Temptation: The Devil is the Author of
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1 Chronicles 21:1
And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

Matthew 4:1
Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.
Torrey's Topical Textbook

John 13:2
And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, to betray him;
Torrey's Topical Textbook

1 Thessalonians 3:5
For this cause, when I could no longer forbear, I sent to know your faith, lest by some means the tempter have tempted you, and our labor be in vain.
Torrey's Topical Textbook


Christ the Son of Man.
... The devil is the author of temptation, and he had a peculiar interest
in the temptation of Jesus. Through temptation comes sin. ...
/.../v christ the son of man.htm

Whether Christ Should have Been Tempted in the Desert?
... flesh and of the world." Now, there is no danger in giving the devil such an occasion
of temptation; since the help of the Holy Ghost, who is the Author of the ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether christ should have been 5.htm

Whether it was Becoming that Christ Should be Tempted?
... so far as He willed; not as the Author of eternal ... in hungering betrayed His human
nature, the devil would not ... from the very manner of the temptation, when he ...
/.../aquinas/summa theologica/whether it was becoming that 3.htm

Despite the Devil, Man May, by God's Help, be Perfected.
... an easy refutation of the objection which our author says is ... with a view to resisting
the devil and his ... when we pray, "Lead us not into temptation;" [1300] to ...
/.../augustine/anti-pelagian writings/chapter 68 lviii despite the devil.htm

Letter vi. Temptation.
... He is often the author of false comforts and joys, very much like ... to be tempted:
but it is sin to give place to temptation. "Neither give place to the devil.". ...
/.../a practical directory for young christian females/letter vi temptation.htm

The Author's Life.
... enjoyed such educational opportunities as the author of the ... where John was baptizing,
shortly after the Temptation. ... wilfully a child of the devil, and those ...
/.../johnson/the new testament commentary vol iii john/the authors life.htm

The Author Sinful, yet Pursuing.
... Chapter XVIII."The Author Sinful, Yet Pursuing ... a sinner every whit and not yet fleeing
temptation but continuing ... the midst of the tools of the devil, study to ...
/.../keith/the epistles of clement/chapter xviii the author sinful yet.htm

The Author to the Reader.
... THE AUTHOR TO THE READER. ... as that it will have no leisure, and small temptation to
listen ... the vigilant and active enemy of our salvation, the devil, was laying ...
/.../brown/christ the way the truth and the life/the author to the reader.htm

Letter iii. --The State of one Tempted.
... for all perfection." I find you very ignorant on the subject of temptation. ... are produced,
reject them as coming from the devil who is the author of trouble ...
/.../de caussade/abandonment to divine providence/letter iii the state of one.htm

On the Perfection of Patience.
... If then any similar temptation ever arises among brethren, we ... of basilisks, as by
it the first author of all ... man: for "by the envy of the devil death entered ...
/.../cassian/the conferences of john cassian/chapter xvi on the perfection.htm



Temptation of Christ

Temptation: A Test

Temptation: Abimelech

Temptation: Abraham Leads Pharaoh

Temptation: Achan

Temptation: Always Conformable to the Nature of Man

Temptation: Balaam

Temptation: Balak Tempts Balaam

Temptation: Blessedness of Those Who Meet and Overcome

Temptation: Christ is Able to Help Those Under

Temptation: Christ Keeps Faithful Saints from the Hour of

Temptation: Christ: Endured, from the Devil

Temptation: Christ: Endured, from the Wicked

Temptation: Christ: Intercedes for his People Under

Temptation: Christ: Overcame

Temptation: Christ: Resisted by the Word of God

Temptation: Christ: Sympathises With Those Under

Temptation: Comes From: Covetousness

Temptation: Comes From: Lusts

Temptation: David

Temptation: Does not Come from God

Temptation: Eve

Temptation: Evil Associates, the Instruments of

Temptation: General Scriptures Concerning

Temptation: Gideon Leads the People of Israel Into Sin

Temptation: God Cannot be the Subject of

Temptation: God Enables the Saints to Bear

Temptation: God Knows How to Deliver Saints out of

Temptation: God Will Make a Way for Saints to Escape out of

Temptation: God Will not Suffer Saints to be Exposed To, Beyond Their

Temptation: Has Strength Through the Weakness of the Flesh

Temptation: Jeroboam

Temptation: Jeroboam Leads the Northern Kingdom (Israel) Into

Temptation: Joseph

Temptation: Leading Into: Prayer Against Being Led Into

Temptation: Mere Professors Fall Away in Time of

Temptation: Often Arises Through: Poverty

Temptation: Often Arises Through: Prosperity

Temptation: Often Arises Through: Worldly Glory

Temptation: Often Ends in Sin and Perdition

Temptation: Often Strengthened by the Perversion of God's Word

Temptation: Paul

Temptation: Permitted As a Trial of Disinterestedness

Temptation: Permitted As a Trial of Faith

Temptation: Peter

Temptation: Resistance To

Temptation: Saints May be in Heaviness Through

Temptation: Saints should Avoid the Way of

Temptation: Saints should not to Occasion, to Others

Temptation: Saints should Pray to be Kept From

Temptation: Saints should Resist, in Faith

Temptation: Saints should Restore Those Overcome By

Temptation: Saints should Watch Against

Temptation: The Devil is the Author of

Temptation: The Devil Will Renew

Temptation: The Old Prophet of Beth-El, the Prophet of Judah

Temptation: To Distrust of God's Providence

Temptation: To Presumption

Temptation: To Worshipping the God of This World

Temptation: Yielding to Achan

Temptation: Yielding to Adam and Eve

Temptation: Yielding to Balaam

Temptation: Yielding to David, to Commit Adultery

Temptation: Yielding to Hezekiah

Temptation: Yielding to Isaac, to Lie

Temptation: Yielding to Jacob, to Defraud Esau

Temptation: Yielding to Peter

Temptation: Yielding to Sarah, to Lie

Temptation: Yielding to Solomon, to Become an Idolater Through the Influences of his Wives

Temptation: Yielding to The Prophet of Judah

Temptation: Yielding to To Count the Nation of Israel

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