Water from the Rock 1And all the companye of the childern of Israel went on their iourneys from the wildernesse of Sin at the commaundment of the Lorde, and pitched in Raphidim: where was no water for the people to drynke. 2And the people chode with Moses and sayde: geue us water to drynke. And Moses sayde vnto them: why chyde ye with me, and wherfore do ye tempte the Lorde? 3There the people thyrsted for water, and murmured agenst Moses ad sayde: wherfore hast thou broughte us out of Egipte, to kyll us and oure childern and oure catell with thyrste? 4And Moses cried vnto the Lorde saynge what shal I do vnto this people? they be al most redye to stone me. 5And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: goo before the people, and take with the of the elders of Israel: ad thi rod wherwith thou smotest the riuer, take in thine hande and goo. 6Beholde, I will stonde there before the vppon a rocke in Horeb: and thou shalt smyte the rocke, ad there shall come water out there of, that the people maye drynke. And Moses dyd euen so before the elders of Israel 7And he called the name of the place: Massa and Meriba: because of the chidynge of the childern of Israel, and because they tempted the Lorde saynge: ys the Lorde amonge us or not? The Defeat of the Amalekites 8Then came Amalech ad foughte with Israel in Raphidim. 9And Moses sayde vnto Iosua: chose out men and goo fighte with Amelech Tomorow I will stonde on the toppe of the hyll and the rodd of God in myne hande. 10And Iosua dyd as Moses bade him, and foughte with the Amalechites. And Moses, Aaron and Hur went vp to the toppe of the hyll. 11And when Moses helde vp his hande, Israel had the better. And when he late his hande doune, Amelech had the better. 12when Moses handes were weery, they toke a stone and put it vnder him, and he satt doune there on. And Aaron and Hur stayed vpp his handes the one on the one syde and the other on the other syde. And his handes were stedie vntill the sonne was doune. 13And Iosua discomfeted Amalech ad his people with the edge of his swerde. 14And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses: write this for a remembraunce in a boke and tell it vnto Iosua, for I will put out the remembraunce of Amalech from vnder heauen. 15And Moses made an alter ad called the name of it Iehouah Nissi, 16for he sayde: the hande is on the seate of the Lorde, that the Lorde will haue warre with Amalech thorow out all generations. |