Psalm 34:1
Psalm 34:1
Of David. When he pretended to be insane before Abimelek, who drove him away, and he left. I will extol the LORD at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.

A psalm of David, regarding the time he pretended to be insane in front of Abimelech, who sent him away. I will praise the LORD at all times. I will constantly speak his praises.

Of David, when he changed his behavior before Abimelech, so that he drove him out, and he went away. I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

A Psalm of David when he feigned madness before Abimelech, who drove him away and he departed. I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

A Psalm of David, when he changed his behaviour before Abimelech; who drove him away, and he departed. I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

Concerning David, when he pretended to be insane in the presence of Abimelech, who drove him out, and he departed. I will praise the LORD at all times; His praise will always be on my lips.

I will bless the LORD at all times; his praise will be in my mouth continuously.

Written by David, when he pretended to be insane before Abimelech, causing the king to send him away. I will praise the LORD at all times; my mouth will continually praise him.

I shall bless Lord Jehovah in all times, and in all times shall his praises be in my mouth.

[By David when he pretended to be insane in the presence of Abimelech; Abimelech threw him out, so David left.] I will thank the LORD at all times. My mouth will always praise him.

Aleph I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

I will bless Jehovah at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

For David, when he changed his countenance before Achimelech, who dismissed him, and he went his way. [1 Kings 21.] I will bless the Lord at all times, his praise shall be always in my mouth.

{A Psalm of David; when he changed his behaviour before Abimelech, who drove him away, and he departed.} I will bless Jehovah at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

A Psalm of David; when he changed his behaviour before Abimelech, who drove him away, and he departed. I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

A Psalm of David, when he changed his behavior before Abimelech; who drove him away, and he departed. I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

I will bless Yahweh at all times. His praise will always be in my mouth.

By David, in his changing his behaviour before Abimelech, and he driveth him away, and he goeth. I do bless Jehovah at all times, Continually His praise is in my mouth.

Psalmet 34:1
Unë do ta bekoj Zotin në çdo kohë; lëvdimi i tij do të jetë gjithnjë në gojën time.

ﺍﻟﻤﺰﺍﻣﻴﺮ 34:1
لداود عندما غيّر عقله قدام ابيمالك فطرده فانطلق‎. ‎ابارك الرب في كل حين. دائما تسبيحه في فمي‎.

D Sälm 34:1
Von n Dafetn, dyrselbn, wie yr bei n Äbimelech auf taeumisch gmacht, und wie n der weiterghaut: [2] I will önn Herrn allzeit rüemen. Nie hoer i auf mit seinn Lobpreis.

Псалми 34:1
(По слав. 33). [Псалом] на Давида, когато се престори на луд пред Авимелеха, който го пусна, та си отиде. По еврейски азбучен псалом. Ще благославям Господа на всяко време Похвала към Него ще бъде винаги в устата ми.

詩 篇 34:1
( 大 衛 在 亞 比 米 勒 面 前 裝 瘋 , 被 他 趕 出 去 , 就 作 這 詩 。 ) 我 要 時 時 稱 頌 耶 和 華 ; 讚 美 他 的 話 必 常 在 我 口 中 。

( 大 卫 在 亚 比 米 勒 面 前 装 疯 , 被 他 赶 出 去 , 就 作 这 诗 。 ) 我 要 时 时 称 颂 耶 和 华 ; 赞 美 他 的 话 必 常 在 我 口 中 。



Psalm 34:1
Davidov. Kada se David pravio ludim pred Abimelekom, a on (DLR)ALEF (1a) Blagoslivljat ću Jahvu u svako doba, njegova će mi hvala biti svagda na ustima! (DLR)BET

Žalmů 34:1
Davidův, když proměnil oblíčej svůj před Abimelechem; pročež jsa od něho vyhnán, odšel. (1a) Dobrořečiti budu Hospodinu každého času, vždycky chvála jeho v ústech mých.

