Nehemiah 7:64
Nehemiah 7:64
These searched for their family records, but they could not find them and so were excluded from the priesthood as unclean.

They searched for their names in the genealogical records, but they were not found, so they were disqualified from serving as priests.

These sought their registration among those enrolled in the genealogies, but it was not found there, so they were excluded from the priesthood as unclean.

These searched among their ancestral registration, but it could not be located; therefore they were considered unclean and excluded from the priesthood.

These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy, but it was not found: therefore were they, as polluted, put from the priesthood.

These searched for their entries in the genealogical records, but they could not be found, so they were disqualified from the priesthood.

These people searched for their ancestral records, but they couldn't be located. Accordingly, they were considered disqualified from the priesthood.

They searched for their records in the genealogical materials, but none were found. They were therefore excluded from the priesthood.

These people searched for their [family] names in the genealogical records, but their names couldn't be found there. For this reason they were considered contaminated and couldn't be priests.

These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy, but it was not found; therefore, were they, as polluted, put from the priesthood.

These sought their registration among those that were enrolled by genealogy, but it was not found: therefore were they, as defiled, put from the priesthood.

These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy, but it was not found: therefore were they, as polluted, put from the priesthood.

These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy, but it was not found: therefore were they deemed polluted and put from the priesthood.

These sought their writing in the re- cord, and found it not: and they were cast out of the priesthood.

These sought their genealogical register, but it was not found; therefore were they, as polluted, removed from the priesthood.

These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy, but it was not found: therefore were they deemed polluted and put from the priesthood.

These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy, but it was not found: therefore were they, as polluted, put from the priesthood.

These sought their register [among] those who were reckoned by genealogy, but it was not found: therefore were they deemed polluted and put from the priesthood.

These have sought their register among those reckoning themselves by genealogy, and it hath not been found, and they are redeemed from the priesthood,

Nehemia 7:64
Këta kërkuan listat e tyre midis atyre që ishin regjistruar në gjenealogjitë, por nuk i gjetën; prandaj u përjashtuan nga priftëria si të papastër;

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 7:64
هؤلاء فحصوا عن كتابة انسابهم فلم توجد فرذلوا من الكهنوت.

Dyr Nehymies 7:64
Die Truchtn haetnd in n Roster ienern Stammbaaum aushersuechen laassn; aber mir fandd nixn, und drum wurdnd s aus n Priesterstand ausgschlossn.

Неемия 7:64
те потърсиха регистъра си [между] преброените по родословие, но не се намери; затова, те бидоха извадени от свещенството като скверни.

尼 希 米 記 7:64
這 三 家 的 人 在 族 譜 之 中 尋 查 自 己 的 譜 系 , 卻 尋 不 著 , 因 此 算 為 不 潔 , 不 准 供 祭 司 的 職 任 。

这 三 家 的 人 在 族 谱 之 中 寻 查 自 己 的 谱 系 , 却 寻 不 着 , 因 此 算 为 不 洁 , 不 准 供 祭 司 的 职 任 。



Nehemiah 7:64
Ovi su ljudi tražili svoj zapis u rodovnicima, ali ga nisu mogli naći: bili su isključeni iz svećeništva

Kinha Nehemiášova 7:64
Ti vyhledávali jeden každý zapsání o sobě, chtíce prokázati rod svůj, ale nenašlo se. A protož zbaveni jsou kněžství.

Nehemias 7:64
De ledte efter deres Slægtebøger, men kunde ikke finde dem; derfor blev de som urene udelukket fra Præstestanden.

Nehemia 7:64
Dezen zochten hun geschrift, willende hun geslacht rekenen, maar het werd niet gevonden; daarom werden zij als onreinen van het priesterdom geweerd.

נחמיה 7:64
אֵ֗לֶּה בִּקְשׁ֧וּ כְתָבָ֛ם הַמִּתְיַחְשִׂ֖ים וְלֹ֣א נִמְצָ֑א וַיְגֹֽאֲל֖וּ מִן־הַכְּהֻנָּֽה׃

סד אלה בקשו כתבם המתיחשים--ולא נמצא ויגאלו מן הכהנה

אלה בקשו כתבם המתיחשים ולא נמצא ויגאלו מן־הכהנה׃

Nehemiás 7:64
Ezek keresték írásukat, tudniillik nemzetségök könyvét, de nem találák, miért is kirekesztetének a papságból;

Neĥemja 7:64
Ili sercxis siajn dokumentojn genealogiajn, sed cxi tiuj ne trovigxis; tial ili estis eligitaj el la listo de la pastroj.

Nämä etsivät sukukuntansa polvilukukirjaa; ja ettei sitä löydetty, hyljättiin he pappeudesta.

