2 Timothy 3:11
2 Timothy 3:11
persecutions, sufferings--what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra, the persecutions I endured. Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them.

You know how much persecution and suffering I have endured. You know all about how I was persecuted in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra--but the Lord rescued me from all of it.

my persecutions and sufferings that happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium, and at Lystra—which persecutions I endured; yet from them all the Lord rescued me.

persecutions, and sufferings, such as happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium and at Lystra; what persecutions I endured, and out of them all the Lord rescued me!

Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.

along with the persecutions and sufferings that came to me in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra. What persecutions I endured! Yet the Lord rescued me from them all.

and how I was persecuted and suffered in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra. What persecutions I endured! Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them.

as well as the persecutions and sufferings that happened to me in Antioch, in Iconium, and in Lystra. I endured these persecutions and the Lord delivered me from them all.

After my persecutions and after my suffering; and you know those things which I endured in Antiakia, Iconiun and Lystra, what persecutions I endured, and my Lord delivered me from all of them.

You also know about the kind of persecutions and sufferings which happened to me in the cities of Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra. I endured those persecutions, and the Lord rescued me from all of them.

persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra, persecutions I have endured, and the Lord delivered me out of them all.

Persecutions, afflictions, which came unto me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.

Persecutions, afflictions, which came to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.

persecutions, sufferings. What things befell me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured. And out of them all the Lord delivered me.

Persecutions, afflictions: such as came upon me at Antioch, at Iconium, and at Lystra: what persecutions I endured, and out of them all the Lord delivered me.

persecutions, sufferings: what sufferings happened to me in Antioch, in Iconium, in Lystra; what persecutions I endured; and the Lord delivered me out of all.

persecutions, sufferings; what things befell me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: and out of them all the Lord delivered me.

Persecutions, afflictions which came to me at Antioch, at Iconium, at Lystra; what persecutions I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me.

and the persecutions and sufferings which I have endured; the things which happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra. You know the persecutions I endured, and how the Lord delivered me out of them all.

persecutions, and sufferings: those things that happened to me at Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra. I endured those persecutions. Out of them all the Lord delivered me.

the persecutions, the afflictions, that befell me in Antioch, in Iconium, in Lystra; what persecutions I endured, and out of all the Lord did deliver me,

2 Timoteut 3:11
përndjekjet, vuajtjet që më ndodhën në Antioki, në Ikonio, dhe në Listra; ti e di çfarë përndjekjesh hoqa, por Perëndia më shpëtoi nga të gjitha.

ﺍﻟﺜﺎﻧﻴﺔ ﺗﻴﻤﻮﺛﺎﻭﺱ 3:11
واضطهاداتي وآلامي مثل ما اصابني في انطاكية وايقونية ولسترة. ايّة اضطهادات احتملت. ومن الجميع انقذني الرب.

հալածանքներուս եւ չարչարանքներուս, որոնք պատահեցան ինծի Անտիոքի, Իկոնիոնի ու Լիւստրայի մէջ: Ի՜նչ հալածանքներ կրեցի. բայց Տէրը ազատեց զիս բոլորէն:

2 Timotheogana. 3:11
Persecutioneac, afflictioneac, cein niri heldu içan baitzaizquit Antiochian, Iconian, Lystrian: nolaco persecutioneac suffritu vkan ditudan cioat, eta gucietaric idoqui vkan niauc Iaunac.

Dyr Timyteus B 3:11
in de Verfolgungen und Leidn, wo myr z Äntyching und Ickyning und Lüster widerfarn seind. Mein, und +was füre Verfolgungen! Doch aus allsand haat mi dyr Herr dyrrött.

2 Тимотей 3:11
гоненията, страданията; какви неща ме сполетяха в Антиохия, в Икония, в Листра; какви гонения издържах; и от всички тях ме избави Господ.

提 摩 太 後 書 3:11
以 及 我 在 安 提 阿 、 以 哥 念 、 路 司 得 所 遭 遇 的 逼 迫 , 苦 難 。 我 所 忍 受 是 何 等 的 逼 迫 ; 但 從 這 一 切 苦 難 中 , 主 都 把 我 救 出 來 了 。

以 及 我 在 安 提 阿 、 以 哥 念 、 路 司 得 所 遭 遇 的 逼 迫 , 苦 难 。 我 所 忍 受 是 何 等 的 逼 迫 ; 但 从 这 一 切 苦 难 中 , 主 都 把 我 救 出 来 了 。





Druga poslanica Timoteju 3:11
u progonstvima, u patnjama koje su me zadesile u Antiohiji, u Ikoniju, u Listri. Kakva li sam progonstva podnio! I iz svih me izbavio Gospodin!

