Nehemiah 10:33
Nehemiah 10:33
for the bread set out on the table; for the regular grain offerings and burnt offerings; for the offerings on the Sabbaths, at the New Moon feasts and at the appointed festivals; for the holy offerings; for sin offerings to make atonement for Israel; and for all the duties of the house of our God.

This will provide for the Bread of the Presence; for the regular grain offerings and burnt offerings; for the offerings on the Sabbaths, the new moon celebrations, and the annual festivals; for the holy offerings; and for the sin offerings to make atonement for Israel. It will provide for everything necessary for the work of the Temple of our God.

for the showbread, the regular grain offering, the regular burnt offering, the Sabbaths, the new moons, the appointed feasts, the holy things, and the sin offerings to make atonement for Israel, and for all the work of the house of our God.

for the showbread, for the continual grain offering, for the continual burnt offering, the sabbaths, the new moon, for the appointed times, for the holy things and for the sin offerings to make atonement for Israel, and all the work of the house of our God.

For the shewbread, and for the continual meat offering, and for the continual burnt offering, of the sabbaths, of the new moons, for the set feasts, and for the holy things, and for the sin offerings to make an atonement for Israel, and for all the work of the house of our God.

the bread displayed before the LORD, the daily grain offering, the regular burnt offering, the Sabbath and New Moon offerings, the appointed festivals, the holy things, the sin offerings to atone for Israel, and for all the work of the house of our God.

for the bread set out on the table, for the daily grain offering, for the continual burnt offering, for the Sabbath offerings, for the New Moon festivals, for the appointed festivals, for the holy offerings, for the sin offerings to make atonement for Israel, and for all the service of the Temple of our God.

for the loaves of presentation and for the regular grain offerings and regular burnt offerings, for the Sabbaths, for the new moons, for the appointed meetings, for the holy offerings, for the sin offerings to make atonement for Israel, and for all the work of the temple of our God.

for rows of the bread of the presence, and for the daily grain offerings and daily burnt offerings, on the weekly days of worship, and on the New Moon Festivals, and at the appointed annual festivals, for the holy gifts and offerings for sin that make peace with God for Israel, and for all the other work in the temple of our God.

for the showbread and for the continual present and for the continual burnt offering, and of the sabbaths and of the new moons, for the appointed feasts and for the holy things and for the atonement for sin to reconcile Israel and for all the work of the house of our God.

For the showbread, and for the continual grain offering, and for the continual burnt offering, of the sabbaths, of the new moons, for the set feasts, and for the holy things, and for the sin offerings to make an atonement for Israel, and for all the work of the house of our God.

For the show bread, and for the continual meat offering, and for the continual burnt offering, of the sabbaths, of the new moons, for the set feasts, and for the holy things, and for the sin offerings to make an atonement for Israel, and for all the work of the house of our God.

for the showbread, and for the continual meal-offering, and for the continual burnt-offering, for the sabbaths, for the new moons, for the set feasts, and for the holy things, and for the sin-offerings to make atonement for Israel, and for all the work of the house of our God.

For the leaves of proposition, and for the continual sacrifice, and for a continual holocaust on the sabbaths, on the new moons, on the set feasts, and for the holy things, and for the sin offering: that atonement might be made for Israel, and for every use of the house of our God.

for the bread to be set in rows, and for the continual oblation, and for the continual burnt-offering, for that of the sabbaths and of the new moons, for the set feasts and for the holy things, and for the sin-offerings to make an atonement for Israel, and for all the work of the house of our God.

for the shewbread, and for the continual meal offering, and for the continual burnt offering, of the sabbaths, of the new moons, for the set feasts, and for the holy things, and for the sin offerings to make atonement for Israel, and for all the work of the house of our God.

For the show-bread, and for the continual meat-offering, and for the continual burnt-offering, of the sabbaths, of the new moons, for the set feasts, and for the holy things, and for the sin-offerings to make an atonement for Israel, and for all the work of the house of our God.

for the show bread, and for the continual meal offering, and for the continual burnt offering, for the Sabbaths, for the new moons, for the set feasts, and for the holy things, and for the sin offerings to make atonement for Israel, and for all the work of the house of our God.

for bread of the arrangement, and the continual present, and the continual burnt-offering of the sabbaths, of the new moons, for appointed seasons, and for holy things, and for sin-offerings, to make atonement for Israel, even all the work of the house of our God.

Nehemia 10:33
për bukët e paraqitjes, për blatimin e përjetshëm të ushqimit, për olokaustin e përjetshëm të të shtunave, të ditëve të hënës së re, të festave të caktuara, për gjërat e shenjtëruara, për ofertat e bëra për mëkatin, për shlyerjen e fajit të Izraelit, dhe për çdo punë të kryer në shtëpinë e Perëndisë tonë.

