People, Places, Outline Divorce; Let the little children; Rich Young Ruler; Jesus Predicts His Death; James and John's Request; Blind Bart People Bartimaeus, David, James, Jesus, John, Peter, Timaeus, Zabdi, Zebedee Places Jericho, Jordan River, Judea, Nazareth, Road to Jerusalem Outline 1. Jesus disputes with the Pharisees concerning divorce; 13. blesses the children that are brought unto him; 17. resolves a rich man how he may inherit everlasting life; 23. tells his disciples of the danger of riches; 28. promises rewards to those who forsake all for the gospel; 32. foretells his death and resurrection; 35. bids the two ambitious suitors to think rather of suffering with him; 46. and restores to Bartimaeus his sight. Links Interlinear Bible • Bible Commentaries • Bible Lexicon • Topical Bible • Bible Summary • Bible Outline • Bible Timeline • Children's Bible • Bible Hub Homepage |