Druhá Timoteovi 3:11
Protivenství, utrpení, kteráž na mne přišla v Antiochii, v Ikonii, a v Lystře; kterážto protivenství snášel jsem, ale ze všech vysvobodil mne Pán.

2 Timoteus 3:11
i Forfølgelser, i Lidelser, saadanne, som ere komne over mig i Antiokia, i Ikonium, i Lystra, saadanne Forfølgelser, som jeg har udstaaet, og Herren har friet mig ud af dem alle.

2 Timotheüs 3:11
Mijn vervolgingen, mijn lijden, zulks als mij overkomen is in Antiochie, in Ikonium en in Lystre; hoedanige vervolgingen ik geleden heb, en de Heere heeft mij uit alle verlost.

τοῖς διωγμοῖς, τοῖς παθήμασιν, οἷά μοι ἐγένετο ἐν Ἀντιοχείᾳ, ἐν Ἰκονίῳ, ἐν Λύστροις· οἵους διωγμοὺς ὑπήνεγκα, καὶ ἐκ πάντων με ἐρύσατο ὁ Κύριος.

τοῖς διωγμοῖς, τοῖς παθήμασιν, οἷά μοι ἐγένετο ἐν Ἀντιοχείᾳ, ἐν Ἰκονίῳ, ἐν Λύστροις, οἵους διωγμοὺς ὑπήνεγκα· καὶ ἐκ πάντων με ἐρύσατο ὁ κύριος.

τοῖς διωγμοῖς, τοῖς παθήμασιν, οἷά μοι ἐγένετο ἐν Ἀντιοχείᾳ, ἐν Ἰκονίῳ, ἐν Λύστροις, οἵους διωγμοὺς ὑπήνεγκα· καὶ ἐκ πάντων με ἐρύσατο / ἐρρύσατο ὁ κύριος.

τοῖς διωγμοῖς, τοῖς παθήμασιν, οἷά μοι ἐγένετο ἐν Ἀντιοχείᾳ, ἐν Ἰκονίῳ, ἐν Λύστροις, οἵους διωγμοὺς ὑπήνεγκα· καὶ ἐκ πάντων με ἐρρύσατο ὁ κύριος.

τοῖς διωγμοῖς, τοῖς παθήμασιν, οἷά μοι ἐγένοντο ἐν Ἀντιοχείᾳ, ἐν Ἰκονίῳ, ἐν Λύστροις, οἵους διωγμοὺς ὑπήνεγκα! καὶ ἐκ πάντων με ἐρρύσατο ὁ Κύριος.

ὁ διωγμός ὁ πάθημα οἷος ἐγώ γίνομαι ἐν Ἀντιόχεια ἐν Ἰκόνιον ἐν Λύστρα οἷος διωγμός ὑποφέρω καί ἐκ πᾶς ἐγώ ῥύομαι ὁ κύριος

τοῖς διωγμοῖς, τοῖς παθήμασιν, οἷά μοι ἐγένετο ἐν Ἀντιοχείᾳ, ἐν Ἰκονίῳ, ἐν Λύστροις, οἵους διωγμοὺς ὑπήνεγκα· καὶ ἐκ πάντων με ἐρρύσατο ὁ Κύριος.

τοῖς διωγμοῖς τοῖς παθήμασιν οἷά μοι ἐγένετο ἐν Ἀντιοχείᾳ ἐν Ἰκονίῳ ἐν Λύστροις οἵους διωγμοὺς ὑπήνεγκα καὶ ἐκ πάντων με ἐρρύσατο ὁ κύριος

τοις διωγμοις τοις παθημασιν οια μοι εγενετο εν αντιοχεια εν ικονιω εν λυστροις οιους διωγμους υπηνεγκα και εκ παντων με ερρυσατο ο κυριος

τοις διωγμοις τοις παθημασιν οια μοι εγενετο εν αντιοχεια εν ικονιω εν λυστροις οιους διωγμους υπηνεγκα και εκ παντων με ερυσατο ο κυριος

τοις διωγμοις τοις παθημασιν οια μοι εγενετο εν αντιοχεια εν ικονιω εν λυστροις οιους διωγμους υπηνεγκα και εκ παντων με ερρυσατο ο κυριος

τοις διωγμοις, τοις παθημασιν, οια μοι εγενετο εν Αντιοχεια, εν Ικονιω, εν Λυστροις, οιους διωγμους υπηνεγκα· και εκ παντων με ερρυσατο ο Κυριος.