ﻧﺤﻤﻴﺎ 10:33
لخبز الوجوه والتقدمة الدائمة والمحرقة الدائمة والسبوت والاهلّة والمواسم والاقداس وذبائح الخطية للتكفير عن اسرائيل ولكل عمل بيت الهنا.

Dyr Nehymies 10:33
für d Schaubrooter, s tögliche Speis- und Brandopfer, für d Sams-, Neumaand- und Feirtygopfer, für d Weih- und für d Sündopfer, durch die was Isryheel versuent werd, und für allsand Arechtn in n Haus von ünsern Got.

Неемия 10:33
за присътствените хлябове, за постоянния хлебен принос, за постоянното всеизгаряне, в съботите и на новолунията и на празниците, и за светите неща, за приносите за грях в умилостивение за Израиля, и за всичката работа на дома на нашия Бог.

尼 希 米 記 10:33
就 是 為 陳 設 餅 、 常 獻 的 素 祭 , 和 燔 祭 , 安 息 日 、 月 朔 、 節 期 所 獻 的 與 聖 物 , 並 以 色 列 人 的 贖 罪 祭 , 以 及 我 們   神 殿 裡 一 切 的 費 用 。

就 是 为 陈 设 饼 、 常 献 的 素 祭 , 和 燔 祭 , 安 息 日 、 月 朔 、 节 期 所 献 的 与 圣 物 , 并 以 色 列 人 的 赎 罪 祭 , 以 及 我 们   神 殿 里 一 切 的 费 用 。



Nehemiah 10:33
za postavljeni kruh, za trajne prinosnice i za svagdanje paljenice, za žrtve subotnje, mladog mjeseca, blagdanske i za okajnice, da se pomiri Izrael; i za svaku službu u Domu Boga našega.

Kinha Nehemiášova 10:33
Na chleby zpořádaní, i obět ustavičnou, i na zápal ustavičný k sobotám, novměsícům a slavnostem, i na věci svaté, i oběti za hříchy k očištění Izraele, i na všecko přisluhování domu Boha našeho.

Nehemias 10:33
til Skuebrødene, det daglige Afgrødeoffer, det daglige Brændoffer, Ofrene paa Sabbaterne, Nymaanedagene og Højtiderne, Helligofrene og Syndofrene til Soning for Israel og til alt Arbejde ved vor Guds Hus.

Nehemia 10:33
Tot het brood der toerichting, en het gedurig spijsoffer, en tot het gedurig brandoffer, der sabbatten, der nieuwe maanden, tot de gezette hoogtijden, en tot de heilige dingen, en tot de zondofferen, om verzoening te doen over Israel; en tot alle werk van het huis onzes Gods.

נחמיה 10:33
לְלֶ֣חֶם הַֽמַּעֲרֶ֡כֶת וּמִנְחַ֣ת הַתָּמִ֣יד וּלְעֹולַ֣ת הַ֠תָּמִיד הַשַּׁבָּתֹ֨ות הֶחֳדָשִׁ֜ים לַמֹּועֲדִ֗ים וְלַקֳּדָשִׁים֙ וְלַ֣חַטָּאֹ֔ות לְכַפֵּ֖ר עַל־יִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וְכֹ֖ל מְלֶ֥אכֶת בֵּית־אֱלֹהֵֽינוּ׃ ס

לד ללחם המערכת ומנחת התמיד ולעולת התמיד השבתות החדשים למועדים ולקדשים ולחטאות--לכפר על ישראל וכל מלאכת בית אלהינו  {ס}

ללחם המערכת ומנחת התמיד ולעולת התמיד השבתות החדשים למועדים ולקדשים ולחטאות לכפר על־ישראל וכל מלאכת בית־אלהינו׃ ס

Nehemiás 10:33
A szent kenyerekre, a szüntelen való ételáldozatra és a szüntelen való égõáldozatra, a szombatokon, újholdak napján [viendõ áldozatokra,] az ünnepnapokra, a szent dolgokra, a bûnért való áldozatokra, hogy [mindezek] megtisztítsák Izráelt; és a mi Istenünk házának minden munkájára;

Neĥemja 10:33
por la panoj de propono, por la cxiutaga farunofero, por la cxiutaga brulofero, por la sabatoj, monatkomencoj, festoj, por la sanktajxoj, por pekoferoj, por pekliberigi Izraelon, kaj por cxiuj laboroj en la domo de nia Dio.

Näkyleiväksi, alinomaiseksi ruokauhriksi, alinomaiseksi polttouhriksi, sabbatina, uusilla kuilla ja juhlapäivinä, ja pyhitetyille, ja syntiuhriksi, jolla Israel sovitetaan, ja kaikkinaiseksi tarpeeksi Jumalamme huoneessa.

