Song of Mourning for the Leaders of Israel 1“As for you, take ‘[a]What A lioness She lay She raised 3‘When she brought He became And he learned He devoured 4‘Then nations He was caught And they brought To the land 5‘When she saw That her hope She took And made 6‘And he walked He became He learned He devoured 7‘He [c]destroyed And laid And the land Because 8‘Then nations On every And they spread He was caught 9‘They put And brought They brought So On the mountains 10‘Your mother Planted It was fruitful Because 11‘And it had And its height So that it was seen 12‘But it was uprooted It was thrown And the east [h]Its strong So that [j]it withered The fire 13‘And now In a dry 14‘And fire It has consumed So that there is no A scepter This [a] 2 Or Why did your mother, a lioness, lie down among lions; among young lions rear her cubs? [b] 5 Lit one [c] 7 As in Targum; MT knew [d] 7 Or widows [e] 9 Or iron [f] 10 As in some mss; MT blood [g] 11 Lit stems of strength [h] 12 Lit The stem of her strength [i] 12 As in LXX; MT were [j] 12 As in LXX; MT they [k] 14 Lit stem of strength New American Standard Bible Copyright © 1960, 1971, 1977, 1995, 2020 by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved. For Permission to Quote Information visit Bible Hub |