τοις διωγμοις τοις παθημασιν οια μοι εγενετο εν αντιοχεια εν ικονιω εν λυστροις οιους διωγμους υπηνεγκα και εκ παντων με ερρυσατο ο κυριος

τοις διωγμοις τοις παθημασιν οια μοι εγενετο εν αντιοχεια εν ικονιω εν λυστροις οιους διωγμους υπηνεγκα και εκ παντων με ερρυσατο ο κυριος

tois diōgmois, tois pathēmasin, hoia moi egeneto en Antiocheia, en Ikoniō, en Lystrois; hoious diōgmous hypēnenka, kai ek pantōn me erysato ho Kyrios.

tois diogmois, tois pathemasin, hoia moi egeneto en Antiocheia, en Ikonio, en Lystrois; hoious diogmous hypenenka, kai ek panton me erysato ho Kyrios.

tois diōgmois, tois pathēmasin, hoia moi egeneto en Antiocheia, en Ikoniō, en Lystrois, hoious diōgmous hypēnenka; kai ek pantōn me erysato ho kyrios.

tois diogmois, tois pathemasin, hoia moi egeneto en Antiocheia, en Ikonio, en Lystrois, hoious diogmous hypenenka; kai ek panton me erysato ho kyrios.

tois diōgmois tois pathēmasin oia moi egeneto en antiocheia en ikoniō en lustrois oious diōgmous upēnenka kai ek pantōn me erusato o kurios

tois diOgmois tois pathEmasin oia moi egeneto en antiocheia en ikoniO en lustrois oious diOgmous upEnenka kai ek pantOn me erusato o kurios

tois diōgmois tois pathēmasin oia moi egeneto en antiocheia en ikoniō en lustrois oious diōgmous upēnenka kai ek pantōn me errusato o kurios

tois diOgmois tois pathEmasin oia moi egeneto en antiocheia en ikoniO en lustrois oious diOgmous upEnenka kai ek pantOn me errusato o kurios

tois diōgmois tois pathēmasin oia moi egeneto en antiocheia en ikoniō en lustrois oious diōgmous upēnenka kai ek pantōn me errusato o kurios

tois diOgmois tois pathEmasin oia moi egeneto en antiocheia en ikoniO en lustrois oious diOgmous upEnenka kai ek pantOn me errusato o kurios

tois diōgmois tois pathēmasin oia moi egeneto en antiocheia en ikoniō en lustrois oious diōgmous upēnenka kai ek pantōn me errusato o kurios

tois diOgmois tois pathEmasin oia moi egeneto en antiocheia en ikoniO en lustrois oious diOgmous upEnenka kai ek pantOn me errusato o kurios

tois diōgmois tois pathēmasin oia moi egeneto en antiocheia en ikoniō en lustrois oious diōgmous upēnenka kai ek pantōn me errusato o kurios

tois diOgmois tois pathEmasin oia moi egeneto en antiocheia en ikoniO en lustrois oious diOgmous upEnenka kai ek pantOn me errusato o kurios

tois diōgmois tois pathēmasin oia moi egeneto en antiocheia en ikoniō en lustrois oious diōgmous upēnenka kai ek pantōn me errusato o kurios

tois diOgmois tois pathEmasin oia moi egeneto en antiocheia en ikoniO en lustrois oious diOgmous upEnenka kai ek pantOn me errusato o kurios

2 Timóteushoz 3:11
Üldöztetéseimet, szenvedéseimet, a melyek rajtam estek Antiókhiában, Ikóniumban, Listrában: minémû üldöztetéseket szenvedtem! de mindezekbõl megszabadított engem az Úr.

Al Timoteo 2 3:11
persekutojn, suferojn, kiaj okazis al mi en Antiohxia, en Ikonio, en Listra; kiajn persekutojn mi suferis; kaj el cxio tio la Sinjoro min savis.

Toinen kirje Timoteukselle 3:11
Vainoomisiani, vaivojani, jotka minulle Antiokiassa, Ikoniossa ja Lystrassa tapahtuivat, jotka vainoomiset minä kärsin, ja kaikista on minun Herra päästänyt.