Néhémie 10:33
pour les pains à placer en rangées, et pour l'offrande de gâteau continuelle, et pour les holocaustes, l'holocauste continuel, celui des sabbats, et celui des nouvelles lunes, pour les jours solennels et pour les choses saintes, et pour les sacrifices pour le péché, afin de faire propitiation pour Israël, et pour toute l'oeuvre de la maison de notre Dieu.

pour les pains de proposition, pour l'offrande perpétuelle, pour l'holocauste perpétuel des sabbats, des nouvelles lunes et des fêtes, pour les choses consacrées, pour les sacrifices d'expiation en faveur d'Israël, et pour tout ce qui se fait dans la maison de notre Dieu.

Pour les pains de proposition, pour le gâteau continuel, et pour l'holocauste continuel; et pour ceux des Sabbats, des nouvelles lunes, et des fêtes solennelles; pour les choses saintes, et pour les offrandes pour le péché, afin de réconcilier Israël; enfin, pour tout ce qui se faisait dans la maison de notre Dieu.

Nehemia 10:33
nämlich zu Schaubrot, zu täglichem Speisopfer, zu täglichem Brandopfer des Sabbats, der Neumonden und Festtage und zu dem Geheiligten und zu Sündopfer, damit Israel versöhnet werde, und zu allem Geschäfte im Hause unsers Gottes.

nämlich zu Schaubrot, zu täglichem Speisopfer, zum täglichen Brandopfer, zum Opfer des Sabbats, der Neumonde und Festtage und zu dem Geheiligten und zum Sündopfer, damit Israel versöhnt werde, und zu allem Geschäft im Hause unsers Gottes. {~}

nämlich für die reihenweise aufgelegten Brote, das regelmäßige Speisopfer und das regelmäßige Brandopfer, die Opfer an den Sabbaten und den Neumondstagen, für die Festopfer, die Dankopfer und die Sündopfer, um Israel Sühne zu schaffen, und für den ganzen Dienst am Tempel unseres Gottes.

Neemia 10:33
per i pani della presentazione, per l’oblazione perpetua, per l’olocausto perpetuo dei sabati, dei noviluni, delle feste, per le cose consacrate, per i sacrifizi d’espiazione a pro d’Israele, e per tutta l’opera della casa del nostro Dio;

per li pani che si doveano disporre per ordine, e per l’offerta continua, e per l’olocausto continuo; e per quelli de’ sabati, delle calendi, e delle feste solenni: e per le cose sante, e per li sacrificii per lo peccato, per fare il purgamento, de’ peccati per Israele, e per ogni altra cosa che si conveniva fare nella Casa dell’Iddio nostro.

yaitu akan roti sajian dan akan persembahan makanan yang selalu dan akan korban bakaran yang selalu pada segala hari sabat dan bulan baharu dan masa raya yang tertentu, dan akan segala benda yang suci dan akan segala korban karena dosa, akan mengadakan gafirat atas orang Israel, dan akan segala pekerjaan bait Allah kami.

느헤미아 10:33
곧 진설병과 항상 드리는 소제와 항상 드리는 번제와 안식일과 초하루와 정한 절기에 쓸 것과 성물과 이스라엘을 위하는 속죄제와 우리 하나님의 전의 모든 일을 위하여 쓰게 하였고

Nehemiae 10:33
ad panes propositionis et ad sacrificium sempiternum et in holocaustum sempiternum in sabbatis in kalendis in sollemnitatibus et in sanctificatis et pro peccato ut exoretur pro Israhel et in omnem usum domus Dei nostri

Nehemijo knyga 10:33
padėtinei duonai, nuolatinei duonos aukai, nuolatinei deginamajai aukai, sabatų aukoms, jauno mėnulio ir iškilmingų švenčių aukoms, šventiems daiktams, aukoms už nuodėmę Izraeliui sutaikinti ir kitiems Dievo namų reikalams.

Nehemiah 10:33
Mo te taro aroaro, mo te whakahere totokore tuturu, mo nga tahunga tinana tuturu o nga hapati, o nga kowhititanga marama, mo nga hakari tuturu, mo nga mea tapu, mo nga whakahere hara, hei whakamarie mo Iharaira; mo te mahi katoa ano o te whare o to matou Atua.

Nehemias 10:33
til skuebrødene og det daglige matoffer og det daglige brennoffer og til offerne på sabbatene, nymånedagene og høitidene og til takkofferne og til syndofferne som tjente til soning for Israel, og til alt arbeidet i vår Guds hus.