Néhémie 7:64
Ceux-ci cherchèrent leur inscription généalogique, mais elle ne se trouva pas; et ils furent exclus, comme profanes, de la sacrificature.

Ils cherchèrent leurs titres généalogiques, mais ils ne les trouvèrent point. On les exclut du sacerdoce,

Ils cherchèrent leur registre en recherchant leur généalogie, mais ils n'y furent point trouvés ; c'est pourquoi ils furent exclus de la Sacrificature.

Nehemia 7:64
Diese suchten ihr Geburtsregister; und da sie es nicht fanden, wurden sie los vom Priestertum.

Diese suchten ihr Geburtsregister; und da sie es nicht fanden, wurden sie untüchtig geachtet zum Priestertum. {~}

Diese suchten ihre Geschlechtsverzeichnisse, aber sie waren nicht zu finden; daher wurden sie vom Priestertum ausgeschlossen.

Neemia 7:64
Questi cercarono i loro titoli genealogici, ma non li trovarono, e furon quindi esclusi, come impuri, dal sacerdozio;

Costoro cercarono il nome loro scritto fra quelli ch’erano descritti nelle genealogie, ma non furono trovati; laonde furono appartati dal sacerdozio, come persone non consacrate.

Maka orang-orang itu lagi mencahari surat asalnya, tetapi tiada didapatinya akan dia, maka sebab itu mereka itu dijauhkan dari pada imamat seperti orang yang najis adanya.

느헤미아 7:64
이 사람들이 보계중에서 자기 이름을 찾아도 얻지 못한고로 저희를 부정하게 여겨 제사장의 직분을 행치 못하게 하고

Nehemiae 7:64
hii quaesierunt scripturam suam in censu et non invenerunt et eiecti sunt de sacerdotio

Nehemijo knyga 7:64
Jie ieškojo savo vardų giminių sąrašuose, tačiau nerado; todėl jie buvo atskirti nuo kunigystės kaip susitepę.

Nehemiah 7:64
I rapua e enei te whakapapa o o ratou tupuna i roto i te hunga kua oti te whakapapa; heoi kihai i kitea: na reira i kiia ai ratou he poke, i mutu ake ai to ratou tohungatanga.

Nehemias 7:64
Disse lette efter sine ættelister, men de fantes ikke; de blev da utelukket fra prestedømmet som uverdige dertil,

Nehemías 7:64
Estos buscaron en su registro de genealogías pero no se hallaron, y fueron considerados inmundos y excluidos del sacerdocio.

Estos buscaron en su registro de genealogías pero no se hallaron, y fueron considerados inmundos y excluidos del sacerdocio.

Éstos, buscaron su registro de genealogías, y no se halló; y como algo contaminado, fueron excluidos del sacerdocio. 462

Estos buscaron su registro de genealogías, y no se halló; y fueron echados del sacerdocio.

Estos buscaron su registro de genealogías, y no se halló; y fueron echados del sacerdocio.

Neemias 7:64
Estes procuraram os seus registros entre os que estavam inscritos nos documentos genealógicos, mas não os conseguiram encontrar. Consequentemente, por serem considerados impuros, tiveram que ser sumariamente excluídos do sacerdócio.

Estes buscaram o seu registro entre os arrolados nos registros genealógicos, mas não foi encontrado; pelo que, tidos por imundos, foram excluídos do sacerdócio.   

Neemia 7:64
Şi-au căutat cartea spiţelor neamului lor, dar n'au găsit -o. De aceea au fost daţi afară din preoţie,

Неемия 7:64
Они искали родословной своей записи, и не нашлось, и потому исключены из священства.

Они искали родословной своей записи, и не нашлось, и потому исключены из священства.[]

Nehemja 7:64
Dessa sökte efter sina släktregister, men man kunde icke finna dem; därför blevo de såsom ovärdiga uteslutna från prästadömet.

Nehemiah 7:64
Ang mga ito ay nagsihanap ng kanilang talaan ng lahi sa mga yaon na nangabilang sa pamamagitan ng talaan ng lahi, nguni't hindi nasumpungan: kaya't sila'y nangabilang na hawa, at nangaalis sa pagkasaserdote.

เนหะมีย์ 7:64
คนเหล่านี้หาการลงทะเบียนของเขาในทะเบียนสำมะโนครัวเชื้อสาย แต่หาไม่พบ จึงถือว่าเป็นมลทิน และถูกตัดออกจากตำแหน่งปุโรหิต

Nehemya 7:64
Bunlar soy kütüklerini aradılar. Ama yazılı bir kayıt bulamayınca, kâhinlik görevi ellerinden alındı.[]

Neâ-heâ-mi 7:64
Các người ấy tìm kiếm gia phổ mình, nhưng không thấy, bèn bị trừ ra chức tế lễ, kể cho là ô uế.

Nehemiah 7:63
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