7335 circumcision, physical
Dictionary of Bible Themes

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In the OT, circumcision is seen as an outward sign of membership of Israel, the people of God.

The significance of circumcision in God's covenant with Abraham

Genesis 17:10-14 See also Acts 7:8

Circumcision is also for Abraham's descendants

Genesis 17:7

Circumcision as a sign of national identity

Dinah's brothers and the Shechemites:

Genesis 34:8-9,14-17 Exodus 4:24-26; Joshua 5:4-8

Circumcision is integrated into the Mosaic law

Leviticus 12:3; John 7:22 It was later sometimes forgotten that circumcision predated the Mosaic law.

Circumcision as an important Passover restriction

Exodus 12:44,48-49; Judges 14:3 Some of Israel's neighbours practised circumcision, but not the Philistines.

Circumcision was not necessarily a sign of consecration to God

Jeremiah 9:25-26

NT accounts of circumcision practised in obedience to the law

Luke 1:59 John; Luke 2:21 Jesus Christ; John 7:23 Circumcision was permitted on the Sabbath; Philippians 3:5 Paul refers to his own circumcision; Acts 16:3 Timothy

The subject of circumcision debated by the first Christians

Acts 10:45; Acts 11:2; Acts 15:5; Galatians 2:3 That Titus, a Greek, was not required to be circumcised illustrates the change in the attitude of the church concerning the relevance of the law to Gentile believers; Ephesians 2:11; Colossians 3:11; Titus 1:10

See also

1348  covenant with Abraham
1680  types
5378  law, OT
6260  uncircumcised
7140  people of God
7422  ritual
7957  sacraments

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