Salme 34:1
Af David, da han lod afsindig for Abimelek, og denne jog ham fra sig, og han drog bort. (2) Jeg vil love HERREN til hver en Tid, hans Pris skal stadig fylde min Mund;

Psalmen 34:1
Een psalm van David, als hij zijn gelaat veranderd had voor het aangezicht van Abimelech, die hem wegjoeg, dat hij doorging. (1a) Aleph. Ik zal den HEERE loven te aller tijd; Zijn lof zal geduriglijk in mijn mond zijn.

תהילים 34:1
לְדָוִ֗ד בְּשַׁנֹּותֹ֣ו אֶת־טַ֭עְמֹו לִפְנֵ֣י אֲבִימֶ֑לֶךְ וַֽ֝יְגָרֲשֵׁ֗הוּ וַיֵּלַֽךְ׃ אֲבָרֲכָ֣ה אֶת־יְהוָ֣ה בְּכָל־עֵ֑ת תָּ֝מִ֗יד תְּֽהִלָּתֹ֥ו בְּפִֽי׃

א לדוד--  בשנותו את-טעמו לפני אבימלך ויגרשהו וילך ב אברכה את-יהוה בכל-עת  תמיד תהלתו בפי

לדוד בשנותו את־טעמו לפני אבימלך ויגרשהו וילך׃ אברכה את־יהוה בכל־עת תמיד תהלתו בפי׃

Zsoltárok 34:1
Dávidé, mikor elváltoztatta értelmét Abimélek elõtt, és mikor ez elûzte õt és elment. (1a) Áldom az Urat minden idõben, dicsérete mindig ajkamon van!

La psalmaro 34:1
De David, kiam li sxajnigis sin freneza antaux Abimelehx, kaj tiu lin forpelis kaj li foriris. Mi gloros la Eternulon en cxiu tempo; CXiam lauxdo por Li estos en mia busxo.

Davidin Psalmi, koska hän muotonsa muutti Abimelekin edessä, joka hänen ajoi pois tyköänsä ja hän meni pois. (H34:2) Minä kiitän Herraa aina: hänen kiitoksensa on alati minun suussani.

Psaume 34:1
Je bénirai l'Éternel en tout temps; sa louange sera continuellement dans ma bouche.

De David. Lorsqu'il contrefit l'insensé en présence d'Abimélec, et qu'il s'en alla chassé par lui. Je bénirai l'Eternel en tout temps; Sa louange sera toujours dans ma bouche.

Psaume de David, sur ce qu'il changea son extérieur en la présence d'Abimélec, qui le chassa, et il s'en alla. [Aleph.] Je bénirai l'Eternel en tout temps, sa louange sera continuellement en ma bouche.

Psalm 34:1
Ein Psalm Davids, da er seine Gebärde verstellete vor Abimelech, der ihn von sich trieb, und er wegging.

Ein Psalm Davids, da er seine Gebärde verstellte vor Abimelech, als der ihn von sich trieb und er wegging. Ich will den HERRN loben allezeit; sein Lob soll immerdar in meinem Munde sein.

Von David, als er seinen Verstand vor Abimelech verstellte, und der ihn forttrieb, und er von dannen ging. 2 Ich will Jahwe preisen alle Zeit, sein Lob soll beständig in meinem Munde sein.

Salmi 34:1
Di Davide, quando si finse insensato davanti ad Abimelec e, cacciato da lui, se ne andò. Io benedirò l’Eterno in ogni tempo; la sua lode sarà del continuo nella mia bocca.

Salmo di Davide, intorno a ciò ch’egli si contraffece davanti ad Abimelec; onde esso lo cacciò via, ed egli se ne andò IO benedirò il Signore in ogni tempo; La sua lode sarà sempre nella mia bocca.

Mazmur Daud dari hal diubahkannya kelakuannya di hadapan Abimelekh, yang menghalaukan dia, sehingga iapun terlepas. (1a) Bahwa aku akan memuji Tuhan pada sediakala, dan kepujian-Nya akan selalu pada lidahku.