2 Timothée 3:11
mes persécutions, mes souffrances, telles qu'elles me sont arrivées à Antioche, à Iconium et à Lystre, quelles persécutions j'ai endurées; -et le Seigneur m'a délivré de toutes.

mes persécutions, mes souffrances. A quelles souffrances n'ai-je pas été exposé à Antioche, à Icone, à Lystre? Quelles persécutions n'ai-je pas supportées? Et le Seigneur m'a délivré de toutes.

Et tu [sais] les persécutions et les afflictions qui me sont arrivées à Antioche, à Iconie, et à Lystre, quelles persécutions, [dis-je], j'ai soutenues, et [comment] le Seigneur m'a délivré de toutes.

2 Timotheus 3:11
meine Verfolgung, meine Leiden, welche mir widerfahren sind zu Antiochien, zu Ikonien, zu Lystra, welche Verfolgung ich da ertrug: und aus allen hat mich der HERR erlöset.

meinen Verfolgungen, meinen Leiden, welche mir widerfahren sind zu Antiochien, zu Ikonien, zu Lystra. Welche Verfolgungen ich da ertrug! Und aus allen hat mich der HERR erlöst.

die Verfolgungen, die Leiden, wie sie mich trafen in Antiochia, Ikonium und Lystra; solcherlei Verfolgungen habe ich bestanden und aus allen hat der Herr mich errettet.

2 Timoteo 3:11
alle mie persecuzioni, alle mie sofferenze, a quel che mi avvenne ad Antiochia, ad Iconio ed a Listra. Sai quali persecuzioni ho sopportato; e il Signore mia ha liberato da tutte.

le mie persecuzioni, le mie afflizioni, quali mi sono avvenute in Antiochia, in Iconio, in Listri; tu sai quali persecuzioni io ho sostenute; e pure il Signore mi ha liberato, da tutte.

2 TIM 3:11
dan segala aniaya dan sengsara yang berbagai-bagai sudah menimpa aku di Antiokhia, dan di Ikonium, dan di Listera. Alangkah banyaknya aniaya sudah aku kena, tetapi daripada sekalian itu Tuhan sudah melepaskan aku!

2 Timothy 3:11
leqheṛ i țwaqehṛeɣ akk-d leɛtab-iw. Teẓriḍ lemḥayen i gɛeddan fell-i di temdinin n Antyuc, n Ikunyum d Listra ? Anwa leqheṛ iwumi ur ṣbiṛeɣ ara ? Meɛna Sidi Ṛebbi isellek-iyi seg-sen meṛṛa.

디모데후서 3:11
핍박과 고난과 또한 안디옥과 이고니온과 루스드라에서 당한 일과 어떠한 핍박 받은 것을 네가 과연 보고 알았거니와 주께서 이 모든 것 가운데서 나를 건지셨느니라

II Timotheum 3:11
persecutiones passiones qualia mihi facta sunt Antiochiae Iconii Lystris quales persecutiones sustinui et ex omnibus me eripuit Dominus

Timotejam 2 3:11
Vajāšanās, ciešanās, kas man gadījās Antiohijā, Ikonijā un Listrā. Kādas tik vajāšanas es neesmu cietis, bet Kungs no visām mani izglāba.

Antrasis laiðkas Timotiejui 3:11
persekiojimais, sunkumais, kurie mane ištiko Antiochijoje, Ikonijuje, Listroje. O kokių tik persekiojimų man neteko iškęsti! Bet iš visų išgelbėjo mane Viešpats.

2 Timothy 3:11
Oku whakatoinga, oku matenga i mate ai ahau i Anatioka, i Ikoniuma, i Raihitara; nga whakatoinga i whakatoia ai ahau: heoi whakaorangia ake ahau e te Ariki i roto i te katoa.

2 Timoteus 3:11
mine forfølgelser, mine lidelser, sådanne som møtte mig i Antiokia, i Ikonium, i Lystra, sådanne forfølgelser som jeg har utholdt, og Herren har fridd mig ut av dem alle sammen.

2 Timoteo 3:11
persecuciones, sufrimientos, como los que me acaecieron en Antioquía, en Iconio y en Listra. ¡Qué persecuciones sufrí! Y de todas ellas me libró el Señor.

mis persecuciones, sufrimientos, como los que me acaecieron en Antioquía, en Iconio y en Listra. ¡Qué persecuciones sufrí! Y de todas ellas me libró el Señor.

persecuciones, aflicciones, como las que me sobrevinieron en Antioquía, en Iconio, en Listra, persecuciones que he sufrido; pero de todas ellas me ha librado el Señor.

