevet 1:6
Dessa hava nu inför församlingen vittnat om din kärlek. Och du gör väl, om du på ett sätt som är värdigt Gud utrustar dem också för fortsättningen av deras resa.

3 Yohana 1:6
Ndugu hao wamelieleza kanisa hapa habari za upendo wako. Tafadhali uwasaidie waendelee na safari yao kwa namna itakayompendeza Mungu,

3 Juan 1:6
Na siyang nangagpapatotoo ng iyong pagibig sa harapan ng iglesia: na iyong gagawan ng magaling kung iyong tutulungan sila ng nararapat sa Dios, sa kanilang paglalakbay:

3 ยอห์น 1:6
เขาเหล่านั้นได้เป็นพยานต่อหน้าคริสตจักรในเรื่องความรักของท่าน ถ้าท่านจะช่วยจัดส่งเขาเหล่านั้นในการเดินทางของเขา ตามที่สมควรอย่างพระเจ้า ท่านก็จะกระทำดี

3 Yuhanna 1:6
Onlar kilise önünde sevgine tanıklık ettiler. Onları Tanrıya yaraşır biçimde yardımlarınla birlikte uğurlarsan iyi edersin.

3 Йоаново 1:6
котрі сьвідкували про твою любов перед церквою; добре ти зробиш, одпровадивши їх достойно перед Богом.

3 John 1:6
Hira' toe-mi to mpotompo'wiwi ahi' -nu hi rehe'i hi hawe'ea ompi' hampepangalaa' -ta. Wae-pi, kusarumaka-ko mpope'ongko' lompe' -ra, bona ma'ala-ra mpokaliliu pomakoa' -ra. Pope'ongko' -ra hewa to natao hi suro Alata'ala, bona goe' -i Alata'ala.

3 Giaêng 1:6
Các Anh em đã làm chứng về sự nhơn từ của anh ở trước mặt Hội thánh. Anh sẽ giúp đỡ sự đi đường cho các anh em một cách xứng đáng với Ðức Chúa Trời thì tốt lắm.

3 John 1:5
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