시편 34:1
(다윗이 아비멜렉 앞에서 미친체하다가 쫓겨나서 지은 시) 내가 여호와를 항상 송축함이여, 그를 송축함이 내 입에 계속하리로다

Psalmi 34:1
(33-1) David quando commutavit os suum coram Abimelech et eiecit eum et abiit (33-2) benedicam Domino in omni tempore semper laus eius in ore meo

Psalmynas 34:1
Šlovinsiu Viešpatį visada; nuolat girsiu Jį savo lūpomis.

Psalm 34:1
Na Rawiri, i tona ahua i rere ke ra i te aroaro o Apimereke; na pei ana ia, a haere ana. Ka whakapaingia e ahau a Ihowa i nga wa katoa; he whakamoemiti tonu ta toku mangai ki a ia.

Salmenes 34:1
Av David, da han tedde sig som vanvittig for Abimelek, og denne jog ham fra sig, og han gikk bort. (2) Jeg vil love Herren til enhver tid, hans pris skal alltid være i min munn.

Salmos 34:1
Bendeciré al SEÑOR en todo tiempo; continuamente estará su alabanza en mi boca.

Salmo de David cuando se fingió loco delante de Abimelec, quien lo echó, y él se fue. Bendeciré al SEÑOR en todo tiempo; Continuamente estará Su alabanza en mi boca.

«Salmo de David, cuando mudó su semblante delante de Abimelec, y él lo echó, y se fue» Bendeciré a Jehová en todo tiempo; su alabanza estará siempre en mi boca.

Salmo de David, cuando mudó su semblante delante de Abimelech, y él lo echó, y fuése. BENDECIRÉ á Jehová en todo tiempo; Su alabanza será siempre en mi boca.

De David, cuando mudó su semblante delante de Abimelec, y él lo echó, y se fue. Alef Bendeciré al SEÑOR en todo tiempo; su alabanza será siempre en mi boca.

Salmos 34:1
Um salmo de Davi, quando se fingiu de louco diante de Abimeleque, que o expulsou. E, assim pôde escapar. Bendirei o SENHOR em toda circunstância, seu louvor estará sempre em meus lábios.

Bendirei ao Senhor em todo o tempo; o seu louvor estará continuamente na minha boca.   

Psalmi 34:1
(Un psalm alcătuit de David, cînd a făcut pe nebunul în faţa lui Abimelec, şi a plecat izgonit de el.) Voi binecuvînta pe Domnul în orice vreme; lauda Lui va fi totdeauna în gura mea.

Псалтирь 34:1
(33:1) Псалом Давида, когда он притворился безумным пред Авимелехом и был изгнан от него и удалился. (33:2) Благословлю Господа во всякое время; хвала Ему непрестанно в устахмоих.

(33-1) ^^Псалом Давида, когда он притворился безумным пред Авимелехом и был изгнан от него и удалился.^^ (33-2) Благословлю Господа во всякое время; хвала Ему непрестанно в устах моих.[]

Psaltaren 34:1
Av David, här han ställde sig vansinnig inför Abimelek, och denne drev honom ifrån sig, och han gick sin väg. (1a) Jag vill lova HERREN alltid; hans pris skall ständigt vara i min mun.

Psalm 34:1
Aking pupurihin ang Panginoon sa buong panahon: ang pagpuri sa kaniya ay laging sasa aking bibig.

เพลงสดุดี 34:1
ข้าพเจ้าจะสรรเสริญพระเยโฮวาห์ตลอดไป คำสรรเสริญพระองค์อยู่ที่ปากข้าพเจ้าเรื่อยไป

Mezmurlar 34:1
Her zaman RABbe övgüler sunacağım,
Övgüsü dilimden düşmeyecek.[]

Thi-thieân 34:1
Tôi sẽ chúc tụng Ðức Giê-hô-va luôn luôn, Sự khen ngợi Ngài hằng ở nơi miệng tôi.

Psalm 33:22
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