Nehemías 10:33
para el pan de la proposición y la ofrenda continua de cereal; para el holocausto continuo, los días de reposo, las lunas nuevas y las fiestas señaladas; para las cosas sagradas, para las ofrendas por el pecado para hacer expiación por Israel y para toda la obra de la casa de nuestro Dios.

para los panes de la proposición y la ofrenda continua de cereal; para el holocausto continuo, los días de reposo, las lunas nuevas y las fiestas señaladas; para las cosas sagradas, para las ofrendas por el pecado para hacer expiación por Israel y para toda la obra de la casa de nuestro Dios.

Para el pan de la proposición, y para la ofrenda continua, y para el holocausto continuo, de los sábados, y de las nuevas lunas, y de las festividades, y para las santificaciones y sacrificios por el pecado para expiar a Israel, y para toda la obra de la casa de nuestro Dios.

Para el pan de la proposición, y para la ofrenda continua, y para el holocausto continuo, de los sábados, y de las nuevas lunas, y de las festividades, y para las santificaciones y sacrificios por el pecado para expiar á Israel, y para toda la obra de la

para el pan de la proposición, y para la ofrenda continua, y para el holocausto continuo, y de los sábados, y de las nuevas lunas, y de las festividades, y para las santificaciones y para las expiaciones para expiar a Israel, y para toda la obra de la Casa de nuestro Dios.

Neemias 10:33
para a preparação dos pães consagrados, isto é, os pães que ficavam sobre a mesa no santuário, para as ofertas regulares de cereal e para os holocaustos, os sacrifícios totalmente queimados, para as ofertas dos sábados, das festas de lua nova e das festas com datas fixas, bem como às ofertas sagradas, para as ofertas pelo pecado a fim de fazer propiciação por Israel, e para as necessidades do templo de nosso Deus.

para os pães da proposição, para a contínua oferta de cereais, para o contínuo holocausto dos sábados e das luas novas, para as festas fixas, para as coisas sagradas, para as ofertas pelo pecado a fim de fazer expiação por Israel, e para toda a obra da casa do nosso Deus.   

Neemia 10:33
pentru pînile pentru punerea înaintea Domnului, pentru darul de mîncare necurmat, pentru arderea de tot necurmată din zilele de Sabat, din zilele de lună nouă şi din zilele de sărbători, pentru lucrurile închinate Domnului, pentru jertfele de ispăşire pentru Israel, şi pentru tot ce se face în Casa Dumnezeului nostru.

Неемия 10:33
на хлебы предложения, на всегдашнее хлебное приношение и на всегдашнее всесожжение, на субботы, на новомесячия, на праздники, на священные вещи и на жертвы за грех для очищения Израиля, и на все, совершаемое в доме Бога нашего.

на хлебы предложения, на всегдашнее хлебное приношение и на всегдашнее всесожжение, на субботы, на новомесячия, на праздники, на священные вещи и на жертвы за грех для очищения Израиля, и на все, совершаемое в доме Бога нашего.[]

Nehemja 10:33
nämligen till skådebröden, och till det dagliga brännoffret, och till offren på sabbaterna, vid nymånaderna och högtiderna, och till tackoffren, och till syndoffren för Israels försoning, och till allt arbete i vår Guds hus.

Nehemiah 10:33
Ukol sa tinapay na handog, at sa palaging handog na harina, at sa palaging handog na susunugin, sa mga sabbath, sa mga bagong buwan sa mga takdang kapistahan, at sa mga banal na bagay at sa mga handog dahil sa kasalanan upang itubos sa Israel, at sa lahat na gawain sa bahay ng aming Dios,

เนหะมีย์ 10:33
คือให้เป็นราคาขนมปังหน้าพระพักตร์ ธัญญบูชาเนืองนิตย์ เครื่องเผาบูชาเนืองนิตย์ สำหรับสะบาโตต่างๆ วันขึ้นหนึ่งค่ำ เทศกาลกำหนดต่างๆ สิ่งของบริสุทธิ์ และเครื่องบูชาไถ่บาปเพื่อทำการลบมลทินบาปของพวกอิสราเอล สำหรับงานทุกอย่างในพระนิเวศของพระเจ้าของเราทั้งหลาย

Nehemya 10:33

Neâ-heâ-mi 10:33
về bánh trần thiết, về của lễ chay thường dâng, về của lễ thiêu hằng hiến, về của lễ dâng trong ngày sa-bát, trong ngày mồng một, và trong các ngày lễ trọng thể, lại dùng về các vật thánh, về của lễ chuộc tội cho dân Y-sơ-ra-ên, và về các công việc làm trong đền Ðức Chúa Trời của chúng tôi.

Nehemiah 10:32
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