Job 4:6
Job 4:6
Should not your piety be your confidence and your blameless ways your hope?

Doesn't your reverence for God give you confidence? Doesn't your life of integrity give you hope?

Is not your fear of God your confidence, and the integrity of your ways your hope?

"Is not your fear of God your confidence, And the integrity of your ways your hope?

Is not this thy fear, thy confidence, thy hope, and the uprightness of thy ways?

Isn't your piety your confidence, and the integrity of your life your hope?

"Your fear of God has been your confidence, hasn't it? The integrity of your life has been your hope, hasn't it?

Is not your piety your confidence, and your blameless ways your hope?

Doesn't your fear of God give you confidence and your lifetime of integrity give you hope?

Is not this thy fear, thy confidence, thy hope, and the integrity of thy ways?

Is not this your fear, your confidence, your hope, and the uprightness of your ways?

Is not this your fear, your confidence, your hope, and the uprightness of your ways?

Is not thy fear of God thy confidence, And the integrity of thy ways thy hope?

Where is thy fear, thy fortitude, thy patience, and the perfection of thy ways?

Hath not thy piety been thy confidence, and the perfection of thy ways thy hope?

Is not thy fear of God thy confidence, and thy hope the integrity of thy ways?

Is not this thy fear, thy confidence, thy hope, and the uprightness of thy ways?

Isn't your piety your confidence? Isn't the integrity of your ways your hope?

Is not thy reverence thy confidence? Thy hope -- the perfection of thy ways?

Jobi 4:6
Mëshira jote a nuk është vallë besimi yt, dhe ndershmëria e sjelljes sate, shpresa jote?

ﺃﻳﻮﺏ 4:6
أليست تقواك هي معتمدك ورجاؤك كمال طرقك.

Dyr Hieb 4:6
Bedeutt n dös dir nix, däßst frumm gwösn bist allzeit; dein Tuget müesset doch dir Hoffnung göbn vollauf.

Йов 4:6
В страха ти [от Бога] не е ли твоето упование, И в правотата на пътищата ти твоята надежда?

約 伯 記 4:6
你 的 倚 靠 不 是 在 你 敬 畏   神 麼 ? 你 的 盼 望 不 是 在 你 行 事 純 正 麼 ?

你 的 倚 靠 不 是 在 你 敬 畏   神 麽 ? 你 的 盼 望 不 是 在 你 行 事 纯 正 麽 ?



Job 4:6
Zar pobožnost tvoja nadu ti ne daje, neporočnost tvoja životu ufanje?

Jobova 4:6
Nebylo-liž náboženství tvé nadějí tvou, a upřímost cest tvých očekáváním tvým?

Job 4:6
Er ikke din Gudsfrygt din Tillid, din fromme Færd dit Haab?

Job 4:6
Was niet uw vreze Gods uw hoop, en de oprechtheid uwer wegen uw verwachting?

איוב 4:6
הֲלֹ֣א יִ֭רְאָתְךָ כִּסְלָתֶ֑ךָ תִּ֝קְוָתְךָ֗ וְתֹ֣ם דְּרָכֶֽיךָ׃

ו הלא יראתך כסלתך  תקותך ותם דרכיך

הלא יראתך כסלתך תקותך ותם דרכיך׃

Jób 4:6
Nem bizodalmad-é a te istenfélelmed, s nem reménységed- é utaidnak becsületessége?

Ijob 4:6
CXu ne via timo antaux Dio estas via konsolo? CXu la virteco de viaj vojoj ne estas via espero?

JOB 4:6
Tämäkö on sinun (Jumalan) pelkos, sinun uskallukses, sinun toivos ja sinun vakuutes?

Job 4:6
Ta crainte de Dieu n'est-elle pas ta confiance, et l'intégrité de tes voies, ton espérance?

Ta crainte de Dieu n'est-elle pas ton soutien? Ton espérance, n'est-ce pas ton intégrité?

Ta piété n'a-t-elle pas été ton espérance? et l'intégrité de tes voies [n'a-t-elle pas été] ton attente?

Hiob 4:6
Ist das deine (Gottes-)Furcht, dein Trost, deine Hoffnung und deine Frömmigkeit?

Ist nicht deine Gottesfurcht dein Trost, deine Hoffnung die Unsträflichkeit deiner Wege?

Ist deine Gottesfurcht nicht dein Vertrauen, und deine Hoffnung dein unsträflich Leben?

Giobbe 4:6
La tua pietà non è forse la tua fiducia, e l’integrità della tua vita la speranza tua?

La tua pietà non è ella stata la tua speranza, E l’integrità delle tue vie la tua aspettazione?

AYUB 4:6
Bukankah takutmu akan Allah itulah pengharapanmu? bukankah kebenaran jalanmu itulah amanatmu?

욥기 4:6
네 의뢰가 경외함에 있지 아니하냐 ? 네 소망이 네 행위를 완전히 함에 있지 아니하냐 ?

Iob 4:6
timor tuus fortitudo tua patientia tua et perfectio viarum tuarum

Jobo knyga 4:6
Ar tai tavo baimė, pasitikėjimas, viltis ir tiesumas tavo kelių?

Job 4:6
He taka ianei kei tou wehi ki te Atua he okiokinga whakaaro mou? Kei te tapatahi o ou huarahi he tumanakohanga mou?

Jobs 4:6
Er ikke din gudsfrykt din tillit, din ulastelige ferd ditt håp?

Job 4:6
¿No es tu temor a Dios tu confianza, y la integridad de tus caminos tu esperanza?

¿No es tu temor (reverencia) a Dios tu confianza, Y la integridad de tus caminos tu esperanza?

¿Es éste tu temor, tu confianza, tu esperanza, y la integridad de tus caminos?

¿Es este tu temor, tu confianza, Tu esperanza, y la perfección de tus caminos?

¿Es éste tu temor, tu confianza, tu esperanza, y la perfección de tus caminos?

Jó 4:6
Acaso tua confiança não está alicerçada no teu temor a Deus, e a tua esperança, em teu procedimento irrepreensível?

Porventura não está a tua confiança no teu temor de Deus, e a tua esperança na integridade dos teus caminhos?   

Iov 4:6
Nădejdea ta, nu -i neprihănirea ta?

Иов 4:6
Богобоязненность твоя не должна ли быть твоею надеждою, и непорочность путей твоих – упованием твоим?

Богобоязненность твоя не должна ли быть твоею надеждою, и непорочность путей твоих--упованием твоим?[]

Job 4:6
Skulle då icke din gudsfruktan vara din tillförsikt och dina vägars ostrafflighet ditt hopp?

Job 4:6
Hindi ba ang iyong takot sa Dios ay ang iyong tiwala, at ang iyong pagasa ay ang pagtatapat ng iyong mga lakad?

โยบ 4:6
ความยำเกรงของท่าน ความมั่นใจของท่าน ความหวังของท่าน และการประพฤติดีรอบคอบของท่านอยู่ที่ไหนเล่า

Eyüp 4:6
Senin güvendiğin Tanrıdan korkun değil mi,
Umudun kusursuz yaşamında değil mi?[]

Gioùp 4:6
Ông kính sợ Ðức Chúa Trời, ấy há chẳng phải nơi nương nhờ của ông? Tánh hạnh hoàn toàn của ông, há chẳng phải sự trông cậy của ông sao?

Job 4:5
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