Persecuciones, aflicciones, cuales me sobrevinieron en Antioquía, en Iconio, en Listra, cuales persecuciones he sufrido; y de todas me ha librado el Señor.

persecuciones, aflicciones, las cuales me fueron hechas en Antioquía, en Iconio, en Listra; persecuciones que he sufrido; y de todas me ha librado el Señor.

2 timóteo 3:11
observado minhas perseguições e aflições, que sofri em Antioquia, Icônio e Listra. Quantas perseguições suportei! Contudo, de todas o Senhor me livrou!

as minhas perseguições e aflições, quais as que sofri em Antioquia, em Icônio, em Listra; quantas perseguições suportei! e de todas o Senhor me livrou.   

2 Timotei 3:11
prigonirile şi suferinţele cari au venit peste mine în Antiohia, în Iconia şi în Listra. Ştii ce prigoniri am răbdat; şi totuş Domnul m'a izbăvit din toate.

2-е Тимофею 3:11
в гонениях, страданиях, постигших меня в Антиохии, Иконии, Листрах; каковые гонения я перенес, и от всех избавилменя Господь.

в гонениях, страданиях, постигших меня в Антиохии, Иконии, Листрах; каковые гонения я перенес, и от всех избавил меня Господь.

2 Timothy 3:11
Tura ßmeka wi Tφmiaj nu umireame. Wi Yusjai shiir wekaamusha mΘtek T·riniaitme. Wi Enentßimmiasha nΘkaitme. Aintruiniakui Wßitsamaj nu nΘkame. Tura Y·san Enentßimtakun tura anenkratkun shiir Enentßijiai katsuntramjai. Antiukφa pΘprunmasha, Ikiuniu pΘprunmasha, Ristra pΘprunmasha Ashφ yajauch T·rutawarmatai Wßitsamaj nu paant nΘkame. T·rasha ii Uuntri uwemtikrurmiayi.

2 Timotheosbrevet 3:11
under förföljelser och lidanden, sådana som drabbade mig i Antiokia, Ikonium och Lystra. Ja, sådana förföljelser har jag fått utstå, men ur alla har Herren frälst mig.

2 Timotheo 3:11
udhalimu na mateso yangu. Unayajua mambo yaliyonipata huko Antiokia, Ikonio na Lustra. Nilivumilia udhalimu mkubwa mno! Lakini Bwana aliniokoa katika mambo hayo yote.

2 Kay Timoteo 3:11
Mga paguusig, mga pagbabata; anomang mga bagay ang nangyari sa akin sa Antioquia, sa Iconio, sa Listra; anomang mga paguusig ang tiniis ko: at sa lahat ay iniligtas ako ng Panginoon.

2 ทิโมธี 3:11
การถูกข่มเหง การทนทุกข์ยากลำบากของข้าพเจ้า ซึ่งได้เกิดขึ้นกับข้าพเจ้า ณ เมืองอันทิโอก เมืองอิโคนียูม และเมืองลิสตรา การกดขี่ข่มเหงที่ข้าพเจ้าได้ทนเอา ถึงกระนั้นก็ดีองค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าได้ทรงโปรดให้ข้าพเจ้ารอดพ้นจากสิ่งเหล่านั้นทั้งหมด

2 Timoteos 3:11

2 Тимотей 3:11
гонеиню, стражданням, які лучились менї в Антиохиї, в Ікониї, в Листрі; котрі гонення я перенїс, і від усїх ізбавив мене Господь.

2 Timothy 3:11
Nuhilo moto kakupengkatarii-na pebalinai' pai' kasusaa' to mporumpa' -a hi ngata Antiokhia, hi Ikonium pai' hi Listra. Uma mowo pebalinai' toe! Aga Pue' mpobahaka-a ngkai hawe'ea toe lau.

2 Ti-moâ-theâ 3:11
trong những sự bắt bớ, và hoạn nạn đã xảy đến cho ta tại thành An-ti-ốt, Y-cô-ni và Lút-trơ. Những sự bắt bớ đó ta đều chịu cả, và Chúa đã cứu ta thoát khỏi luôn luôn.

2 Timothy 3:10
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